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Herm Edwards...Somebody please explain?


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Can someone, anyone explain or give some information on how this guy got to be a headcoach, a headcoach that an orginaztion gave up draft picks for, and now is a commentator for ESPN??? How does he interview for a job and someone come out of that interview sayign this is our guy to lead our football team? This is the guy on want on camera representing our brand name.


It has to be naked pics of someone..has to be...

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Been in football his whole life, and the NFL most of his adult life. Being "in the circle" goes a long way. Knowing how NFL organizations operate and what not. Plus, while he may not be a great X's and O's guy, he is a pretty good motivator. I read his book (takes about 1 day), and it's pretty decent.


The Bills have hired worse.

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Can someone, anyone explain or give some information on how this guy got to be a headcoach, a headcoach that an orginaztion gave up draft picks for, and now is a commentator for ESPN??? How does he interview for a job and someone come out of that interview sayign this is our guy to lead our football team? This is the guy on want on camera representing our brand name.


It has to be naked pics of someone..has to be...


because "you play...to win...the game!!!!"

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Been in football his whole life, and the NFL most of his adult life. Being "in the circle" goes a long way. Knowing how NFL organizations operate and what not. Plus, while he may not be a great X's and O's guy, he is a pretty good motivator. I read his book (takes about 1 day), and it's pretty decent.


The Bills have hired worse.


The captions are quite short.

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The Chiefs gave up a late pick for him it wasn't a Jon Gruden type deal where they gave up massive picks for him. Herm basically got the KC job because the NFL coaches and GM's are basically a big frat house, its tightly knit, if you had even a modest amount of success somewhere its going to get you another shot.


Herm was the epitome of average with the Jets, but KC was desperate for a HC and Herm knew the right people. Now after having 2 crappy seasons with the Chiefs and one one and done playoff appearance he has used up that second chance unless he wants to be a coordinator.

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answer is easy ,HE SUCKS AS A HEAD COACH! he rode coattails for years then he got his shot twice,he wrecked two franchises and cost his GM his job,thats why hes in a booth .most are caught up with him being a "ex HEAD COACH" .BUT in reality he wasnt any better than hank bullough,kay stephenson or juaron!

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