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Replacement Refs Previously Fired From LFL


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So, we knew at least one of the replacement officials were fired from the Lingerie Football League for incompetence. Turns out, a couple of the crews were:




No, that isn't the onion. Way to go NFL.


Wow? you got to be friggin horrible to get canned by the Lingerie League!

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That release sounds fake to me


"Due to several on field incompetent officiating" ...wow, a PR person wrote that?


Also, says a " couple of crews" What the hell does that mean?


Looked at the LFL web site, this release is not postd there..and I very well could be wrong..but my first inclination is this is not an official statement from the LFL



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So, we knew at least one of the replacement officials were fired from the Lingerie Football League for incompetence. Turns out, a couple of the crews were:




No, that isn't the onion. Way to go NFL.


The apparent LFL quote is suspicious for bad grammar. I think it's a hack.


The link is worth visiting for the comments. My favorite so far:


"You'd have to be a real boob to not be abreast of the LFL rules to the point they call you a bust. As for the replacement refs, a rack of bad calls means they should implant some improvements before this whole thing goes breasts up."

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The apparent LFL quote is suspicious for bad grammar. I think it's a hack.


The link is worth visiting for the comments. My favorite so far:


"You'd have to be a real boob to not be abreast of the LFL rules to the point they call you a bust. As for the replacement refs, a rack of bad calls means they should implant some improvements before this whole thing goes breasts up."

Love that. Almost made me spit out my tea.
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