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Romney's Big Bird Comment During Debate Sets Social Media On Fire

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That's absolutely hysterical. I can't believe they wasted campaign funds producing that.


Meanwhile, Romney and Ryan are ratcheting up the rhetoric on the Benghazi debacle.


Twitter comment from ABC's Rick Klein: @rickklein: so Romney marches toward Benghazi, while the president marches down Sesame Street?

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Seriously! With the cheesy shadow figure of Big Bird and the booming "Big Guy" movie voice....this could have easily aired on SNL. :w00t:


I sent that to a friend of mine who is a big obamabot and her answer was, "that's not real is it?"



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Ouch . . . . . take down by The Street !




nothing says " I've completely lost control of this narrative",


like embracing a seven foot tall yellow feathered multi-millionaire.



Au contraire. Children's Television Workshop being the adults in the dialog says it even better.


Serious question...yes, the Obama campaign is clearly focused on trivialities and hasn't the first clue about trademark infringement (unsurprising, since the administration's recognition of "private property" is at best tenuous.)


But if the Romney campaign were to use this commercial themselves in one of their own ads as an example of how utterly juvenile and clueless the Obama administration is...would the Big Bird clips fall under "fair use" in demonstrating the trademark infringement?

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