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Breaking News: Romney is "pro-life" candidate...today...stay t


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You got the wrong person...I never "tried to stick" any of those things on Romney...not even once. All stupid issues (though I am intrigues by the "dead wife" thing...I never heard that)


You don't find it all curious that the guy changes his position every 24 hours? He did so well in the debate (and I agree, he gave great performance) because he just basically changed his position on nearly everything that was discussed...hard to have a debate when someone just agrees with everything...the fact that his campaign had to go out the following week, and assure the wing-nuts that Romney didn't really mean anything he said in the debate must be comforting.




Romney "evolves" by the minute.


Now that's great. So you say you've never tried to stick any of those on Romney but in the same post you come up with the absurd line that he changes his positon every 24 hours. Good job...good job.

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Now that's great. So you say you've never tried to stick any of those on Romney but in the same post you come up with the absurd line that he changes his positon every 24 hours. Good job...good job.


I have never mentioned "Big Bird", Ann Romney's horse, or any of the other things that were mentioned in regards to Romney, becasue they are stupid issues...


I don't, however, find a candidate who reverses course, on a nearly daily basis, or has his campaign deny that he meant what he said afterwards, to be a "silly issue". It speaks volumes about the candidate. First comment was Tuesday, with "clarifiacation" on Wednesday.


During the debate, Romney basically said that his "healthcare policy" provided continuous care for people with pre-existing conditions...negelcting to mention that his plan is like what already existed...pre-existing conditions as long as you weren't un-insured for 3 months prior. During the debate, Romney was all for the content of Obamacare, but firmly opposed to it.


So, maybe he is not a "flip-flopper", sorry if that term offends his supporters, but he is certainly evasive and misleading...he isn't a dumb guy, so I assume this is his intent. On Tuesday, he wanted to assure the "uninformed" female voters that they should have no concerns on reproductive issues...but on Wednesday, when that caused a ripple with a certain right-wing group of voters, he had to assure them that he did, indeed, intend to change the landscape on the issue, whether through legislation or de-funding...

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During the debate, Romney was all for the content of Obamacare, but firmly opposed to it.



No he didnt.


He said there are certain aspects of Obamacare that make sense and he's for. That does NOT mean hes "all for" the content of the bill.


Come on....this is the same broad brush talking point mindset that comes up with "youre a racist anti-immigrant xenophobe" if you say "I think the immigration laws need work."

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No he didnt.


He said there are certain aspects of Obamacare that make sense and he's for. That does NOT mean hes "all for" the content of the bill.


Come on....this is the same broad brush talking point mindset that comes up with "youre a racist anti-immigrant xenophobe" if you say "I think the immigration laws need work."



But...but...but...that's what the headlines said the next morning!

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Give him a few day's he'll Flip Flop.


somewhat related topic


Transcript: Rep. DesJarlais urged abortion


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A freshman congressman running for re-election on a pro-life platform urged his pregnant mistress to get an abortion a decade ago, according to a transcript of the recorded conversation.


The undated phone recording appears to have been made before Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais' divorce from his wife, Susan, was finalized in 2001. According to the transcript, DesJarlais tells the unidentified woman that he is concerned that she hadn't taken steps toward terminating the pregnancy.


"You told me you'd have an abortion, and now we're getting too far along without one," DesJarlais is quoted as saying. "If we need to go to Atlanta, or whatever, to get this solved and get it over with so we can get on with our lives, then let's do it."



Once again I must ask

WHY do you people refuse to accept that Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare!!!!

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So you're saying he's adopted the Obama style governance?


No, no, no. When Obama said he'd close Gitmo on day 1, he did it. And when he said he'd cut the deficit in half by the end of his first time, he did it. And when Obama said unemployment would be 5.6% by now, he did it.


You're comparing apples to liars. Don't do that.

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Give him a few day's he'll Flip Flop.


somewhat related topic


Transcript: Rep. DesJarlais urged abortion


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A freshman congressman running for re-election on a pro-life platform urged his pregnant mistress to get an abortion a decade ago, according to a transcript of the recorded conversation.


The undated phone recording appears to have been made before Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais' divorce from his wife, Susan, was finalized in 2001. According to the transcript, DesJarlais tells the unidentified woman that he is concerned that she hadn't taken steps toward terminating the pregnancy.


"You told me you'd have an abortion, and now we're getting too far along without one," DesJarlais is quoted as saying. "If we need to go to Atlanta, or whatever, to get this solved and get it over with so we can get on with our lives, then let's do it."



Once again I must ask

WHY do you people refuse to accept that Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare!!!!


Some people that work the hardest to help people with their drinking problems were many times raging alcoholics just a few short years prior. So I'll ask you a question that gets asked of you often here. What's your point?

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So you're saying he's adopted the Obama style governance?


You don't think it will eventually hurt him when he's doing things like this stupid abortion thing. Or when he tell 70 million people preexisting injuries are covered under his plan in a debate about Obamacare. Just generally being uncomfortable to be straight up about his own positions?

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No he didnt.


He said there are certain aspects of Obamacare that make sense and he's for. That does NOT mean hes "all for" the content of the bill.


Come on....this is the same broad brush talking point mindset that comes up with "youre a racist anti-immigrant xenophobe" if you say "I think the immigration laws need work."


Yes, you are right..he was just "all for" the most popular aspects of it...the ones that would appeal to the 47% whose ass he suddenly found a need to kiss.

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No, no, no. When Obama said he'd close Gitmo on day 1, he did it. And when he said he'd cut the deficit in half by the end of his first time, he did it. And when Obama said unemployment would be 5.6% by now, he did it.


You're comparing apples to liars. Don't do that.


It will work well for Romey when he can't quite come up with those 12 million jobs, add $0 to the defecit, lower taxes on all, and increase military spending to unprecedented levels, I suppose...hope he is taking notes!

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Yes, you are right..he was just "all for" the most popular aspects of it...the ones that would appeal to the 47% whose ass he suddenly found a need to kiss.


So, he happens to be for the most popular aspects of it because he found a need to kiss ass? Could it be that the most popular aspects are the ones that maybe make the most sense?

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It will work well for Romey when he can't quite come up with those 12 million jobs, add $0 to the defecit, lower taxes on all, and increase military spending to unprecedented levels, I suppose...hope he is taking notes!


If only 12 million jobs are created in Romney's first term I will be disappointed.

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Yes, you are right..he was just "all for" the most popular aspects of it...the ones that would appeal to the 47% whose ass he suddenly found a need to kiss.


More talking point BS.


Good thing you dont adhere to talking pounts, huh?


Hey....at least you didnt mention the elevators for his cars.

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If only 12 million jobs are created in Romney's first term I will be disappointed.


Honestly isn't 12M the number projected for either candidate based on trajectory expected (particularly from 2014-2016 when we supposedly are more likely to break through)

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So, he happens to be for the most popular aspects of it because he found a need to kiss ass? Could it be that the most popular aspects are the ones that maybe make the most sense?


You might have a point, if his campaign people didn't clarify his position in the days after the debate.


More talking point BS.


Good thing you dont adhere to talking pounts, huh?


Hey....at least you didnt mention the elevators for his cars.


Unfortunate that you can't adhere to thinking points! :rolleyes:


Notice that you are the only one who keeps bringing up this irrelevent ****?

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It will work well for Romey when he can't quite come up with those 12 million jobs, add $0 to the defecit, lower taxes on all, and increase military spending to unprecedented levels, I suppose...hope he is taking notes!


The difference between a conservative like myself and a progressive like you is if, at the end of four years, my guy turns out to be as big an embarrassment as Obama and consistently fails at virtually everything the way Obama has, I won't support him any more.


You, on the other hand, are talking about abortion and Big Bird. Just crazy anyone could possibly think four more years of Obama will be any less embarrassing than the first four.

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