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1st Debate in Denver Tonight: Thoughts?


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Not shocked about the "cheating" thing.....the left did the same thing to Bush, accusing him of putting a radio under his suit jacket so the answerscould be piped in to him.


The left are !@#$ing children.


I caught a few minutes on the radio yesterday of O'Reilly talking to a couple of Democrats who were lamenting this latest Obama one-hit-wonder campaign flood of "Mitt lied." To paraphrase one of the women, "When we're a month out and our final campaign push has been reduced to nothing more than calling your opponent a liar? That's pretty bad."

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How the Liberal Media Ruined Obama


By Lisa Fritsch


It's not an "Incumbent Curse," as MSNBC would call Obama's performance at Wednesday's first presidential debate. It was not Obama's fear of coming across as the angry black man, as Michael Eric Dyson surmised, that prevented Obama from driving a strong debate on the issues with Mitt Romney. And it was not that Mitt Romney has been practicing since June for the debates, per David Axelrod's analysis. Nor was it a question of Obama losing the debate stylistically rather than substantively. And certainly it was not that Mitt Romney was untruthful, thereby catching Obama off-guard. The fact is that this Obama we saw Wednesday night and have endured for the last four years is a product of our liberal leftist media.


Obama was not ready Wednesday, he has never been ready, and he will never be ready to be the leader this country needs, for he is the first president to have never been vetted.


My own mother observed that "it's the media's fault that Obama lost the debate. Watching the debate reminded me of a child set out on his own after being raised by parents who failed to teach him responsibility and accountability and let the child think that he was above being corrected or disciplined. This was the time that Chris Matthews could not jump in and tell the people what Obama meant to say." Indeed, Obama has been brought up by an adoring and overindulgent liberal media who have coddled him for the last eight years on everything from his appearance to Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, and his caught-on-a-live-microphone secret handshake with Russian President Medvedev, where he promised that he will have "more flexibility after the election" to work with the Russians on missile defense. Additionally, we have the age-old public displays of media affection, including Dave Brooks' awe over the crease in Obama's pants and the

leg. With a sycophantic media like this, who needs accountability?


Until Univision took Obama to task over his promise on immigration, Americans had rarely seen President Obama being held accountable by the media to match his word with his record. An unsteady, flustered, and out-of-gas Obama was bewildered as to how Univision's Jorge Ramos could have missed the "how to conduct an interview with President Obama" memo.


Wednesday's presidential debate revealed the same tight-lipped, flustered president -- unprepared for Jim Lehrer's reluctance to intervene and stop Romney from daring to question and attack his record.


This is not Romney's fault. It isn't even Obama's fault. It is the fault of America's leftist liberal media who have continually misled Obama into thinking he would never have to answer to his record.


And so the media is quickly back on task, as David Axelrod so aptly conveyed to CNN's Candy Crowley, saying, "I know you and others are going to be following this tomorrow and so are the American people." In other words, clean up this mess. Only the mess is Obama's record, and the media is right to cry.




The media has given Obama a false sense of entitlement and has so glorified his very presence that what is being witnessed now is the total lack of humility and the unrefined intellect of a spoiled child. Obama simply has not thought through any of his platforms, because he has never needed to. He has never thought through the depths to which insanely expensive ObamaCare devastates the middle class, because he has not needed to. Obama has no answer for investing $90 billion in losers like Solyndra and green jobs, because Obama has not had to answer to anyone in the last eight years -- not as a candidate, and certainly not as president.


Now the same media who has spent four years coddling Obama is aghast at the dull and dejected child they have created. Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow want to know what happened to Obama. Where was the real Obama?


But the real Obama did show up. It was Obama in the flesh, without the benefit of media airbrushing and highlights. The true Obama and his A-game were revealed -- no teleprompter, and no softball questions pitched exactly to the left of the plate, where Obama likes them. Obama was unguarded and unprotected by the media, leaving him to face his kryptonite: accountability.

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Sunday Funnies:


A new survey shows how much time we waste every day. For example, we waste seven minutes in line waiting for coffee, 28 minutes getting through airport security, and four years waiting for President Obama to do something about the economy.” –Jay Leno



Watching the debates is a lot like football, particularly the New York Jets. Tebow is like Romney – almost surely disappointing if he gets in. And Obama’s like Sanchez, already in there and disappointing us right now.” –Jay Leno






















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Barack Obama: A man of the people, focuses on battleground states while meeting the middle class.




President Barack Obama returns to Los Angeles Sunday for a star-bedecked celebrity concert and fundraising dinner. In the wake of his Denver debate troubles, however, the long scheduled visit has acquired another, equally urgent purpose—reassuring his Hollywood supporters that he's fighting to win the race and he's poised for a comeback in the next televised forum with former Gov. Mitt Romney.


From the now iconic dinner at George Clooney’s house that created a new Internet raffle style of campaign fundraising, through a series of lucrative Westside fundraisers and a wildly successful gala staged by the gay and lesbian community, the entertainment industry—in both L.A. and New York—has turned out to be a critical component in the Obama campaign’s fundraising efforts. There’s also no doubt that the president’s Hollywood supporters were deeply shaken by his lackluster performance in this week’s debate with Republican nominee Romney.


“Everyone is in shock,” said one long-time Democratic activist. “No one can understand what happened.”


At the very least, several longtime Obama supporters told THR, the chief executive should expect some directorial notes on how to tailor his performance to television’s split screen. “Everyone with a connection to the president is reaching out to him,” said another veteran Dem. “At the end of the day, the best coach he has is himself.”


The cloud of anxious fallout from Denver has all but overshadowed what otherwise would be considered a particularly glittering and gala L.A. appearance for Obama. His Sunday evening will kick off with a concert at downtown L.A.’s Nokia Theater featuring Katy Perry, Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Hudson, Earth Wind and Fire, and Jon Bon Jovi. Presidential pal Clooney will make a special appearance to introduce Wonder. Afterward, Obama will head next door for a $25,000-per-plate dinner at Wolfgang Puck’s chic WP24. Both events were sold out before the debate. The two events could easily raise more than $5 million for the president's reelection campaign.


Obama's trip will also include a private meeting in Beverly Hills with 12 donors to thank them for their support, according to campaign officials. Former President Bill Clinton -- who is raising money for his foundation this week in Los Angeles -- is expected to attend.


On Monday, the president will head north to San Francisco for a fundraising dinner hosted by superstar chef Alice Waters, and a concert headlined by John Legend.


In Hollywood political circles this weekend, Obama’s shaky showing in Denver remained the conversational Topic A.

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Press Already Writing the Obama “Comeback” Story.


“What appeared to be a neutral press yearning for a good horse race is looking more like the screenwriter’s need to throw some minimal obstacles in the hero’s path in order to make his ultimate triumph all the more satisfying.”



There’s no such thing as a neutral press. They’re Democratic operatives with bylines.



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Excusing Obama’s debate performance, he said, “I think he went thinking that this was going to be a discussion about the country’s future and he was confronted with this kind of Gantry-esque performance on the other side.”


Not only is it weird/elitist to think normal listeners get the reference to Elmer Gantry, but if you look it up, you’ll find descriptions of Elmer Gantry don’t sound like Mitt Romney at all:

Gantry has no redeeming features but is seen by the gullible public as a man who speaks the truth about God. Of course he could just as easily have been a lawyer or a politician and the heart of Lewis’s satire is
how easily people believe what they want to believe.

That gets me thinking about Obama!



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I wonder what they'll say when he gets trucked again...


But he won't

How many times since the debate has Obama given a rousing Teleprompter sermon at a college in a swing state?

That debate was a serious WTF kick in the teeth. He'll be much more prepared and in smooth operator mode for the next one

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Obama still in the lead in Virginia!





In the PPP one you quote, here are two other established polls, where he's behind;


Rasmussen Reports 10/4 - 10/4 500 LV 4.5 48 49 Romney +1 WeAskAmerica 10/4 - 10/4 1200 LV 3.0 45 48 Romney +3




You shouldn't "Ha" too early.....lol



Edited by B-Man
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