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Woman issued ticket for $81


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More worthy of news is she actually was not fined but just gave a warning; "ignorance of the law was not an excuse" despite that there are probably hundreds of laws not enforced including plenty just enforced when police just want to make a point.

"Ignorance of the law" is a bull **** notion. The phrase is, "Ignorance of the law, which everyone is bound to know, excuses no man".


Everyone is bound to know that it is against the law to murder. Not everyone is bound to know that it is illegal to park facing downhill on leap years.

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Am I the only one that knows that's illegal?


I did not know it. But I do know here in the 'Cuse, it's illegal to leave your car running with no one in it. It's to cut down on the number of car thefts from people running into a convience store "just for a minute", and leaving the keys in it.

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That's gotta be hell for people with convertibles and motorcycles.

Can't they just make it against the law to steal a car?

Maybe it's an effort to make people bring a portable garage with them wherever they go, so their car/bike/motorcycle will be "safe".

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Speaking of which I got a $50 ticket in SF for parking on a hill and not curbing my wheels. You have to be kidding me!

I'm just flew into SF yesterday, and while looking through the little information packet you get in the hotel, they actually mentioned this one!

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Selfish prick. What if your vehicle rolled out and hit a biker?!


I know you're joking but my parking brake will hold my car on a hill better than any burn would.



I'm just flew into SF yesterday, and while looking through the little information packet you get in the hotel, they actually mentioned this one!


Great. So they inform visitors but those of us that live here have to learn the hard way.

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