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Chef Jim, you'll be head the FDA and then I'll eliminate the entire dept and put you in the unemployment line.


Remember McCain? That crippled bastard didn't even know how to email. I'm trying to connect with the youth vote being all techie and what not.


The Messiah







Regardless of what little game you are playing, you are the one responsible for calling McCain a "crippled bastard". Presuming that you know how he became "crippled", you have no shame over your remarks? Do you have any clue as to what his story is?





Regardless of what little game you are playing, you are the one responsible for calling McCain a "crippled bastard". Presuming that you know how he became "crippled", you have no shame over your remarks? Do you have any clue as to what his story is?




While John McCain was being water boarded (a nice bath i've heard) and eating slugs from his dirt floor (high in protein) in some north Vietnam POW camp, I was in France learning how hard it is to sell people on a false religion. I believe my missionary service was integral to the development of my character. It is where I first learned rejection and it taught me the skills I will need to deal with defeat come November 7th. Do I regret missing out on Vietnam? No way! Look at what the swift boat veterans of truth did to the other guy from Massachusetts who ran for president.


John McCain is a two faced ass & and left his first wife when it was time marry up. John's infidelity is what I call a scorn on the Republican pilar of virtue. Ask Ann, I have never cheated on her and even if I did it wasn't because I was looking to "marry up".


I like McCain with the exception of when he made me look foolish in the 2008 primary.


I guess I am still harboring some sort of resentment he choose Sarah Palin over me as his VP running mate. After reviewing 20 years of my tax returns supposedly the McCain team thought I was more dangerous than the funny talking moose hunting hockey mom with pig lipstick from Alaska.






Dear Mr Scooby,


Let me be clear. Please stop. You are not doing me or any other Democrats seeking office any favors.


One of my deepest regrets as President has been not using Stimulus funds to renovate Dick Cheney's secret bunker. Had this been done I could have stuck Joe there for a few months and you could have kept him company.




Dear Mr Scooby,


Let me be clear. Please stop. You are not doing me or any other Democrats seeking office any favors.


One of my deepest regrets as President has been not using Stimulus funds to renovate Dick Cheney's secret bunker. Had this been done I could have stuck Joe there for a few months and you could have kept him company.




Dear "Barry",


STFU. I won't sit in a chair and sit idle as you destroy America. Our freedoms are being assailed by your brand of Communism.


Why don't you go back to Hawaii smoke more cannabis, hang ten with your old "Choom Gang"?


Dick Cheney was a great American and still is. His time as CEO of Halliburton and then as President....err Vice President saw some of the best times in our nations history. As Cheney said deficits don't matter, and I see you've certainly taken that to heart by not repealing the Bush Tax Cuts and then doubling down with Obamacare. When Cheney wasn't busy playing Jack Bauer and water boarding to save American lives he found the time to shoot people in the face hunting.


If you really cared you'd focus more on the real America and dole out more corporate welfare to Exxon & Wall Street. These job creators are being hampered by your regulation. The air we breath and the water we drink soon will cost money. It will be like that move "Out of Time" with Justin Timberlake - piss me off and I will end your time. I have close to 150,000,000 or 47% who will be running out of time once I assume my seat as CEO...um President of the United States of America.


The Real American,




PS, stop eating dogs.








While John McCain was being water boarded (a nice bath i've heard) and eating slugs from his dirt floor (high in protein) in some north Vietnam POW camp, I was in France learning how hard it is to sell people on a false religion. I believe my missionary service was integral to the development of my character. It is where I first learned rejection and it taught me the skills I will need to deal with defeat come November 7th. Do I regret missing out on Vietnam? No way! Look at what the swift boat veterans of truth did to the other guy from Massachusetts who ran for president.


John McCain is a two faced ass & and left his first wife when it was time marry up. John's infidelity is what I call a scorn on the Republican pilar of virtue. Ask Ann, I have never cheated on her and even if I did it wasn't because I was looking to "marry up".


I like McCain with the exception of when he made me look foolish in the 2008 primary.


I guess I am still harboring some sort of resentment he choose Sarah Palin over me as his VP running mate. After reviewing 20 years of my tax returns supposedly the McCain team thought I was more dangerous than the funny talking moose hunting hockey mom with pig lipstick from Alaska.







John McCain is a two-faced ass? Well at least he isn't a two-ton ass:




[...somebody needs a hobby...]


Really, get one. A constructive one, that's not too challenging. Maybe something involving construction paper, safety scissors, and non-toxic glue, suitable for four year olds.

Posted (edited)






what's wrong Tom? You can't deny the simple truth?


Myth was wrong. You will feel better once you admit it.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever






what's wrong Tom? You can't deny the simple truth?


Myth was wrong. You will feel better once you admit it.


Hey, did you hear today where Obama (not his campaign, he himself) said that the 47% of people who don't pay income tax are being victimized by Romney's portrayal of them as victims who don't pay income tax?


It was CLASSIC. :lol: If he's so wrong, why is Obama back-handedly confirming it?


Dear Inside The Beltway Tom,


I am going to make you ambassador to Liberia where you can finish Lincoln's plan of De-Africanization of America.


Let Freedom Reign,




Dear Inside The Beltway Tom,


I am going to make you ambassador to Liberia where you can finish Lincoln's plan of De-Africanization of America.


Let Freedom Reign,




Dear BiggieScooby,


If Willard wins, will you disappear from this forum forever?




Everyone on PPP


Dear BiggieScooby,


If Willard wins, will you disappear from this forum forever?




Everyone on PPP

Only after a month of telling us how Mitt bought the election.

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