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1st Debate in Denver Tonight: Thoughts?


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how do you know a politician is lying???


if they use a personal example, as in a story, but don't give you names.... even a first name will make me believe your story might be true.. But to use nothing, I KNOW your lying...

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how do you know a politician is lying???


if they use a personal example, as in a story, but don't give you names.... even a first name will make me believe your story might be true.. But to use nothing, I KNOW your lying...


You know a politician is lying when their lips move.

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PBO and his condescending look may be his downfall...


ya have an opponent talking about loss of jobs, cost of healthcare, taxes, and PBO stands there smiling, like, "I can bullsh1t better than that"!!


Except they cut away from it so fast. But they're practically zooming in on Romney's smug look.


Romney, though, is owning Obama on actual reality. Too bad reality isn't somewhere where the average voter lives...Obama panders MUCH, much better...


Obama regaining some ground giving credit to Romneycare. makes him look like he's nonpartisan on important items. Mitt needed to back off.


Except that he left himself WIDE open to the very valid observations that he's entirely partisan, and unlike Romney as the MA governor, he told the opposition to "sit in the back seat".

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Except they cut away from it so fast. But they're practically zooming in on Romney's smug look.


Romney, though, is owning Obama on actual reality. Too bad reality isn't somewhere where the average voter lives...Obama panders MUCH, much better...




Except that he left himself WIDE open to the very valid observations that he's entirely partisan, and unlike Romney as the MA governor, he told the opposition to "sit in the back seat".


I know.. but PBO latest was textbook stage fright...


totally lost where he was, or what he was talking about... never saw that before in a seasoned pol...


though I once did it myself... bad memories...

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Except they cut away from it so fast. But they're practically zooming in on Romney's smug look.



CNN just has them side by side at all times. Good coverage except the stupid "undecided voters" thing at the bottom which should be blown up and then burned and then shot into space

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one opinion;


I am watching the debate and as I watch the non-verbal and verbal behavior of President Obama, I just don’t get the “great speaker” part that so many liberals say about him. He seems hesitant, his words are unsure, and he looks like a sourpuss. Romney, on the other hand, is cheerful, confident, looks up and seems like the kind of guy who looks you in the eye, rather than darting his eyes away, like the President. And what is with the moderator, Jim Lehrer, so sternly interrupting Romney when his time is up, and then softly and demurely saying “Mr. President, we are going to have to stop.” Come on, quit with the acquiescence.


Helen Smith is a psychologist specializing in forensic issues in Knoxville, Tennessee, and blogs at drhelen.blogspot.com.

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CNN just has them side by side at all times. Good coverage except the stupid "undecided voters" thing at the bottom which should be blown up and then burned and then shot into space


I'm on CBS, mostly because of laziness (on vacation, can't be bothered to find a real channel).


This debate is pretty simple to sum up: Romney debates more on facts, accurately. Obama, whether or not he has the facts, debates more on empathy.


The TRULY sad thing is that Obama's debating sounds little different from his governing, further reinforcing the perception (very accurate, in my opinion) that his term has been one long campaign.


one opinion;




Helen Smith is a psychologist specializing in forensic issues in Knoxville, Tennessee, and blogs at drhelen.blogspot.com.


Lehrer's being one ass of a moderator.


Romney, frankly, just looks more presidential. It's hard to imagine Obama even working as a lawyer.


He has almost no understanding of student loans...again, arguing from empathy rather than reality.

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