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Ever feel crazy - Like there is something wrong with you


All the time! But then, I am an artist, who isn't famous, we just had a baby 5 months ago, I am almost 53 and have a 31 year old GF. I am living in a very foriegn land, I am unemployed and am not even going to mention how long that has been. And I watch the Bills at ungoddly hours to make me feel better, on streams that may or may not be affecting the preformance of my computer. Oh and we might get another flood this year.


Some people have all the luck!


Being a fan since the early 90's, I get why I got emotionally involved until a few years after the Music City Miracle. The team was always a few plays away from being back in their glory days. But now, after all this time, I feel insane for letting this team get to me.


If you read all the threads, right or wrong, there is so much passion around who is to blame. The QB, the coaches, the scheme. You could go back on this thread for 15 years and see the exact same topics, but with just different coaches and players filling in the blanks. Some remember different players better than they were, or drafts that could have been.


And even his year, after the blow out to the Jets, I told myself that I would not allow myself to get excited if we got to 2-1 heading into the Pats game. Logic said that beating two crap teams after a typical division game had this team smelling of old. Yet there I was at half time just absolutely pumped about the D, FItz, Spiller/Fred playing and a gameplan that had Brady frustrated.


Skip to the end, I'm pissed off, depressed, and done with football for the day and back to my normal conclusion of the Bills not being a very good team. I went through the basic steps:


1 - Fitz sucks

2 - Can't wait to see how BillFromNYC tries to spin this crap

3 - Gonna torch some optimists on the forum

4 - Wanny sucks

5 - Why does my wife look happy

6 - Great, now the Yankees are going to lose too

7 - Why the hell aren't people agreeing with my anger and why the hell is my wife so happy!

8 - Depression.

9 - Self-awareness "How did I get here again"


I seriously feel like an abused wife. "But he loves me. He promises he'll change." What would you say to that person?


Nothing I say or do is going to change anything around how I feel. The only optimism I have is that the beat down in San Fran won't feel so bad next week. Can all teams be like this. Why couldn't I have been raised a Giants fan or something?


No point to this, just talking


1. Been saying that for years

5 & 7. Are Hilarious LMAO


I dont feel like an abused wife but I do feel your pain. Im more of the wife who knows that its not gonna get better but still there because I don't have anywhere else to go...

Dont Judge me


The way I see it, I just gained 14% more free time. I always devote Sundays to football. I see more hiking, fishing, and everything else in my future. Its hard to keep caring so much about something that gives so little in return.

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