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Posted (edited)

Yes, there is a major difference in scale, and Barry comes up short in all of them. For instance, Romneycare was specific to Mass where only 20% of their uninsured truly were too poor to afford health insurance, people wanted and still like it, and if you didn't like it, you could move out of the state. Taking a model tailored to one state and applying it to the entire country, that most don't like, with the only recourse being to leave the country, are not winning points for Barry. Neither will be Romney bringing up the TAX for failing to purchase health insurance, as well as all the other taxes that will be hitting people starting next year.


And unless Barry gets the questions beforehand, which is possible, he won't be able to rehearse his rebuttals.

obama has gone far left to moderate left on some issues. i think that's due to the political realities he encountered. romney has gone from left leaning moderate positions to far right on several issues. i think that's due to his realization that that's his only chance at winning...and i think he miscalculated those far right votes. but as i said, we'll see.


put another way: are there many people that don't believe that obama is or ever was a liberal?

Are there many people that don't believe that romney is or ever has been a far right conservative or for that matter, a moderate?

and the caricature morons that you all and drudge point to and ridicule as obama's base won't decide this election. it will be thoughtful people in the middle. i think they'll see through the farce.

Edited by birdog1960
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obama has gone far left to moderate left on some issues. i think that's due to the political realities he encountered. romney has gone from left leaning moderate positions to far right on several issues. i think that's due to his realization that that's his only chance at winning...and i think he miscalculated those far right votes. but as i said, we'll see.


put another way: are there many people that don't believe that obama is or ever was a liberal?

Are there many people that don't believe that romney is or ever has been a far right conservative or for that matter, a moderate?

and the caricature morons that you all and drudge point to and ridicule as obama's base won't decide this election. it will be thoughtful people in the middle. i think they'll see through the farce.


Are you kidding me? Drudge Report is the tip of the spear of the new media letting millions of Americans see through to the "Farce in Chief" Barack Obama.


I never knew that millions of Americans were getting free cell phones from Obama until today. Now millions of Americans know this information and can pass it along. Once they read this news, the thoughtful people in the middle who have jobs and self respect are going to say..."A free cell phone? Are you @#$% serious? Get off you fat ass and get a freaking job or learn a skill or trade you loser! I'm officially DONE paying your bills!" This is how a thoughtful person reacts to this news story.


There needs to be an incentive to get a job, and giving away free phones is not an incentive. Dropping work for welfare requirements is not an incentive.


obama has gone far left to moderate left on some issues. i think that's due to the political realities he encountered. romney has gone from left leaning moderate positions to far right on several issues. i think that's due to his realization that that's his only chance at winning...and i think he miscalculated those far right votes. but as i said, we'll see.


put another way: are there many people that don't believe that obama is or ever was a liberal?

Are there many people that don't believe that romney is or ever has been a far right conservative or for that matter, a moderate?

and the caricature morons that you all and drudge point to and ridicule as obama's base won't decide this election. it will be thoughtful people in the middle. i think they'll see through the farce.

Sorry but any "thoughtful" person that looks at the state of the country, and how it is worse in EVERY way than 2008, save for Wall Street, and decides that Barry is the best option, isn't very "thoughtful" at all. In fact, it's the opposite of thought; it's emotion. As in "Barry really cares about us and is trying his best, but it's not his fault the country is worse off!"


I have far more faith in a guy who successfully ran a state, company, and Olympics, than the guy who never had a real job and whose track record as president has been dismal. Even moreso since that state was a Democrat state, and he still got things done. Whereas once Barry lost full control of Congress, he blew the deal that his VP brokered, which led to the first-ever downgrade of the US's credit rating. Now to be fair, Barry had full control of Congress and losing it must have been tough for his ego. But just like a child is used to getting what he/she wants initially, at some maturity has to set in.


Are you kidding me? Drudge Report is the tip of the spear of the new media letting millions of Americans see through to the "Farce in Chief" Barack Obama.


I never knew that millions of Americans were getting free cell phones from Obama until today. Now millions of Americans know this information and can pass it along. Once they read this news, the thoughtful people in the middle who have jobs and self respect are going to say..."A free cell phone? Are you @#$% serious? Get off you fat ass and get a freaking job or learn a skill or trade you loser! I'm officially DONE paying your bills!" This is how a thoughtful person reacts to this news story.


There needs to be an incentive to get a job, and giving away free phones is not an incentive. Dropping work for welfare requirements is not an incentive.

What's worse is that not only do you get 250 free minutes, you get 250 free texts. And you get more of them for referring someone.


Nope, not convinced that there are enough intelligent people in this country to vote for Romney, to waste money on a bet.

but wait...why the meteoric rise in the last 10 days or so? have the economic numbers improved appreciably? has obama done something that all agree is fantastic? or is it really not about obama but romney?

but wait...why the meteoric rise in the last 10 days or so? have the economic numbers improved appreciably? has obama done something that all agree is fantastic? or is it really not about obama but romney?

No, it's always been about Barry and what people perceive he can do...if only everyone else would stop making him fail. They can ignore all objective data and keep hoping for change. I mean, he said himself that if he didn't have the economy turned-around in 3 years, he'd be a one-term president. Yet here he is, ahead in some polls (the legitimacy of which is another discussion).


No, it's always been about Barry and what people perceive he can do...if only everyone else would stop making him fail. They can ignore all objective data and keep hoping for change. I mean, he said himself that if he didn't have the economy turned-around in 3 years, he'd be a one-term president. Yet here he is, ahead in some polls (the legitimacy of which is another discussion).

take a closer look at the graph and adjust your red tinted glasses. obama was in the mid 50's 2 weeks ago. what happened between now and then to get him to 77?


take a closer look at the graph and adjust your red tinted glasses. obama was in the mid 50's 2 weeks ago. what happened between now and then to get him to 77?

Sorry, I don't put much "stock" in that graph. And LOL @ the "red tinted glasses" comment. I'm an independent who used to lean left. Now I'm an independent who leans right. I've seen the "failed policies of the Barry administration" inaction (another pun!) to know he's gotta go.




"There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq after all. The massive cache of almost 400,000 Iraq war documents released by the WikiLeaks Web site revealed that small amounts of chemical weapons were found in Iraq and continued to surface for years after the 2003 US invasion, Wired magazine reported. The documents showed that US troops continued to find chemical weapons and labs for years after the invasion, including remnants of Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons arsenal -- most of which had been destroyed following the Gulf War.

In August 2004, American troops were able to buy containers from locals of what they thought was liquid sulfur mustard, a blister agent, the documents revealed. The chemicals were triple-sealed and taken to a secure site.

Also in 2004, troops discovered a chemical lab in a house in Fallujah during a battle with insurgents. A chemical cache was also found in the city. "


hehe, not surprised you picked this article. Okay, there were some and it's also not surprising that locals had remnants.


I'm really curious how many mulligans you're willing to give General Powell, Hillary, Reid, Pelosi, etc. for basing their initial support on the intelligence given to them at the time?


hehe, not surprised you picked this article. Okay, there were some and it's also not surprising that locals had remnants.


I'm really curious how many mulligans you're willing to give General Powell, Hillary, Reid, Pelosi, etc. for basing their initial support on the intelligence given to them at the time?


You arrogant prick. Do you actually think that I would believe that you knew of this article in advance and basically were pulling my strings? How many Mulligans am I willing to give them? The same as President Bush. Besides, they don't need a mulligan, the drive stayed in bounds.


hehe, not surprised you picked this article. Okay, there were some and it's also not surprising that locals had remnants.


I'm really curious how many mulligans you're willing to give General Powell, Hillary, Reid, Pelosi, etc. for basing their initial support on the intelligence given to them at the time?


How do you think intelligence is actually developed?




You arrogant prick. Do you actually think that I would believe that you knew of this article in advance and basically were pulling my strings? How many Mulligans am I willing to give them? The same as President Bush. Besides, they don't need a mulligan, the drive stayed in bounds.

No, nothing of the sort. I'd read that article more than a year ago, cuz when you Google 'wmds found in Iraq', it's in the 1st 5 results. I just wasn't surprised you linked to it, that's all. I accepted your proof that there was some chemical weapons found, not sure why you think I was being snarky.




How do you think intelligence is actually developed?

umm what? Help me understand your question.


the words I get, what I don't understand is the question, just elaborate a ill bit for a half wit like me.


Intelligence information, such as "Iraq has WMDs," is developed from a variety of sources into a report or series of reports. How do you think that happens?


Intelligence information, such as "Iraq has WMDs," is developed from a variety of sources into a report or series of reports. How do you think that happens?

by developing assessments based on collection, research, and analysis of electronic surveillance, human intelligence, and probably a whole lot of stuff that the average person isn't privy to.


In this case, that being hindsight 20-20, the assessments were false, misleading, as well as unconfirmed, and the results were catastrophic, IMO of course.


by developing assessments based on collection, research, and analysis of electronic surveillance, human intelligence, and probably a whole lot of stuff that the average person isn't privy to.


In this case, that being hindsight 20-20, the assessments were false, misleading, as well as unconfirmed, and the results were catastrophic, IMO of course.


Actually you just leak something to the press and then do a presser citing the article your leak produced. :D

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