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I am so tired of hearing about the Refs and is the only reason I want the regular officials back


People act like the reg officials are actually good

It's an impossible job. I actually think they are very good. I consider myself an astute fan and so many times each game I think I see something and on instant replay it was not what I thought. Instant replay, IMO, completely distorts fans opinions on referees in all sports



A friend of mine flying back to LA after the Bills game last week was sitting next to a guy who was the Back Judge in the Chief game, and had some interesting things to say... He also already had the tape of the game on his tablet and they watched a bunch of plays on the flight. My buddy is one of the most astute fans I ever met and knows the game better than me.


1 He was a Division II ref and the NFL looked at hundred of hours of film on him before they called him in. They started with about 200 and cut it down to 100 or so.


2. He thought the the Searcy late hit was a bad call.


3. The entire referee team hated that the Chiefs were calling time outs late and this guy said no matter what the Bills did on the last play he was not going to call a penalty on them.


4. His life goal was to referee a Big Ten game and now he is doing the NFL and a lot of the refs are big fans of certain teams.


Very interesting. Thanks for the share.


My buddy is a D1 referee and said the NFL was offering $100,000 to them but most refused because it would he career suicide.

Yeah i dont think they have many if any from D1. It would be like scabs.




My buddy is a D1 referee and said the NFL was offering $100,000 to them but most refused because it would he career suicide.


Sad, but true I'm sure


That last half hour was really, really fun.

And a pissed-off Belichik just put his hands on a ref after the game; he should be suspended for next week. :devil:


Am I the only one who thinks that Reed's was a perfectly fine hard legal hit? Lead with his shoulder, hit with his shoulder.

You are not alone, but I freely admit significant bias


That last half hour was really, really fun.

And a pissed-off Belichik just put his hands on a ref after the game; he should be suspended for next week. :devil:


Class, or lack-thereof, shows. This is not the first time that BB has proven himself to be a sore loser. Contrast that with Gailey's kneel downs to end today's game.


Class, or lack-thereof, shows. This is not the first time that BB has proven himself to be a sore loser. Contrast that with Gailey's kneel downs to end today's game.

I don't have the hate-on for Belichik that most folks do; I'd actually love to play for the guy.

That being said, I agree that we've seen multiple instances of him not handling late game adversity with the dignity befitting a man of his position.


You are not alone, but I freely admit significant bias


Chalk it up to a badly officiated game. It looked a lot worse and that's why the flags came out. I guess that's what happens when you have refs who aren't used to NFL speed.


Chalk it up to a badly officiated game. It looked a lot worse and that's why the flags came out. I guess that's what happens when you have refs who aren't used to NFL speed.

The ballcarrier wasn't defenseless and Reed clearly didn't lead with his helmet.

These crews are really out of their element and it showed around the league for the second week in a row.




Class, or lack-thereof, shows. This is not the first time that BB has proven himself to be a sore loser. Contrast that with Gailey's kneel downs to end today's game.


As big of a dick that BB is, its hard to value class over success. :(


I am so tired of hearing about the Refs and is the only reason I want the regular officials back


People act like the reg officials are actually good


Amen to that. I'd like to listen to actual football talk on the radio tomorrow but I'm sure it'll be all replacement refs.


That last half hour was really, really fun.

And a pissed-off Belichik just put his hands on a ref after the game; he should be suspended for next week. :devil:




Pats are 1-2 fellas.


Wild game.


1-3 after next week !!!

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