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First Time in 43 Months Unemployment Drops to 7.8%


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Unemployment figures are doctored, it didn't start with Obama it's been going on a long time and it's not just unemployment numbers it's inflation numbers, GDP, life expectancy, trade numbers etc etc etc and outside of government it's corporate earnings, the value of assets, oil reserves etc etc, and it's not just an American phenomena it's world wide.


So if they've always been doctored that doesn't say much for the unemployment being above 8% for nearly four years does it.


Participation rate and Population-Employment Ratio also increased.


This is a good report despite just 114k new jobs.


So how the hell does THAT math work? :wacko:

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Does anyone have a break down of job loss vs gain comparing the private sector with the public sector? and if it's job losses in the public sector that are really holding down employment numbers wouldn't the right consider that a good thing?


Yes, the BLS does. Read the report.

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Does anyone have a break down of job loss vs gain comparing the private sector with the public sector? and if it's job losses in the public sector that are really holding down employment numbers wouldn't the right consider that a good thing?


Public sector unemployment has "plummeted" in the past two months; "from 5.7 percent in July to 5.1 percent in August to 4.3 percent in September."




And yeah, I understand you'll want to shoot the messenger, but they're reporting data from BLS.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Does anyone have a break down of job loss vs gain comparing the private sector with the public sector? and if it's job losses in the public sector that are really holding down employment numbers wouldn't the right consider that a good thing?


From WSJ -

The decline in the main unemployment rate was driven by positive factors. In previous months, the rate has fallen because more Americans were no longer looking for work. That wasn’t the case in September. The labor force increased, as more people were seeking jobs. Meanwhile, the number of unemployed tumbled by 456,000, while those with jobs surged 873,000.


Unemployment decreased largely because more people started looking for work again, not that they actually got jobs. Still, a brighter report than in last 3 years. Our joke is that the rumored iPhone5 effect had something to do with it, as warehousing and transportation gained :)

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How convenient.


What the report doesn't state is that 90% of the jobs were created in Obama's Employment Data Manipulation Department. I'm sure this all won't get revised down in December.


Paranoia much?


We shouldn't read too much into a single jobs report. It's a step in the right direction, but this economic crisis wasn't created overnight, and we've still got a lot of work to do.


Obama? Is that you?

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If you accuse the BLS of manipulating the numbers, your opinion should be ignored forever on.

I believe this administration will do anything to get elected. Heck, they are strong arming Lockheed not to lay off thousands( due to defense spending cuts) until after November.


Public sector unemployment has "plummeted" in the past two months; "from 5.7 percent in July to 5.1 percent in August to 4.3 percent in September."




And yeah, I understand you'll want to shoot the messenger, but they're reporting data from BLS.

So he's fixing the unemployment numbers by hiring more government workers??? LoL

Edited by Dante
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From what I can tell in the report, the drop was driven by an increase in part-time workers by 600K.


What distinguishes part time workers from full time ? ?


In general part time workers don't get benefits --- like HEALTH INSURANCE.


what these numbers seem to be telling us is that employers can't afford to hire full time




another reason to thank the administration for ramming OBAMACARE through.


Good numbers for Barack? Not to those who can reason.



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Watch out Myth - Obama is pulling a rope a dope.


He's going to sucker you in and BAM knock you out.


He's going collect all of the mistruth you lay out and then lay the smacksown


Multiple websites are on the rope a dope byline

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BAM - and here it is



A day after "losing" the first presidential debate, President Barack Obama and his campaign accused his Republican challenger Mitt Romney of being dishonest about tax policy and other issues.


"If you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth," Obama said at a campaign rally Thursday in Denver.


"So here's the truth: Governor Romney cannot pay for his $5 trillion tax plan without blowing up the deficit or sticking it to the middle class. That's the math."



Romney continued to push his debate theme that there's been much federal spending under Obama, complaining of "trickle-down government" that has failed to solve the nation's economic woes.


BAM - a surprising report - unemployment drops to 7.8%

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"If you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth," Obama said at a campaign rally Thursday in Denver.


You mean like when a US ambassador is killed in a Terrorist attack and the President tells the American people it was just an uprising against a Youtube® video?

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