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1st Debate in Denver Tonight: Thoughts?


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Congress has delegated more power (hard/soft..whatever) through partisan urges to the President (both sides)...even to the point of failed unconstitutional attempts...


And Truman coined the do nothing congress not FDR...in any event the last congress did far less than that congress so it's hard to say they are afraid of being that again

If the Congress of 1932...could see the power that is wielded by this one? I don't think they could fathom it.


However, I agree that the Czar system is a direct contravention of Congressional power....and that would should look to get rid of all of them...and reorganize our departments and agencies instead. Appointed Czars is a direct challenge to the Constitution.


You may want to check out your history on that FDR thing. Here: http://www.ssa.gov/h...y/fdrstmts.html


If the people, during these years, had chosen a reactionary Administration or a "do nothing" Congress, Social Security would still be in the conversational stage--a beautiful dream which might come true in the dim distant future.


Truman is credited...wrongly. It was absolutely a phrase coined by FDR. Look, idiots abound, and one on them told you about Truman saying this...it's even on wiki :wallbash:. Just because Truman said it more often, or more prominently, doesn't mean he coined it.


I didn't coin: "If you want something done right, put the far-left in charge of doing the opposite".


With an 11% approval rating....I'd say this Congress has plenty to fear.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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If the Congress of 1932...could see the power that is wielded by this one? I don't think they could fathom it.


However, I agree that the Czar system is a direct contravention of Congressional power....and that would should look to get rid of all of them...and reorganize our departments and agencies instead. Appointed Czars is a direct challenge to the Constitution.


You may want to check out your history on that FDR thing. Here: http://www.ssa.gov/h...y/fdrstmts.html




Truman is credited...wrongly. It was absolutely a phrase coined by FDR. Look, idiots abound, and one on them told you about Truman saying this...it's even on wiki :wallbash:. Just because Truman said it more often, or more prominently, doesn't mean he coined it.


I didn't coin: "If you want something done right, put the far-left in charge of doing the opposite".


With an 11% approval rating....I'd say this Congress has plenty to fear.


LOL it's Harry's "do nothing Congress" regardless ... "as mad famous by" if it suits you better...it was the guys campaign.


In any event the House could care less of it's approval rating...it's partison nonsense the Repubs hope to impute it on Obama and say he's blaming others if he mentions it and the Dems try to bring it up as much as they can w/ out looking like they're shamelessly blaming others.


There is no "Congress" anymore...there is only warring tribes vying for power...no great deliberative body serving as the trustee for American wellbeing...no shame in 11% approval rating.

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LOL it's Harry's "do nothing Congress" regardless ... "as mad famous by" if it suits you better...it was the guys campaign.

Still wrong. That's the first thing that came up with a simple search. Look..for reasons I can't remember, I ended up listening to lots of FDR speeches. He used "do nothing Congress" in them as a matter of course. I heard it at least 5 times, IIRC. He was constantly pounding the Republican Congress, that was elected to halt the New Deal and bring some sanity, with it.


Truman merely took it...no different than Obama took "change" from Clinton. Give up? Or are you in the mood to read more FDR speeches? I assure you, I remember them, and I can find them.

In any event the House could care less of it's approval rating...it's partison nonsense the Repubs hope to impute it on Obama and say he's blaming others if he mentions it and the Dems try to bring it up as much as they can w/ out looking like they're shamelessly blaming others.


There is no "Congress" anymore...there is only warring tribes vying for power...no great deliberative body serving as the trustee for American wellbeing...no shame in 11% approval rating.



Perhaps that's why for the first time since the poll started, more people want single control of Congress today.


We have serious problems, and I suppose more of us are willing to put aside the non-issues like abortion, and want them those problems addressed.


If neither side is willing to work together, then we need to give one side power and empower them to get things solved.


Now...which side do you want...the one whose leader will be Pelosi? Or Boehner? :lol: Every time I hear that Pelosi is a leader, of anything, I do a facepalm, thinking how the hell could anyone possibly think that giving Tip O'Neill's job to that assclown = keep control of the House?


Dude...even if by some miracle, Dems got control of Congress again, it won't matter with the likes of Pelosi and Reid in charge. We know they will FAIL, and the Republicans will take it back again. Keep them as minority leaders...and you almost guarantee Republicans stay in charge. It's as simple as that.

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So do I.


Imagine how much fun C-Span would be with me as speaker...


MSNBC: "It appears DC Tom has stacked the rules committee to allow for consideration of rules dealing with what he calls "the idiot problem in America" and those rules only. All proceedings will be closed, no amendments. The committee on defining idiots, also stacked by DC Tom, is terrifying the public as they walk through the street suspiciously eyeing citizens going about their day."


Now...which side do you want...the one whose leader will be Pelosi? Or Boehner? :lol: Every time I hear that Pelosi is a leader, of anything, I do a facepalm, thinking how the hell could anyone possibly think that giving Tip O'Neill's job to that assclown = keep control of the House?


Dude...even if by some miracle, Dems got control of Congress again, it won't matter with the likes of Pelosi and Reid in charge. We know they will FAIL, and the Republicans will take it back again. Keep them as minority leaders...and you almost guarantee Republicans stay in charge. It's as simple as that.


She's been around a long time and fundraises her ass off controlling access to party money. That's how.


And as if majority of even politically concerned Americans understand Congress and leadership roles.

Edited by TheNewBills
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MSNBC: "It appears DC Tom has stacked the rules committee to allow for consideration of rules dealing with what he calls "the idiot problem in America" and those rules only. All proceedings will be closed, no amendments. The committee on defining idiots, also stacked by DC Tom, is terrifying the public as they walk through the street suspiciously eyeing citizens going about their day."

:lol: "Millions of lunch-goers everywhere, are all on edge, thinking it's probably better not to start that inane conversation, and just eat their food quietly. This follows a massive restructuring of the TSA ....."

She's been around a long time and fundraises her ass off controlling access to party money. That's how.


And as if majority of even politically concerned Americans understand Congress and leadership roles.

So...why put her in charge of the House? Let her be a fundraiser/something else. Why in the hell do you want "idiot" being associated with "Democrat" in such a public way, every single time she opens her mouth? Or, do you like Biden? :lol: Look at this way: as soon as Gingrich became not even half the liability that Pelosi is, he was gone.


If you won't do that, then you don't take the country seriously. Therefore, we have 0 reason to take you seriously. No amount of money, and not even an electorate that is majority Democrat....saves you from us not taking you seriously. Just ask Fauxchahontas...and then, ask Scott Brown. :lol:


The majority of people....only care about Pelosi's batshit antics on TV. They don't need to know the details...they know batshit crazy when they see it.


Why do I have to tell you what we all know, including you...but that you refuse to admit...for reasons passing understanding? Do you think that somehow you could make the Pelosi situation any worse by admitting it? No way. No friggn way. :lol: Just admit it and get it over with. You'll feel better, and gain some respect....starting with self-respect.

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Or he knows he'll get butchered on them, since his entire campaign is based on telling people they're victims.



Or he knows he'll get butchered on them, since his entire campaign is based on telling people they're victims.


You are going to be so disappointed when Romney loses the election inspite of his debate last night

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So do I.


Imagine how much fun C-Span would be with me as speaker...


And here we have Speaker of the House Tommy. Not sure why they referred to you as Tommy and also not quite sure why you're talking baseball but what the hell. Oh and BTW...NSFW.


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It was pointed out on MSNBC this morning that in 2008 Obama didn't debate Hillary Clinton or John McCain very well, either. All he really needed to do then was tread water while Clinton & McCain lost.


Also, liberal Bill Maher tweeted last night that Obama needed his teleprompter. Mike Barnicle (sp) on MSNBC said the exact thing this morning.


This afternoon Obama gave a speech in Denver that I watched. He couldn't get in synch with his teleprompter at the beginning of his speech and he was completely lost.


Lesson: Obama minus his teleprompter is a complete train wreck!

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MSNBC: "It appears DC Tom has stacked the rules committee to allow for consideration of rules dealing with what he calls "the idiot problem in America" and those rules only. All proceedings will be closed, no amendments. The committee on defining idiots, also stacked by DC Tom, is terrifying the public as they walk through the street suspiciously eyeing citizens going about their day."


Can i get on that committee? For example, my first definition of an idiot is anyone that watches Honey Boo Boo religiously.

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It was pointed out on MSNBC this morning that in 2008 Obama didn't debate Hillary Clinton or John McCain very well, either. All he really needed to do then was tread water while Clinton & McCain lost.


Also, liberal Bill Maher tweeted last night that Obama needed his teleprompter. Mike Barnicle (sp) on MSNBC said the exact thing this morning.


This afternoon Obama gave a speech in Denver that I watched. He couldn't get in synch with his teleprompter at the beginning of his speech and he was completely lost.


Lesson: Obama minus his teleprompter is a complete train wreck!

Barry with his teleprompter is a complete train wreck. If only being able to read your lines made you a great leader.


And apparently the study by the Tax Policy Center that Barry keeps talking about when he says that Romney has to raise taxes on the middle class in order to lower the deficit was amended by them after they included closing loopholes and eliminating deductions, and they actually seemed incensed that Barry keeps citing them incorrectly.

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Here's another difference between public and private sector. Public they tend to rest on their laurels i.e career politicians. Private sector they tend to get together and see how they can get better i.e. increase revenue/earnings from last year. I bet Romney does even better in round two because of this. We so need a business person in the WH. We need to see if that background works in that role. There is only one way to find out.

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