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Electric cars might not be so eco-friendly after all

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Environmental impact of manufacturing the batteries plus the electricity to charge them may be more harmful than the dirty old combustion engine

If only the damn Oil cartel running this world would finally step up and release the solution to all our transportation problems!!!!


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Environmental impact of manufacturing the batteries plus the electricity to charge them may be more harmful than the dirty old combustion engine


Maybe not but time and science will work the issues out. It's that or installing coal-fired boilers in cars.



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or maybe running cars on cleaner burning natural gas-

something the US does not need to import


The problem with Natural Gas is the Federal Government has already declared a winner. They're pumping out cash and subsidies to battery companines and offering tax breaks for people to buy them.


There are thousands and thousands of gas stations in America but not many have the infrastructure to support Natural Gas. There's a significant cost to upgrade the equipment. Why take on the cost of upgrading the equipment when the deck is stacked against it?

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The problem with Natural Gas is the Federal Government has already declared a winner. They're pumping out cash and subsidies to battery companines and offering tax breaks for people to buy them.


There are thousands and thousands of gas stations in America but not many have the infrastructure to support Natural Gas. There's a significant cost to upgrade the equipment. Why take on the cost of upgrading the equipment when the deck is stacked against it?


What happens to the price of natural gas when more and more cars run on it?


What is going on with hydrogen fuel cells? How difficult/expensive is hydrogen extraction?



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What happens to the price of natural gas when more and more cars run on it?

Depends on whether the ability to extract it keeps up. Supply and Demand


What is going on with hydrogen fuel cells? How difficult/expensive is hydrogen extraction?

It takes energy to make energy. Right now hydrogen fuel cells aren't efficient enough to be a viable option. There's some concern about releasing all that hydrogen into the atmosphere will do to the Ozone Layer

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Yeah but nobody was listening. Maybe they'll start


Does this mean all the eco-nuts that come door-to-door to tell me how great it is that I own a Prius, will start telling me that I have to get rid of it and buy a Fiat?


'Cause then I get to give them the same answer I always have: the most environmentally friendly car is the one you already own, since manufacturing and disposal are roughly 70% of the environmental footprint of a car.

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To me, it's about shaking off our dependence on foreign oil.


Same argument was made for Ethanol and how's that working out? Price of food's gone up along with the price of gas and we're still stuck on oil


Getting off foreign oil would be awesome, but there has to be a viable alternative

Guess who produces 20% of the world's nickel?

I thought the US Mint produced 100% of the world's nickels?

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