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Madonna endorses Obama LOL

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Looks like the hair dye and plastic surgery got to her brain. She's 54 for Pete's sake. I saw nude pictures of her from at when she was18 in Penthouse. Her natural jet black Italian hair and a jungle below the waist. She sickened me when she was drying her armpits in Desperately Seeking Susan.

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Regardless of whether you agree with her or not, I absolutely LOATHE when musicians/actors/writers deviate from what I pay them for (music, movies or books) to shill for their political beliefs. I consider it an abuse of their "popularity" to subject people to their opinions unasked just because they have our attention for some other reason...

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Regardless of whether you agree with her or not, I absolutely LOATHE when musicians/actors/writers deviate from what I pay them for (music, movies or books) to shill for their political beliefs. I consider it an abuse of their "popularity" to subject people to their opinions unasked just because they have our attention for some other reason...




Or when these dbags threaten that they're going to move out of the US if the person they want to win the election doesn't win...it's just asinine. Celebrities seem to be incredulous when they're presented with the evidence that the average American doesn't see things as they do. I love music, film, and sports....but when these morons put themselves up upon a pedestal it becomes nauseating. I guess when you spend you're entire life knowing that so many millions of "fans" hang on every word you say and want to know details about the length and stench of your most recent sh*t, you perhaps can't help but have the impression that everyone else cares just as much...fortunately that's just simply not true.

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Clint Eastwood talking to a chair and hearing answers


Mel Gibson, described as "ultraconservative", and his anti Jew rants


Chuck Norris Warns of '1,000 Years of Darkness' if Obama is Re-Elected.


Hank Williams Jr. Tells Crowd Obama Is 'a Muslim' Who 'Hates the Military'


Ted Nugent wanting to shove his "gun" up someones butthole


Jon Voight Bashes Obama


Actor Jon Voight read a letter bashing President Obama on a Fox News show in 2012. "The American people are witnessing the greatest lie that is cleverly orchestrated by President Obama and his whole administration," Voight said. "President Obama feeds people poison, giving them the idea that they are entitled to take from the wealthier who have lived and worked in a democracy that understands that capitalism is the only truth that keeps a nation healthy. ... [Obama uses] a socialistic, Marxist teaching, and with it, he rapes this nation."


Based on sheer volume alone (let alone level of stupidity), the Dems have so 'much' more to offer in terms of celeb endorsements.

The point is that they are celebs, looking for attention because their careers are over!

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Clint Eastwood talking to a chair and hearing answers


Mel Gibson, described as "ultraconservative", and his anti Jew rants


Chuck Norris Warns of '1,000 Years of Darkness' if Obama is Re-Elected.


Hank Williams Jr. Tells Crowd Obama Is 'a Muslim' Who 'Hates the Military'


Ted Nugent wanting to shove his "gun" up someones butthole


Jon Voight Bashes Obama


Actor Jon Voight read a letter bashing President Obama on a Fox News show in 2012. "The American people are witnessing the greatest lie that is cleverly orchestrated by President Obama and his whole administration," Voight said. "President Obama feeds people poison, giving them the idea that they are entitled to take from the wealthier who have lived and worked in a democracy that understands that capitalism is the only truth that keeps a nation healthy. ... [Obama uses] a socialistic, Marxist teaching, and with it, he rapes this nation."



The point is that they are celebs, looking for attention because their careers are over!


Not so. Anyone who abused thier power to shill when not asked is open game for ridicule.


Mel Gibson is a half crazy lunatic and should be ridiculed often.


Hank Williams and Jon Voight's comments (if that's what was actually said, I do not specifically know) are dumb as well.


Eastwood doesn't count, he was specifically asked to speak. Agree with him or not, it's not like he broke the fourth wall in a movie to go off on Obama. I thought Ted Nugents comments were a bit over the top and I don't neccessarily agree with him, but he too was asked to give his opinion, as he was speaking at an NRA meeting I believe...

Edited by TheMadCap
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Clint Eastwood talking to a chair and hearing answers


Mel Gibson, described as "ultraconservative", and his anti Jew rants


Chuck Norris Warns of '1,000 Years of Darkness' if Obama is Re-Elected.


Hank Williams Jr. Tells Crowd Obama Is 'a Muslim' Who 'Hates the Military'


Ted Nugent wanting to shove his "gun" up someones butthole


Jon Voight Bashes Obama


Actor Jon Voight read a letter bashing President Obama on a Fox News show in 2012. "The American people are witnessing the greatest lie that is cleverly orchestrated by President Obama and his whole administration," Voight said. "President Obama feeds people poison, giving them the idea that they are entitled to take from the wealthier who have lived and worked in a democracy that understands that capitalism is the only truth that keeps a nation healthy. ... [Obama uses] a socialistic, Marxist teaching, and with it, he rapes this nation."



The point is that they are celebs, looking for attention because their careers are over!


Not going to get into a 'list' contest....even you know I'd win. Hollywood Libs greatly outnumber conservatives. See the entire Emmy awards show as a recent 'list' of examples.

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