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We knew the Bills would lose @9ers in April


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Yes it was a blowout.

Yes I am personally sick of Fitzpatrick and think he has proven without a doubt to be a great backup QB but not a starter in the NFL.

Yes Dave Wanstedt appears to be playing a new style of defense where you do not cover WRs nor Tackly RBs.


Allthat said why is everyone freaking out after this game.


The 9ers are a great football team and play solid offense and defense. There was a 10 point spread for the game. We knew this was a loss prior to the game.


Let's save the freakouts for next week. We have a chance against a tough Cards team comming off of 10 days prep. But That game shouldn't be a blowout. If that game does turn into a blowout.


Sound the horns, but I think we should put a lid on the outrage this week. We never hada chance against the 9ers. This loss or the score should not shock anyone.

Edited by Why So Serious?
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in the context of single games - losing to the pats or 9ers wouldnt be a surprise. how they managed to accomplish both was terrible though. just terrible.


hopefully we get to a couple of winnable ones soon. im not sure what i chalk AZ up as at this point. yet alone AZ on the road.

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Sound the horns, but I think we should put a lid on the outrage this week. We never hada chance against the 9ers. This loss or the score should not shock anyone.


1200 yards given up by the D in two games, 97 points against. Let that sink in for a minute. Then tell me there is not enough reason for the outrage. The D is not good enough to make the thread for NFL's doormat.

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The 3 losses this year give you no concern?


Why should it concern him that the Bills are the first team EVER to have a team rush and pass for 300 yards against them? This was expected. Hell, it was a 10 point spread. Teams are supposed to put up record setting numbers on 10 point spreads. No one should be concerned. Almost 150 point against in the 3 loses is nothing to concern us.

Edited by first_and_ten
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Why is everyone freaking out?


Have you seen the last two games?


Yes, in April I conceded the loss on paper. And yes, I though we'd be 2-3 at this point.


I had no inkling our defense would find ways to set all time records for bad play. I had no inkling it was composed of players with very little football character.


Losing isn't everything. And it most often doesn't say everything about your team.


But the WAY you lose says everything. And that's why I'm pissed.



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While I agree the 9ers are a great team, they are a great defensive team .... now the SB winning 49er teams of Montana, Craig, Rice, and later Young were great Offensive teams.


Yesterday the 49ers set all time frachise records on offense .... THAT'S saying something

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I expected the Bills to lose to the Pats and the 49ers, and probably even the Jets.


What I didn't expect was absolute blowouts in embarrassing fashions. What I didn't expect was complete break downs in play calling, and lack of heart on the part of the players.

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Yes it was a blowout.

Yes I am personally sick of Fitzpatrick and think he has proven without a doubt to be a great backup QB but not a starter in the NFL.

Yes Dave Wanstedt appears to be playing a new style of defense where you do not cover WRs nor Tackly RBs.


Allthat said why is everyone freaking out after this game.


The 9ers are a great football team and play solid offense and defense. There was a 10 point spread for the game. We knew this was a loss prior to the game.


Let's save the freakouts for next week. We have a chance against a tough Cards team comming off of 10 days prep. But That game shouldn't be a blowout. If that game does turn into a blowout.


Sound the horns, but I think we should put a lid on the outrage this week. We never hada chance against the 9ers. This loss or the score should not shock anyone.


Why are you presenting this as if it was an isolated incident? Jets ring a bell? We let them put up 48 on us. Then we let NE put up 45 in the final 25 minutes of the game. Then we went out and played flag football against an NFL powerhouse yesterday. What about that is not concerning? What, because we looked ok against 2 bad teams?


And lets be real here, we ONLY looked good against CLE when Spiller was in the game. Once Spiller got hurt and Chan reverted back to Fitz, we couldn't do squat against CLE and let them back in the game. It was not until we started using Choice later in the game that we finally stabilized and held on. When we go to Fitz, we get destroyed...unfortunately, we have a coach with a massive hard on for 5 wide, shotgun, and Ftiz and he completely ignores the run game UNLESS someone like Spiller is ripping off huge gains and he is reluctantly forced to ride the momentum. As soon as we have a run or two go for no gain or a short gain, he abandons it and decides its better to go 3 and out and throw bombs on 3rd and short.


So again, just because we were supposed to lose this game (and make no mistake, we were) does not mean that the fashion in how we lost (played like a bunch of uninspired fairies) this game and the other 3 is not massively concerning.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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I expected the Bills to lose to the Pats and the 49ers, and probably even the Jets.


What I didn't expect was absolute blowouts in embarrassing fashions. What I didn't expect was complete break downs in play calling, and lack of heart on the part of the players.



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Why is everyone freaking out?


Have you seen the last two games?


Yes, in April I conceded the loss on paper. And yes, I though we'd be 2-3 at this point.


I had no inkling our defense would find ways to set all time records for bad play. I had no inkling it was composed of players with very little football character.


Losing isn't everything. And it most often doesn't say everything about your team.


But the WAY you lose says everything. And that's why I'm pissed.



You can only lose the game once. Let it go. It's a 16 game season. Now if we get healthy again and then start losing to mid level teams at home, then I'd say the wheels are off the train.

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You can only lose the game once. Let it go. It's a 16 game season. Now if we get healthy again and then start losing to mid level teams at home, then I'd say the wheels are off the train.


This is undoubtedly true, and there is precedent for teams starting off disasterously and righting the ship--- but 3 of the first 5 games in that 16 game season have been unmitigated tire fires. Like K9 said, 2-3 was a plausible record to start off the season for even an optimistic Bills fan, but the way they got to 2-3 is embarrassing to say the least.

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The 3 losses this year give you no concern?


Everyone should be concerned.


There are levels of concern.


My point is the Full Form Freakout, calling for the heads of GMs and coaches may not be the appropriate level of conern in my opinion at this point in time.


It will be if the Bills get blown out at Az in my opinion.

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We've only beaten 2 teams. They have a combined record of 1-9.

Using your logic "we were suppose to lose that game" we only have a chance at winning 2 more games the rest of the year. Tenn. and Jacksonville. They are the only teams left on our schedule with a worst record than ours. Miami, Indy, and the Jets all have the same record as us but they don't look so inept. Of course who does?

You want to be the best? (Which I hope we are striving for) you have to beat the best no excuses! Especially ones that say "Well we weren't supposed to win anyways".

Edited by MikeSpeed
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You can only lose the game once. Let it go. It's a 16 game season. Now if we get healthy again and then start losing to mid level teams at home, then I'd say the wheels are off the train.


That's not entirely true.


You can lose ONE game ONCE as you say.


You can also lose MULTIPLE games the SAME way. And the way the Bills have lost their three games this season says all we need to know about them.


And I'd like to know just who's gonna get healthy on defense to give that sorry group a shot in the arm. Last I checked, EVERYBODY on defense was healthy enough to play the games.


As for letting it go, it was gone as soon as the final gun sounded yesterday. That doesn't mean I'll give them any slack or back off in their well-deserved criticism.



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I expected the Bills to lose to the Pats and the 49ers, and probably even the Jets.


What I didn't expect was absolute blowouts in embarrassing fashions. What I didn't expect was complete break downs in play calling, and lack of heart on the part of the players.


Exactly...It's not what happened, it's how it's happened...Generally speaking these type of losses, in bunches, do not happen to good NFL Teams...And I think that is a bit of an understatement... B-)

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