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Union-buster Walker calls for return of union refs

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Big surprise a single-note Obama-gobbling progressive like yourself would never, ever, ever understand the difference between public unions and private unions.


But nice try. Maybe you can come up with some clever letter-writing schtick about Walker that will have your progressive friends begging you to stop again. Cuz that was funny.

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Big surprise a single-note Obama-gobbling progressive like yourself would never, ever, ever understand the difference between public unions and private unions.


But nice try. Maybe you can come up with some clever letter-writing schtick about Walker that will have your progressive friends begging you to stop again. Cuz that was funny.


Marvel should do a character: Obamagoblin Hobghoblin2.png

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So teachers, police and fire fighters bad. Football referees good. #OnlyInAmerica




LOL.....................same old mischaracterizations



repackaged as clever observations.


LA correctly points out your hypocrisy (or ignorance) on public vs private unions.



and your response?


why ......name calling of course..............thats all you have when your wrong (again)





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Dear LA Billz Fan,


I stand with the 99% & the 47%. Public & Private Union ain't no difference. False Equivalency saying they are different.


If you hate unions so much move to the south.


Barack Hussein Obama


Especially when the government owns the auto industry...

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No "me thinks" my boys MDP, CBiscuit & DuckDodgers & company are working. The conservatives...not so much.


MDP = Still pursuing the internet for dating advice.

Cbiscuit = In jail for threatening more people at home openers.

Duckdodgers = finishes school at 3 PM, watches cartoons so should be posting here around 5.

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How come during the middle of the day only the 1%ers are on this board with the exception of me?




We 1%ers have them slaving away in the sweatshops where they should be. You must have escaped. We'll make sure to get an APB out for you. In fact we'll start right now with your latest photo:


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I stand with the 99% & the 47%.


Barack Hussein Obama


We already knew he was an unwashed, lazy, useless moron who doesn't bother with taxes. It's rather redundant to tell us that he is with either the 99% or the 47%.

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