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Posted (edited)

I hate to put down other Bills fans in their support for our team, but does #BillsMafia make anyone else cringe when the hear or see it? I know I do.

Edited by TheLynchTrain

That article was in the Huffington post or a blog? Looks like a 3rd grader wrote it.


Also, its not that impressive to me. Especially how it started. I am probably one of the most troll friendly people and their acts to troll Schefter were cheesey. The whole bit seems contrived and hollow. The group claims to be a mafia and acts like they got some muscle.. but beyond twitter what have they really done? They seem as much like posers as anything. Until they do some real trolling and until they flex some muscle (DDOS, use some LOIC, i dont know, something) in their online kingdom then I will not take it seriously.


I don't really get the angst toward the group. It's a way for players and fans to interact. People are having fun with it and they are raising a nice chunk of money for Roswell. What's not to like?


I am confused and scared by things I don't understand. Who is Bill, and what do we care about his mafia? And what's up with the tic-tac-toe board?


I have nothing but love for ALL Bills fans, but that may be the gayest name of all time.

So-SO LAME. Outsiders who hear that name think the same thing. It is just trying too hard to sound cool, which makes it incredibly un-cool and ultra contrived.


If you have to identify yourself as part of the Billsmafia, and are like-serious about it, then you have a bit of an identity problem...Im simply a Bills fan.


Note: There was some people using the term "Bills Nation"...Dont like that either-That belongs to The Raiders (and Red Sox sort of too)


I hate to put down other Bills fans in their support for our team, but does #BillsMafia make anyone else cringe when the hear or see it? I know I do.





Though, Adam Schefter is a complete waste of space. So I do agree with their movement on that front, at least.


Okay, I'm glad a big crap-cloud hovered over this thread, because I wasn't about to share similar sentiment, unless it was already prevailing.


To echo a prior comment: it's Huffpost, but not really. It's amateur hour from their "chicks who like to, you know, like talk about football" section that nobody reads, and burying this content further is the fact that it's the Bills portion of the section. So I hardly qualify this as "news."


Also, it's a !@#$ing hashtag. The fact that these dweebs (and I know from personal experience that they are in fact pretty lame) are getting any kind of attention for "inventing" or "innovating" a !@#$ing hashtag is--in itself--MIND. BLOWING.


The only thing that makes this even remotely "interesting" is the fact that the players use it, too.


Other than that: LAME


I don't really get the angst toward the group. It's a way for players and fans to interact. People are having fun with it and they are raising a nice chunk of money for Roswell. What's not to like?


Gotta agree, players seem to love it, it gives them a venue to interact with fans on a group basis. It's the age of Social Media, I hate twitter and think the "#" is as LAME as the next guy but is it anymore LAME than anyone here on this message board that spends all day talking about how much they hate ______ (insert anything.) And sorry, anyone that puts time and effort into generating money for a charity, especially Roswell, is not LAME.


If you knew Del, the person who helped start it, i think most of you would change your toon. he is a diehard Bills fan, a great husband and father, and really a great guy.

many people here laugh at 'National Media' guys when they put down Buffalo or the Bills. Del just stood up to one of those National Guys and defended his team. Sorry guys but you are wrong to be negative towards Del and the Bills Mafia. They also donate money to charitable groups. So really what is not to like? Because you do not understand Twitter? I do not either, but congrats to one of Buffalo's own getting some press.

Yes i am a little biased, Del is married to my cousin. I have always found Del to be passionate about his Team and Town only behind his Faith and Family.


I think its kinda cool how the players have picked up and ran with it...as Lange said, let the haters hate and watch the money pile up...


So BillsMafia is lame but grown men dressing up in dresses with pig noses at the Redskins games are cool? Please.


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