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Glenlivet or Grand Marnier?


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MY KIND OF THREAD! :thumbsup:


I thought I was the only scotch-lover on the board. -Definitely drink the Livet. It's real smooth in a snifter. WAY Better than Marnier.


Smoking is terrible for you, and you shouldn't do it. However, a few tugs on a Montecristo #3 go well with it too.


How do you feel about the Fiddich?

Edited by #34fan
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While I do like a nice glass of scotch (got a bottle of Macallan 12 year in my cabinet), I really do enjoy a nice snifter of Gran-Ma.....especially with a cup of espresso after a nice meal.

I bought a 1.75 L bottle of that at a silent auction a few months back -- it was a beautiful thing. My brothers and I drank it over a few nights in Maine this summer, with plenty of cigars and good, loud conversation that kept the women awake.

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I bought a 1.75 L bottle of that at a silent auction a few months back -- it was a beautiful thing. My brothers and I drank it over a few nights in Maine this summer, with plenty of cigars and good, loud conversation that kept the women awake.


Sounds like my family! :thumbsup:

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Whisky or an orange liqueur?


Look down. If it hangs out, whisky.


If it's looking for something to go into it, orange liqueur.


This shouldn't be hard. And if you're drinking the orange liqueur, neither should you.


i don't think if i've ever had that orange stuff in anything but the occasional mixed frou frou party drink with lots of other ingredients. i suppose it might be good neat. probably will never know.

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Grand marnier is actually very drinkable neat. Around the corner from us is the worlds only

Grand marnier is actually very drinkable neat. Around the corner from us is the worlds only grand marnier bar. Not a paper umbrella to be found.



But I would pick the glenlivet received a bottle of the 25 year reserve as a grooms gift ages ago. It was spectacular.

grand marnier bar. Not a paper umbrella to be found.



But I would pick the glenlivet received a bottle of the 25 year reserve as a grooms gift ages ago. It was spectacular.

Aaaaaarg!, a pirate bar and the worlds only! bet the place was hopping last week for "International talk like a pirate day".
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