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  1. 1. Who will win the election

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So what do we do here? Keep posting **** back and forth. Like Hawaii is part of Asia? There are 54 states in the US and on and on? But you miss the point. At least Bush is man enough and transparent enough to not hide from his past.

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Since you don't know what started this genius, you're obviosly as stupid as Pearl is. Probably an a-hole too. I'm going to see how many warning points I can get, so Jack-don't bother sending me another warning message because here's my respnse-You and Pearl can go screw yourselves if you're not already doing each other.

grrrrrrrrrr.....I bet you feel all big inside.


Good analysis. Only bad presidents like Reagan and Clinton used the teleprompter as often.


We need good presidents that GW Bush who looked like a buffoon on the teleprompter and had to use index cards.

I don't know of any leader in any capacity that has been so entirely dependent on the teleprompter. It's not that he uses one, it's that he can't speak off of it without ending up with his foot in his mouth. Clinton had no such disability.


Listen A-hole. You're as big an a hole on this board too. Stupider than GW Bush.


Oh and if the little twit wants to give me another warning & put in my my record for calling you an a-hole. I don't give a rat's @ss.

They have medication for your condition.


Listen A-hole. You're as big an a hole on this board too. Stupider than GW Bush.


Oh and if the little twit wants to give me another warning & put in my my record for calling you an a-hole. I don't give a rat's @ss.


...who are you?

Posted (edited)

So what do we do here? Keep posting **** back and forth. Like Hawaii is part of Asia? There are 54 states in the US and on and on? But you miss the point. At least Bush is man enough and transparent enough to not hide from his past.


Everybody knows its the 57 united states of America


This Is why he sticks to a teleprompter.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid

So what do we do here? Keep posting **** back and forth. Like Hawaii is part of Asia? There are 54 states in the US and on and on? But you miss the point. At least Bush is man enough and transparent enough to not hide from his past.





Bumbling Obama: ‘I Want to See Us Export More Jobs’





CBS says he merely misspeaks. With Obama, it’s never a gaaaaafffffeeee! And of course, he winds up blaming Romney, anyway. How precious. So he gets a pass from the crowd and the media. As someone once said, he’s like the special needs kid you’re not allowed to make fun of. How many days would we hear about this if Romney said it?


I tell you what, although Bush wasn't a A student in college (solid C) at least he is man enough to release his grades. My suspicion is Barry is smart enough to know he's not that bright. Hence the covering up of his grades. Hence the teleprompter. So Bush will always be a better man just for this. And Obama is just a empty suit. Devoid of any real substance.


My suspicion is that Obama's smart...but not smart enough to know his limitations, except for having it hammered into him "For God's sake, don't deviate from the !@#$ing script!"


Actually, I think he's too smart to just "wing it" on a speech...too many ideas, not enough time to sort them into something coherent on the fly, when he tried to go off-script, he hems and haws because what he wants to say seems so blisteringly obvious to himself that he can't think of how to phrase it for the hoi polloi.


CBS says he merely misspeaks. With Obama, it’s never a gaaaaafffffeeee! And of course, he winds up blaming Romney, anyway. How precious. So he gets a pass from the crowd and the media. As someone once said, he’s like the special needs kid you’re not allowed to make fun of. How many days would we hear about this if Romney said it?

Who said you can't make fun of him? I welcome it.


While partaking in the frivolity in this thread I stumbled upon this clip. I know it'll get a dismissive response based on the content and the speaker alone -- but look beyond those things for a second and watch the man. I think it shows what both parties are currently lacking. There's just no one on either side that has the ability to connect like Slick Willy does/did. This election would be so much more interesting if it had some real candidates.



Obama, or BOCES students?

:lol: Both.


wow... I thought this was a thread about PBOs use of a tele, but find a bunch of crap posted about other POTUS use of it...


Look... NO ONE, in the history of the world, uses the teleprompter as much as Obama!!! And in the rare cases that he wanders from it, he typically makes an absolute fool of himself, and this country by association unfortunately...


Smart??? I wish he was... The simple remark in a post, that he was too smart to come of a tele, only shows the ignorance of that comment, and by proxie, a vast majority of the people that will vote for someone that CAN'T speak for himself without screwing up his remarks...


I'm not getting down on PBO.... He ain't that bright, not at all, but I know that and won't hold it against him... What bothers me, is how stupid the electorate has become, even more so, over the last few years for believing his line of crap, and too easily, forgiving his "gaffs"...


There are 2 types of "smarts" in the world... First one, is book smarts, that which we were taught, or are being taught by whomever we follow, making life decisions based only on this criteria...


The other, is common sense smarts, one that people weight what they hear and are taught, against everyday life and personal experience, and make a decision based on that combination of factors.


PBO followers are of the first group, even to the point of disparaging the latter... Need I go on???


wow... I thought this was a thread about PBOs use of a tele, but find a bunch of crap posted about other POTUS use of it...


Look... NO ONE, in the history of the world, uses the teleprompter as much as Obama!!! And in the rare cases that he wanders from it, he typically makes an absolute fool of himself, and this country by association unfortunately...


Smart??? I wish he was... The simple remark in a post, that he was too smart to come of a tele, only shows the ignorance of that comment, and by proxie, a vast majority of the people that will vote for someone that CAN'T speak for himself without screwing up his remarks...


I'm not getting down on PBO.... He ain't that bright, not at all, but I know that and won't hold it against him... What bothers me, is how stupid the electorate has become, even more so, over the last few years for believing his line of crap, and too easily, forgiving his "gaffs"...


There are 2 types of "smarts" in the world... First one, is book smarts, that which we were taught, or are being taught by whomever we follow, making life decisions based only on this criteria...


The other, is common sense smarts, one that people weight what they hear and are taught, against everyday life and personal experience, and make a decision based on that combination of factors.


PBO followers are of the first group, even to the point of disparaging the latter... Need I go on???

Yes, please.


wow... I thought this was a thread about PBOs use of a tele, but find a bunch of crap posted about other POTUS use of it...


gee, I thought this thread was about who will win (and maybe some opinions about why), but find a bunch of crap about teleprompters...


Yes, please.


the second group, are more critical thinkers, knowing, through experience, that what they are told, may not be true. They have the ability, and the desire, to weight all the facts, and because of this, more able to make an intelligent decision before casting their vote...


Key here!!!!


first group, blindly believes...


second group, thinks for themselves...


the second group, are more critical thinkers, knowing, through experience, that what they are told, may not be true. They have the ability, and the desire, to weight all the facts, and because of this, more able to make an intelligent decision before casting their vote...


Key here!!!!


first group, blindly believes...


second group, thinks for themselves...

And the first group consists exclusively of Obama supporters while the second group consists exclusively of Romney supporters? Or is there intermingling between the groups?


In all honesty I would LOVE to hear what are Cigna's thought's one issues that are important to him. Let us do it. Not as a battle...but you feel so wronged...so lets go. What are your problems?

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