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i don't like it at all. i understand the frustration of wanting a change to happen. (god, don't we all understand right now) when someone gets hurt though you don't cheer. especially if its a player on the home team.

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Posted (edited)

Flutie fans cheered when Johnson got injured. At my Bills Backers club, the Bills were playing Miami and some middle-aged woman with her blue #7 on stood up repeatedly and yelled "Hit him in the head!" when Johnson was on the field. Later he was injured and she cheered like crazy.


I remember the same thing happening when I was watching a game at a bar in Tallahassee - Flutie fans cheering every hit on Johnson. My wife and I walked out at halftime, disgusted.

Edited by Bmwolf21

The players are people. They have familes, wives, children watching them play. Daddy gets hit, and is laying on the ground motionless and you hear the crowd cheering?


!@#$ that


My family would probably cheer...


Sometimes, I honestly hate people. For some reason, you can go to a sporting event and act like a complete idiot. I wonder how those people would feel if a player came to their construction site and cheer when they got hurt.

Posted (edited)

The players are people. They have familes, wives, children watching them play. Daddy gets hit, and is laying on the ground motionless and you hear the crowd cheering?


!@#$ that


Thats not what happened and the context was that Cassell would be removed from the game. THATS what they were "cheering." Not the injury.

Edited by RkFast

Normally speaking I would never cheer if someone got hurt in any sport. There have been 2 exceptions to this rule. 1. Rob Johnson (as I mentioned before) because he was such an overrated wimp and 2. Tom Brady. But only in that game against the Bills of the Jauron era where Bellichick ran up the score with 2 pt converts and keeping Brady in to throw when they were up by 40pts. I have never wanted to see a QB get smashed more than in that game. If Jauron had any balls whatsoever he would have brought every single player on a blitz on every play and have them meet at Brady. I wished that they would have decapitated him that game. Of course Jauron just stood there with the 1000yd stare and just allowed the Pats to completely humiliate us.


In general, I've found fans to be ignorant. Look at what happened in Atlanta, Jacksonville and KC this weekend. Look at what happened on Monday Night- did people really expect Punk just to sit there and take it? If I had been in the crowd, I would have grabbed that guy by the neck and made sure Punk got a hold of him.



Thats not what happened and the context was that Cassell would be removed from the game. THATS what they were "cheering." Not the injury.

The context was that he was removed due to injury. That is the context.


the only time I heard an injury cheered at RWS was when Washington's QB got hurt late in the game (forgot who it was) and Rob Johnson had to come in. The next play, of course was a sack and it was as if the Bills won a Superbowl

I was not at that game, but I do remember the play. There were several people in our club that went crazy during that play.


But ITS OK when Brady calls us EFFING BITCHES, and WILFORK injures our QB and CHANDLER goes down due to an ILLEGAL HIT TO THE HEAD!


I dont care what you guys say but when Brady was hurt a few years ago and missed the season, I WAS HAPPY AS HELL.



They have no class, Screw them, go get hurt!



BUT OBVIOUSLY not A HEAD INJURY. A little ACL here, a broken ankle there, not a big deal.





Flutie fans cheered when Johnson got injured. At my Bills Backers club, the Bills were playing Miami and some middle-aged woman with her blue #7 on stood up repeatedly and yelled "Hit him in the head!" when Johnson was on the field. Later he was injured and she cheered like crazy.

I was at this game. The behavior of the "fans" in the stadium was disgusting that day. There were loud cheers when Johnson was hurt - much more than a few. All day, there were fights in the stands between the Flutie and Johnson proponents. I had my 11 year old son with me at that game. It was embarrassing. To that point I had held on to my season tickets after 15 years living outside of The Buffalo area, but dropped them the next year and have not been back. Sadly, many posters on this board display the same sort of attitude.

Posted (edited)

I was at this game. The behavior of the "fans" in the stadium was disgusting that day. There were loud cheers when Johnson was hurt - much more than a few. All day, there were fights in the stands between the Flutie and Johnson proponents. I had my 11 year old son with me at that game. It was embarrassing. To that point I had held on to my season tickets after 15 years living outside of The Buffalo area, but dropped them the next year and have not been back. Sadly, many posters on this board display the same sort of attitude.


That was a watershed moment for me as well. I have kept my season tickets even though I live outside of the Buffalo area, but my view of at least a segment of our fan base changed that day. As you mention, there are days when I read posts on this site that confirm this.

Edited by Peter

But ITS OK when Brady calls us EFFING BITCHES, and WILFORK injures our QB and CHANDLER goes down due to an ILLEGAL HIT TO THE HEAD!


I dont care what you guys say but when Brady was hurt a few years ago and missed the season, I WAS HAPPY AS HELL.



They have no class, Screw them, go get hurt!



BUT OBVIOUSLY not A HEAD INJURY. A little ACL here, a broken ankle there, not a big deal.





lol I dont think I ever cheered for anyone get hurt on ANY team, not even the JETS! Wilfolk I see why you guys have a problem w but he is not know as a dirty player. Now Mankins on the other hand....


IMO Cheering for any injury is stupid, because YOU as a fan have no CLUEhow serious the in jury is when it happens, Cassel was knocked out and those morons cheered... (small percentage I am sure but still morons.)



Thats not what happened and the context was that Cassell would be removed from the game. THATS what they were "cheering." Not the injury.

They were glad their QB, a person just like them, got knocked out cold. Thats messed up and your not going to convince me otherwise


Like half the Ralph wouldn't cheer if fitz got hurt


Replace chiefs with bills this weekend and it plays out the same. Sorry to all the moralists here, we've all been to football games it's not a black tie event


Like half the Ralph wouldn't cheer if fitz got hurt


Replace chiefs with bills this weekend and it plays out the same. Sorry to all the moralists here, we've all been to football games it's not a black tie event


As pathetic as that sounds, it's probably true. It's just that football games turn people into scumbags. I also find peopel who get injuried in car accidents and domestic abuse hilarious too.


There are idiots in any large group. Most people are quiet when a player is injured. So it only takes 1K idiots out of the 70K fans there to make it seem that all KC fans were cheering for his injury. I doubt it was anywhere close to most. These clowns are at every stadium.


That was a watershed moment for me as well. I have kept my season tickets even though I live outside of the Buffalo area, but my view of at least a segment of our fan base changed that day. As you mention, there are days when I read posts on this site that confirm this.


Like I said, there are idiots anywhere. The people on this board who call Bills fans "classless" etc. most likely have not been to games in other stadiums. Ever been to a Steelers game? Look, there are even idiots at KC games. Most fans don't cheer for injuries. Giving up your season tickets as a prior poster mentioned to prove a point that does not need to be made does nothing, other than allow you to feel better than the classless idiots.

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