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Posted (edited)

Per Jason La Canfora:


Pats Brandon Spikes was fined $21K for unnecessary roughness(illegal blind side hit)


I can only assume this is for the Chandler hit.

Edited by Wayne Cubed

standard fine for a defenseless player hit. just because it doesnt come out early in the week doesnt mean its not happening. the nfl doesnt release this directly, it just leaks


I'm sure he'll appeal and, after citing the Wilfork/Brady Act, the fine will not only be forgiven, the league will actually pay Spikes for the duress of having to go through the appeal process in the first place.




KW deserved a penalty. It was a clear interpretation of the rule. He should not have gotten a fine as their was nothing malicious about the play. Spikes should have gotten a flag but these type of hits are missed all the time. I would guess a good 20% of the fines levied are on non-calls.


So Kyle got 15 k for scraping Brady's leg and spike gets 22k for launching a shoulder into a guys head.


Both default fines. The 21k defenseless player fine is negotiated in the CBA. Goes up 5% a year, last year was 20k.


KW deserved a penalty. It was a clear interpretation of the rule. He should not have gotten a fine as their was nothing malicious about the play. Spikes should have gotten a flag but these type of hits are missed all the time. I would guess a good 20% of the fines levied are on non-calls.


Though I generally agree - a lot is negotiated with the nflpa for a flat across the board fining system with hits like these. All or none instead of figuring out intent.... Don't love it but that's the way it is.


He left his feet and went for scottys head, and then had the nerve to say that he didn't think he should be fined..what a joke he is..


If that hit was to pretty boy brady I'm sure that spikes and the rest of the pats would be crying dirty play and demanding a suspension

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