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Biden Vs. Ryan "Game Day Thread" LOL

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Must've been early on, I tuned in late. Everything else I've heard is that they'd cover preexisting conditions; I've heard Romney say repeatedly he'd keep that part of the ACA.


Except he won't and tha'ts the point. People don't get this...he won't. He'll keep something similar where if you maintain continuous coverage and lose it you have a 2 month or so window where you can't be denied coming of employer based coverage. That's been the law since '96. If you have preexisting condition and aren't covered...Romney's policy does nothing for you. But that doesn't stop Romney telling you it does.

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To not be impressed with Ryan is crazy, he did a good job all considering... ****, he's 42, he's got lost 30 years to learn what Biden knows


And the Bills defense is good, considering they suck donkey dick. Operative word being "considering".

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Only caught a couple minutes in between commercial breaks and after the 1st half of the Steelers/Titans game ended. So I'm not as up to date on this as you guys, cuz um anybody watching a debate when there's an NFL game are losers :nana:


Biden looks like an angry old guy who blinks alot and Ryan is tripping over his own tongue

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Except he won't and tha'ts the point. People don't get this...he won't. He'll keep something similar where if you maintain continuous coverage and lose it you have a 2 month or so window where you can't be denied coming of employer based coverage. That's been the law since '96. If you have preexisting condition and aren't covered...Romney's policy does nothing for you. But that doesn't stop Romney telling you it does.


So your argument is that Romney's lying, and you know this...because he's a lying liar? Because you can quote one instance where he contradicted himself?


Look, I'm not saying that Romney's going to do what he says - the practical matters of both campaigning and crafting legislation and policy in Washington preclude any campaign promise as being binding. But if you're going to argue he's lying, based on just your belief that he's lying...then what's to discuss?


(And for the record: I support denying coverage of preexisting conditions.)

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Biden looks like an angry old guy who blinks alot and Ryan is tripping over his own tongue


Pretty much. You're missing some nuance, but you caught the broad strokes.


Anyone else hear the crowd tittering when Biden said their Supreme Court picks were "open minded" and unbiased? :lol:

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"Russia has a different interest than we do, and that's not in our interest" :lol: Nice Joe.


Is this an example of Biden winning?


I don't think there's any chance of this thing changing anything...Biden can't stop being a clown, even when Ryan is talking serious stuff.


I don't see how that helps with independents. It may fire up a few liberals who were going to vote for Obama anyway, but he has embarrassed himself. If we were going to have a contentious meeting, and one of my people acted like Biden? Plane ticket home, leave your laptop here.


Now Biden is being serious? At the end? Too late.

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So your argument is that Romney's lying, and you know this...because he's a lying liar? Because you can quote one instance where he contradicted himself?


Look, I'm not saying that Romney's going to do what he says - the practical matters of both campaigning and crafting legislation and policy in Washington preclude any campaign promise as being binding. But if you're going to argue he's lying, based on just your belief that he's lying...then what's to discuss?


(And for the record: I support denying coverage of preexisting conditions.)


That's fine...you don't want to reform healthcare and bring in people. But the point of why he's lying is b/c he gets up on stage and tell the American people he does, then releases a presser the next day to burried on teh back pages say he "mispoke" and he won't do anything. I'm sorry you didn't watch the first debate. It's right there.

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There he goes again , apparently Biden finds the circumstances in Syria............ THE FUNNIEST THING EVER.


The laughing , smiling thing is just plain weird




thank you... I know, if I were Ryan, I would have gotten up and smacked him for his attitude...

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That's fine...you don't want to reform healthcare and bring in people. But the point of why he's lying is b/c he gets up on stage and tell the American people he does, then releases a presser the next day to burried on teh back pages say he "mispoke" and he won't do anything. I'm sorry you didn't watch the first debate. It's right there.


So just to be clear, that one statement in the debate trumps the multiple other ones I've heard him speak in footage of other campaign stops and on Meet The Press? THAT'S your definition of "lying"?

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