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Refs Love Brady...just an observation

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Second quarter...about two minutes left. Fitz drops back for pass (2nd and 13 I believe...we just had a holding penalty I think). Fitz gets squashed by Chandler up high and another Pats' lineman down low. He just released the ball and the Pats' player literally went right at his knees and Fitz crumbled. No Roughing the Passer.


Fast forward to third quarter. Brady drops back...Kyle Williams (while crawling along the ground) grabs Brady's ankle after Brady just finished throwing. Brady takes a soft landing to the ground (but his hidden Oscar winning acting comes out and he calls for a flag). Flag thrown. 15 yds to the Bills 5 yd line.


I know the refs didn't decide this game...but the pretty boy pi$$es me off so much because I know the refs love him dearly (and he's damn good). Our defense lost this game on Sunday.

I saw the same thing. One thing the regular refs do that the replacement refs did not is give preferential treatment to some of the 'star' players. The replacement officials for all their shortcomings were impartial when it came to their calls (good or bad). While the sports media had a field day pissing and moaning about the replacement officials you'll never hear a peep out of any of them about this obvious situation every Sunday.


When I saw it was one of the league darlings, Green Bay, get screwed by a bad call I knew the strike would be over shortly. If it was the Bills instead, we'd still have the replacements.

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Second quarter...about two minutes left. Fitz drops back for pass (2nd and 13 I believe...we just had a holding penalty I think). Fitz gets squashed by Chandler up high and another Pats' lineman down low. He just released the ball and the Pats' player literally went right at his knees and Fitz crumbled. No Roughing the Passer.


Fast forward to third quarter. Brady drops back...Kyle Williams (while crawling along the ground) grabs Brady's ankle after Brady just finished throwing. Brady takes a soft landing to the ground (but his hidden Oscar winning acting comes out and he calls for a flag). Flag thrown. 15 yds to the Bills 5 yd line.


I know the refs didn't decide this game...but the pretty boy pi$$es me off so much because I know the refs love him dearly (and he's damn good). Our defense lost this game on Sunday.


I've reiterated that at least twice - lousy favoritism on the PUTZ. Plus Chandler got clobbered and no flag was thrown. Cinderfella Brady threw 2 passes that in the dirt that should have been intentional grounding, yet no call was made.



The Bills sucked, the refs biased calls just made it worse

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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There were only 4 penalties called in this game total and only 1 called on the Pats. There were plenty of holding and PI calls that probably could have been made.


And with the scabs the Pats had a total of 24 penalties in the first 3 games. Thats an average of 8 per game.


Bring back the Replacements

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I couldn't understand this ruling for the life of me... How could anyone honestly look at that and say his knee did not touch??

Man the conspiracy theories here know no bounds. They need clear evidence to overturn a ruling on the field. No one could say the knee definitely touched. Yeah it may have looked like it based on what the turf was doing at the time, but it has to be clearly seen to overturn. Simple concept that can be hard to accept when looking for excuses other than the obvious for a loss.

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Man the conspiracy theories here know no bounds. They need clear evidence to overturn a ruling on the field. No one could say the knee definitely touched. Yeah it may have looked like it based on what the turf was doing at the time, but it has to be clearly seen to overturn. Simple concept that can be hard to accept when looking for excuses other than the obvious for a loss.


I think everyone on this Board knows we screwed the pooch defensively. The Refs call vs. no call is a debate that will go on after every loss...in this loss, the Refs had no role in our debacle...in the next one - who knows?

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I think everyone on this Board knows we screwed the pooch defensively. The Refs call vs. no call is a debate that will go on after every loss...in this loss, the Refs had no role in our debacle...in the next one - who knows?

Refs are human and will not see everything. Couple that with the amount and extent of rules in the NFL being borderline absurd and you get what you get.

But then why is it assumed by the select few that bring this up week in and week out (even after wins) that all bad calls go against the Bills?

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Refs are human and will not see everything. Couple that with the amount and extent of rules in the NFL being borderline absurd and you get what you get.

But then why is it assumed by the select few that bring this up week in and week out (even after wins) that all bad calls go against the Bills?


Human nature as a Bills fan and as a Western New Yorker...weathermen show us disrespect, news announcers show disrespect, radio talk show hosts, and (as we all know) the NFL and NHL Refs...we all have the underdog mentality and, like it or not, we feel this way whether it is warranted or not.

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Human nature as a Bills fan and as a Western New Yorker...weathermen show us disrespect, news announcers show disrespect, radio talk show hosts, and (as we all know) the NFL and NHL Refs...we all have the underdog mentality and, like it or not, we feel this way whether it is warranted or not.

That I can accept :)

Edited by CodeMonkey
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I do not believe there is a bias against the Bills, but I firmly believe the Pats have the reputation as being extremely well coached and therefore commit less penalties, and it gets called that way. DC Tom called it in a thread last week..he said something to the effect of "11 penalties vs Ravens, lets see what happens in the Bills game"..lo and behold not one penalty on offense or defense by the Pats.


I just cannot believe that is a coincidense..no disrespect to Tom..but damn when he is on to something must be rather obvious no :w00t::nana:

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I do not believe there is a bias against the Bills, but I firmly believe the Pats have the reputation as being extremely well coached and therefore commit less penalties, and it gets called that way. DC Tom called it in a thread last week..he said something to the effect of "11 penalties vs Ravens, lets see what happens in the Bills game"..lo and behold not one penalty on offense or defense by the Pats.


I just cannot believe that is a coincidense..no disrespect to Tom..but damn when he is on to something must be rather obvious no :w00t::nana:

Maybe it was because they where playing the Ravens, not the Bills? Why hold/interfere when you are winning every battle?

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Or when Fitz ran up the middle and the DB hit him helmet to helmet as he was on the way down. I thought that might have knocked him out. There should be a fine for that hit.

I saw that and it was late too, I agree with the other poster as well, I saw quite a bit of holding on our D. Not excuses, but I believe that the leauge

does have a hidden agenda, and the refs are complicit with it. There are many ways to effect game outcomes that are not as obvious to the untrained eye.

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Refs are human and will not see everything. Couple that with the amount and extent of rules in the NFL being borderline absurd and you get what you get.

But then why is it assumed by the select few that bring this up week in and week out (even after wins) that all bad calls go against the Bills?


i don't understand the reason for your response. if you don't want to complain about the refs, why visit this particular thread, where some people clearly want to complain? if you want to take the people are 'just human" angle, that same explanation can be applied to everything that happened on Sunday. 'we got steamrolled"--well, that happens. "we didn't adjust"--well, coaches don't always adjust. "fitz is inaccurate"---well, sometimes humans are imperfect. part of the fan experience is complaining about the **** that bugs you. players, coaches, owners, refs whatever. when i'm sitting in the stands and think a call went against us....chandler getting popped after the whistle was blown early in the game, i'm pissed because they don't call it. am i right? well, obviously not, since they didn't call it. refs are humans. chandler's human. the d back who hit him is human---and it's human to whine. cut us all some slack.


btw-it's ok for you to point out there errors of everyone else's way, because you're just human.



dumb monkey. (no offense, i'm projecting my anger at the bills performance on sunday)

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i don't understand the reason for your response. if you don't want to complain about the refs, why visit this particular thread, where some people clearly want to complain? if you want to take the people are 'just human" angle, that same explanation can be applied to everything that happened on Sunday. 'we got steamrolled"--well, that happens. "we didn't adjust"--well, coaches don't always adjust. "fitz is inaccurate"---well, sometimes humans are imperfect. part of the fan experience is complaining about the **** that bugs you. players, coaches, owners, refs whatever. when i'm sitting in the stands and think a call went against us....chandler getting popped after the whistle was blown early in the game, i'm pissed because they don't call it. am i right? well, obviously not, since they didn't call it. refs are humans. chandler's human. the d back who hit him is human---and it's human to whine. cut us all some slack.


btw-it's ok for you to point out there errors of everyone else's way, because you're just human.



dumb monkey. (no offense, i'm projecting my anger at the bills performance on sunday)


Code Monkey is just playing Devil's Advocate - i.e. the rules are so detailed that perhaps each of the calls (Fitz' sack, the goal line knee touch by Brady, the hit to Fitz' head on scramble and the hit to Chandler) may have been technically correct under the "rulebook" and we look for a "Bills Exception" because...well...because we deserve a break for once. I for one think Fitz' sack was worse than Brady's from the standpoint of potential injury. We're all gonna B word about the Refs...if we win sometimes but mainly when we lose. I doubt the Refs had anything to do with what happened on Sunday but it was icing on an otherwise manure cake.

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