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Obama voices opinion on NFL Ref strike...remained silent on Chicago

John Adams

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Clearly, given the angry mood of a mob shouting death threats over a distressing YouTube video that insults the very nature of their religion,


the White House is working overtime to assuage a seething Midwest on the brink of exploding yet again.




Don't forget, while he had time for the View, and to comment of the NFL, he did NOT have time to meet with any other World Leaders while at the U.N.



Obama Adviser: 'If He Met With One Leader, He Would Have to Meet With 10'



oh......okay then.....we couldn't possibly expect him to do that.



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A campaigning president speaks out on a overwhelmingly one-sided issue? File under: not news.


I'm not defending the guy, but are you really surprised he kept shtum about a polarizing issue like teacher unions, then commented on a non-brainer that everyone outside Seattle agrees on?


Would he have said anything if this was the Browns vs Dolphins?

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A campaigning president speaks out on a overwhelmingly one-sided issue? File under: not news.


I'm not defending the guy, but are you really surprised he kept shtum about a polarizing issue like teacher unions, then commented on a non-brainer that everyone outside Seattle agrees on?


I am surprised he said anything at all about a football game, yes. He should keep his mouth shut about idiotic things that have no bearing on politics...

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Would he have said anything if this was the Browns vs Dolphins?


If they were good enough to be on MNF, may be.


I am surprised he said anything at all about a football game, yes. He should keep his mouth shut about idiotic things that have no bearing on politics...


Okay, I'll give you that, that's fair.

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A campaigning president speaks out on a overwhelmingly one-sided issue? File under: not news.


I'm not defending the guy, but are you really surprised he kept shtum about a polarizing issue like teacher unions, then commented on a non-brainer that everyone outside Seattle agrees on?


Surprised? No.


But that in no way diminishes the observation that it's a demonstration of a COMPLETE lack of leadership.

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A campaigning president speaks out on a overwhelmingly one-sided issue? File under: not news.


I'm not defending the guy, but are you really surprised he kept shtum about a polarizing issue like teacher unions, then commented on a non-brainer that everyone outside Seattle agrees on?


Observing his leadership incompetence is all.

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Observing his leadership incompetence is all.


Speaking of which...


Just heard on the radio; Obama met with no international leaders while he was visiting the UN. Reason, apparently, was that when meeting with other world leaders, one can't control the discussion, which is critical to a successful campaign.


Too busy campaigning to do his job. Nice. And yet, ahead by 10 in the polls. :wacko:

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Clearly, given the angry mood of a mob shouting death threats over a distressing YouTube video that insults the very nature of their religion,


the White House is working overtime to assuage a seething Midwest on the brink of exploding yet again.




Don't forget, while he had time for the View, and to comment of the NFL, he did NOT have time to meet with any other World Leaders while at the U.N.



Obama Adviser: 'If He Met With One Leader, He Would Have to Meet With 10'



oh......okay then.....we couldn't possibly expect him to do that.




At least he knows his place and stay away from real LEADERS!!!!!

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