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Obama Gone Wild

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Sorry for the duplicate thread. I just didn't check this, as the title isn't very specific and I was assuming it was some nonsense or other like a lot of threads....


Anyway, as I wrote, IMO this speech goes a long way toward validating Romney's 47% comments.


No surprise that the MSM, some who were in attendence, absolutely buried this story. Even after he disavowed Wright in press releases, etc. here he is with these accolades, talking out of both sides of his mouth, and saying with the right that what came out of the left was wrong and he doesn't believe it. Well, which is it? He's connected with Wright and his brand of invective or he isn't.


Shameful that this man was and is running to be president of black America and KILL WHITEY! rather than being president of the whole of America.


Doubly shameful that things like this spout from a conference purportedly about religious matters. We believe in a benevolent God who loves his creation, not one so concentered in hatred and envy, who believe that because something happened to forefathers 300 years ago, that means things are owed to the people who continually decry this as though it happened to them personally and refuse to get off their dead asses today.





"Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago is the church most frequently cited by press accounts, and by Cone as the best example of a church formally founded on the vision of Black liberation theology.[9] The 2008 Jeremiah Wright controversy, over racism and anti-Americanism in Wright's sermons and statements, caused then-Senator Barack Obama to distance himself from his former pastor."



Rich white Americans are basically the devil in Obama's own religion, so it's no surprise. President Barack "white man's greed runs a world in need" Obama. There's nothing new here. Maybe this will help some Obama supporters see the light and see the real guy instead of the completely phony "Mr. Nice Guy" he trots out to county fairs in swing states every four years.

Edited by 1billsfan
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John Nolte writes the “Top Ten Reasons the 2007 Obama Video Matters in 2012:”

Obama’s attacks on the suburbs and the “us vs. them” rhetoric that toxifies
the entire speech helps make sense of his divisive presidency and campaign


Moreover, the speech that made Obama a national star was his 2004 address at the Democratic Convention where he was famously unifying and post-racial. That was his “no red states, no blue states” speech.


Now we know the 2004 speech was bull ****.


That’s news.



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This guy is the biggest fraud and has the media covering for him. It's disgusting


"President Obama is the greatest hoax ever..."




Clint Eastwood pretty much nailed Obama with his "empty chair" speech and subsequent interview on the topic of Obama.

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That’s news


If you think that's news, try this: not only was the Stafford Act waived at the time Obama made his speech, but Obama VOTED AGAINST having it waived for New Orleans.


What a pandering mess this idiot has proven to be. He stood up and purposefully lied to an entire congregation of preachers. What's left but to take candy from a baby.



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If you think that's news, try this: not only was the Stafford Act waived at the time Obama made his speech, but Obama VOTED AGAINST having it waived for New Orleans.


What a pandering mess this idiot has proven to be. He stood up and purposefully lied to an entire congregation of preachers. What's left but to take candy from a baby.



Wow. Just, wow. This essentially defines Barry. I hope Romney uses this in an ad.

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If you think that's news, try this: not only was the Stafford Act waived at the time Obama made his speech, but Obama VOTED AGAINST having it waived for New Orleans.


What a pandering mess this idiot has proven to be. He stood up and purposefully lied to an entire congregation of preachers. What's left but to take candy from a baby.




At least he didn't vote "present".

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funny that . someone just said it was stupid to revive month old threads and 4 year old topics.


Heh.........now why would we bring up a month old thread, to mention a 4 year old speech...................Hmmmmm


Akin has closed his lead in MO from 10 down to 2.3%


I guess it works for others but not those who you deem liberals.

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funny that . someone just said it was stupid to revive month old threads and 4 year old topics.




I guess it works for others but not those who you deem liberals.


Lol....its a three day old thread and the "story" about the speech was released on Tuesday.


I'm beginning to think that you're not too bright Bf4E,


the term context seems to be rather foreign to you.


Desperation + dimness...................a sad (but sometimes funny) combination.




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Yeah sure he did. I heard he also lived in a mobile home and lived off foodstamps. What a saint williard is.

Yep. And Barry lived in the ghetto until he went to college.


And this new video is Romney's response to Barry bringing-up the "47%" video. If asked about it, Romney can just say "when you give enough speeches, you sometimes say things you wish you had said differently. Kind of like your video in 2007 where you praised Jeremiah Wright, or said that the government hates black people, or that they didn't waive the Stafford Act, when they did, and when you voted against waiving it. Right?"

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funny that . someone just said it was stupid to revive month old threads and 4 year old topics.




I guess it works for others but not those who you deem liberals.


Yeah but this thread isn't a month old. It's 2 days old


Keep on spinnin

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