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the True Bledsoe showed up today....


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Sorry, but no way Bledsoe should be the starter next season, game on the line, and he cost us it. Buffalo got LUCKY it wasn't worse than it was. Pittsburgh dropped a few passes that would have put the game away in the 3rd quarter. Bledsoe is great if the game is won by the D or by the special teams, but put Bledsoe in when the game is huge, you see what happens. Both NE games, the Baltimore game, the Pittsburgh game. If Buffalo even wins one of those games Buffalo is in the playoffs. I was cautious optimisitic about Bledsoe when the streak was going, but once again, he showed his true stuff.

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Sadly, you are correct IMO.


Someone mentioned how sick they are of seeing that look on Bledsoe's face after he has done something stupid which causes an INT or fumble.


I, too, am sick of that apologetic face.


Drew can be a caretaker QB if the defense and ST are kicking butt. But if you need Drew to come up big, in a big game, forget about it. You have the wrong guy.


Sadly, we are probably stuck with Drew. My only hope is that he is the backup QB next year, not the starter.

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