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It’s a choice; there is enough information out there to satisfy your interest.


I agree. Plenty of other sites to get Bills news if you choose not to subscribe. I understand the need papers have to sell content on line now that paper subscriptions have dwindled. But no one is forcing you to buy it.











To all . . . good discussion, but please don't violate any laws.


My bigger point to the two rags: Yes, you can charge, its your property, and your right to do so .... but is it a good business decision?


That, I would content, is a "No." The little they make by this paradigm shift will be off-set by the goodwill they lose. The bottom line is, they make their money through selling advertisements, and if people are turned-off by the fees, less will view the ads. they do sell, and then less businesses will buy the ads. Maybe they have calculated that and feel the risk/reward is worth it, but I doubt it.


So you think that a journalists time and thoughts should be free? Not sure what you do "professionally", but I'm guessing you would like to be paid for your work the same as the R&C writers.

Most newspapers that publish online editions pay for it with online ads. If they have good sales people selling advertising, no need to charge for reading articles online. I'm sure their writers are getting paid just fine or they would go someplace else.
Posted (edited)

I just don't bother going to their website anymore. If the Buffalo News follows suit then I just won't be reading the Buffalo news articles either


there is plenty of news out there that is not paid for, and if you hang on a few message boards all that news trickles in just the same via word of mouth


I won't be paying for access to any news website. If they can't make it with advertising then Oh well. But I won;t be asking people to pirate material either

Edited by shibuya

Off-topic: The 15-year experiment of "make-all-news-free-and-ad-supported" has been one of the single most destructive, damaging experiments in the recent history of journalism. That move (along with the decline of revenues from the classifieds) has led to more consolidation and cost-cutting which, in turn, has resulted in massive decline in quality - especially in local coverage. Anyone who is really interested in this topic should listen to David Simon ("The Wire") lecture on this.


I'm no Mr. Burns, but a good paper - whether it's delivered online or at your door - is worth a few bucks a week. Thank goodness papers are starting to attempt to reverse this disaster.


> A good paper - whether it's delivered online or at your door - is worth a few bucks a week.


Agreed. But what does that have to do with the Rochester D & C? :)


Hmmmmmm. Just what, in its current form, do you think the internet is about? Hint: Capitalism, hence all the annoying advertisements.


Newspapers all over the country are shutting down due to lack of subscriptions, because people can and do prefer to read their news on the internet over waiting for the newspaper to be delivered.


Personally, I think asking people to pay for articles is a wrong way to go. There's enough news online that people simply go elsewhere, and the papers haven't done enough to differentiate the quality and information content of their product from that of all the bloggers/fansites writing articles. Too often they're just a dude with an opinion and sometimes the bloggers have better, more informed opinions (Brian Galiford would be a prime example of this). I think selling web advertisement is a better way, but papers are lagging behind fansites and bloggers in marketing themselves. Ultimately, what people would pay for I think, is an advertisment-free news service that can be customized to their interests and that is differentiated in quality and reliability of information content from the blogosphere, but newspapers haven't figured out how to fill that niche.


Be that as it may, I guess fundamentally I'm uncertain about the basis for your indignation and objection. Are you arguing its inappropriate that the D&C should try to stay in business?


I believe to cut and paste entire articles here would be a violation of the TOS as well as applicable copyright law


I agree, banner ad revenue should be pulling in money for the on line version


Not sure I agree with "there are always other free news outlets". I know there are for now, but for how long?

I think there has to be a price to pay for any service, unfortunately the interwebs have created a place for people to get their immediate information. Now the papers are struggling to have enough subscribers to survive. And like the Bills, smaller markets will suffer first! Then we lose "local" coverage and all info will be national and kind of generic in my opinion, FWIW. Then it won't be long before we have no option but to pay for the big market franchise crap.


As Warren Buffet has said, (paraphrasing): "I can't think of a single successful business in which the customers come in through the front door and have to pay for your product, but the people who come in through the back door get your product for free."


Get used to it. Pay walls will be ubiquitous in the next five years, I would assume. Good thing, too.


Sadly, this is where most Americans are headed. I want it, and I want it for free. Let my kids and grandkids pay for it.


Because the news I watch tells me so. My god man, its a complaint about a sports article. Take out your outdated misguidances elsewhere. And to the original poster, please think about someone separate from yourself next time you post. A once burgeoning industry has reached its autumn. Let it go in peace.


Use Google Chrome, open Incognito window. You can view all the articles you want because it won't recognize your IP address. Problem solved.

Or just load a Rochester proxy when you surf.

Someone at the Rochester D&C has apparently misunderstood what the WWW is all about and is now in some misguided and sadistic attempt to capitalize on the well known toxic addictions of the Buffalo Bills fans -- it now seems as though we out of town'ers, have to pay a subscription to get access to their articles.




Its time to fight this money grab, please do three things, if you would . . .


1) Can someone who has access (if its free), copy and paste the articles into TBD, so the rest of the world can share in the brilliance of the R D&C sports columnists.


2) For everyone else - boycott this tyrrany! PLEASE DO NOT succumb to this capitalist takeover attempt of the internet.


3) Write them a note telling them what you think of their stunt.


Time to stand up and and be counted Bills fans!


And, have a good day . . . because the Bills won! Even the R D&C cannot rob me of that joy.


You are a little late on the capitalist takeover of the internet. Ever hear of Amazon? iTunes? Buy.com?


Bottom line is that they have a staff to pay. Pay comes from that nasty word profits. Clearly their printed circulation is suffering, so they opt for a pain subscription like the New York Times, Barrons, Wall Street Journal...etc. If you want to read their pearls of wisdom it will now cost you a few pennies. Or you can live without...

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