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Cowboys v. Bucs: Kneeldown scenario?

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So Schiano's Bucs playing Jerry Jones Cowboys in Dallas this afternoon. What happens if there is a kneeldown at the end of one of the halves? Bucs QB takes a knee and the Cowboys pull 'a Schiano'? Does a fight break out or do the Bucs congratulate the Cowboys for playing to the final whistle? Romo takes a knee and a Buc knocks the center on top of him, does Jerry Jones complain in the press or shrug it off as part of the game he wants to see?





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How much time was left last week? I know the Giants were up 7. I heard in one place but never again that this what caused the Miracle at the Meadowlands. That the Eagles did a Schiano and then the next play is when Picarcek tried handing off to Csonka instead of taking a shot like that. Is that true?

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There wasn't anything wrong with what bucks did last week


So with 5 seconds left, although its legal, is it worth the injury risks when you'd essentially have to recover and return it in a scrum? At best the clock was running out while everyone fought for the ball - which is already a 1 in 500 shot for the fumble, not counting that they'd need a clean scoop and run. I won't normally knock a coach but it seemed like he wasted the surprise factor at a dumb spot even just philosophically.

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There wasn't anything wrong with what bucks did last week

It certainly wasn't the most egregious thing a coach has ever done, but he does come off as a bit of a douche for it. If it was something done strategically where he had a chance of winning it'd be one thing, but now that everyone knows his routine it will NEVER work. And now he's just advertising for the rest of the league how big of a douche he is. I hope Tampa loses a key player for the season on one of these plays.

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its a BS play. His excuse is that he wants to force a fumble. If someone gets hurt he should be fined or suspended for a "bounty"


Here's the out. QB takes snap, takes a 2 to 5 step drop and then falls down.


More time is taken off of the clock.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Like Flacco did at the end of the Ravens/Pats* last night?


I guess. I didnt stay up to watch the end of the game. I went to sleep thinking the Pats had won.


But the mojo seems to be working (seroiusly) - Every time I turn to the game the Putz have a big drive and score, I turn the channel and then get out scored.



I have no idea what to do Sunday.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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its a BS play. His excuse is that he wants to force a fumble. If someone gets hurt he should be fined or suspended for a "bounty"


Here's the out. QB takes snap, takes a 2 to 5 step drop and then falls down.


More time is taken off of the clock.


I wonder if you could line up in the shotgun and take a knee too. Or maybe a shotgun snap is considered too risky?

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quite a contrast to the bills kneeling on the 3 yard line at the end of the game when they almost certainly could have padded the score. which team do you think earned more respect around the league yesterday? karma will get schiano or maybe it already has. they lost those 2 games.

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quite a contrast to the bills kneeling on the 3 yard line at the end of the game when they almost certainly could have padded the score. which team do you think earned more respect around the league yesterday? karma will get schiano or maybe it already has. they lost those 2 games.


btw, did you hear the mics picking up the Bills/Browns players at the end of the 1st half? The Bills took a knee and I heard someone say (presumably a Bills player), "hey, let's be smart here" or something like that. They took a knee with no incident. I think it's in the players' best interests not to be d-bags in that setting.

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