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Official Mitt Romney Joke Thread

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Which lies? These


Lets see -


Romney promised he would repeal Obamacare on day one. NOW that he wants to keep at least 2 key objectives and now y'all are for it.


If you listen to Romney, he's been entirely consistent on repealing the ACA but keeping some portions of it in whatever replaces it. And if you paid any attention to anything but your own blather, you'd know that many here are okay with that because it's not the individual pieces of the ACA that suck, as much as how they're all thrown together with no consideration of economic reality.


Romney will increase the number of Naval ships from 11 to 15 and 3 submarines a year


What does that even mean? Can you translate that to English?

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Yesterday, Obama conceded that he probably wouldn't win reelection and that "the only reason to vote for me is that I'm black".


Oh how you wish.


Dear Tom. if you are too stupid to figure it out, then that's your problem.



If you listen to Romney, he's been entirely consistent on repealing the


A Romney aide told the National Review that he does not support the Affordable Care Act's ban on discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions, despite suggesting on "Meet the Press" that he supported that part of the law.


Instead, the aide added, there has been no change in the Republican nominee's position. "n a competitive environment, the marketplace will make available plans that include coverage for what there is demand for," the aide said. "He was not proposing a federal mandate to require insurance plans to offer those particular features."


And how long will it take to create and have a new plan passed? 1 year, 2 years? What do these people do during that time if they need coverage? Suck it up?






I stand by what I said, whatever it was. ( Mitt Romney May 17, 2012) and change my stance tomorrow.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Which lies? These


Lets see -



Lets start with this. He issued a statement about how he would look at spending. His 'policy' would be to ask himself if program X was worth borrowing money from China to pay for it. If it was not..... then he would cut it. Go ahead now and argue against that 'common sense' policy. He then cited PBS as an example. He has also said that he would negotiate which cuts needed to be made with congress. Strange concept....negotiating with Congress rather than ramming legislation down everyone's throat.


Face it...there are folks in this country that want less government, less taxes and more self responsibility (to generalize quite a bit). Cutting spending is necessary. Growing the economy is necessary. Alternatively, raising taxes is going to create major problems. Read the letter from David Siegal that you've been referencing today. Businessmen all over the country ARE going to modify their behavior one way or another based on this election.


With final respect to lies....today is not the day for you to be harping on Romney. The President more serious cover ups to attend to.

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Oh how you wish.


Dear Tom. if you are too stupid to figure it out, then that's your problem.



If you listen to Romney, he's been entirely consistent on repealing the


I will repeal Obamacare on my first day in office







I stand by what I said, whatever it was. ( Mitt Romney May 17, 2012) and change my stance tomorrow.


Yes, he's been entirely consistent. If you actually listen TO WHAT HE SAYS, you'd know that. But headlines are easier for the simple-minded, I guess.

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Please provide a plan on how Myth will pay for all of his increased spending.


Simpleton Tom, I have listened. all I hear is bullshi+


You can sit there and believe he hasn't changed his stance?


Is he a moderate / centrist or a right winger?


Why was it you and the others laughed when I said Myth = Obama


and where is the TEA party asking Myth to spend less?

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Oh how you wish.


Dear Tom. if you are too stupid to figure it out, then that's your problem.



If you listen to Romney, he's been entirely consistent on repealing the


A Romney aide told the National Review that he does not support the Affordable Care Act's ban on discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions, despite suggesting on "Meet the Press" that he supported that part of the law.


Instead, the aide added, there has been no change in the Republican nominee's position. "n a competitive environment, the marketplace will make available plans that include coverage for what there is demand for," the aide said. "He was not proposing a federal mandate to require insurance plans to offer those particular features."


And how long will it take to create and have a new plan passed? 1 year, 2 years? What do these people do during that time if they need coverage? Suck it up?






I stand by what I said, whatever it was. ( Mitt Romney May 17, 2012) and change my stance tomorrow.


Stevens died, Obama lied.

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Hehe, well they won't be nailed w/ a liberal search bias.


It is funny how worst president comes up with basically the last 5 presidents minus Clinton (and also H. Bush doesn't show up much).


This can be explained with the following......Al Gore only recently invented the internet and this creates a selection/search bias with current events vs remote history. :lol:

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Please provide a plan on how Myth will pay for all of his increased spending.


Simpleton Tom, I have listened. all I hear is bullshi+


You can sit there and believe he hasn't changed his stance?


Is he a moderate / centrist or a right winger?


Why was it you and the others laughed when I said Myth = Obama


and where is the TEA party asking Myth to spend less?


I'm sorry...we were talking about repealing the ACA. Now you want to talk about his spending plans?


Is that because you've suddenly discovered that he HASN'T been inconsistent talking about the ACA?

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I'm sorry...we were talking about repealing the ACA. Now you want to talk about his spending plans?


Is that because you've suddenly discovered that he HASN'T been inconsistent talking about the ACA?


"Preexisting conditions are covered under my plan" - Mitt Romney to 70 million people

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type "completely wrong" in a google images search and tell me what you results you get

Beat me to it


Google: 'Completely wrong' = Romney


To the amusement of Mitt Romney's critics, a Google Image search for the phrase "completely wrong" on Wednesday returned a page nearly full of images of the Republican presidential candidate.


A Google spokesman said the gallery of photos is the unintentional result of normal Google analytics, which produce images associated with popular phrases in news headlines and search terms, and not the result of any effort to skew the results.


Dear Comic Tom. Wasn't part of the issue against the Obamacare program how to pay for it? Do you have a selective memory or an addled brain?


socialist idiot? rush-limbaugh-big-fat-idiot-dittohead-hillbilly-heroin-oxycodine.jpg






Type "worst president ever" in google images and tell me what results you get.







and one more



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To the amusement of Mitt Romney's critics, a Google Image search for the phrase "completely wrong" on Wednesday returned a page nearly full of images of the Republican presidential candidate.

"Yeah! We learned about Search Engine Optimization at school today, mom! Tomorrow, we're going start working on our new project: Intro to Droopal! Some day, we may actually go to college, and get a 4 year degree in computer science! Then, we'll be able to do our data layer properly, won't have to depend on dopey things like ORMs, or anything else that compensates for our lack of programming skills! Now, I'm going to go download this SEO script, because I can't write it myself."


Kindergarten IT? Really. In the face of a massive swell of Romney momentum, Kindergarten IT is your response?


Just a small question: do you think F'ing about with SEO is going to make The Debate :doh: go away? Or, are you just doing this as a cathartic vehicle to help you get over it?

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