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From The Official Obama Campaign Store--Narcissism Gone Wild


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With stripes to represent the original nine colonies...




How are Obama supporters NOT embarrassed by the Obama cultists?


I saw this in the am on Drudge but was tied up until a little bit ago. When I went back to it, it wasn't on Drudge anymore so I googled it and got "Twitchy". Said "f" that and went to their official site and was actually surprised that this whole thing was true. He's charging $35 for it in case you are interested.

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As has been said before: We have much more to fear from those who support Obama, than we will ever have to fear from Obama himself.


Or, getting rid of Obama means getting rid of Susan Rice, the clown who said our ambassador was killed due to youtube videos....not terrorists, and has now been publicly humiliated, by her own administration's press secretary, less than a week later.


It's infinitely more important that we free ourselves from Susan Rice, and the HHS Secretary who thinks she can break the law at will, both by participating in the campaign, and countermanding welfare reform, than Obama himself. These people aren't elected, and they clearly can't handle the power they have been given.

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Talk about poor timing…

The Obama Campaign recently released their perfected version of the US flag.


You can purchase your O-flag at the Obama Campaign website for $35.





If the image looks familiar it could be because the red stripes resemble the bloody Benghazi hand prints. The bloodstained walls at the US consulate revealed that the US officials were dragged to their death by peaceful protesters terrorists.







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Talk about poor timing…


If the image looks familiar it could be because the red stripes resemble the bloody Benghazi hand prints. The bloodstained walls at the US consulate revealed that the US officials were dragged to their death by peaceful protesters terrorists.








Holy....This is just brutal, and disgusting.


Timing? Ya think? Jesus F'ing....this could change the game all by itself. Made me instantly sad, and then pissed.


Now, it remains to be seen how this will be used.


My hope is that Romney himself doesn't touch it, or allow anybody associated with him to touch it. That would be classless IMHO. It will get around on its own just fine.

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Somebody had to deliver on that 57 states joke....


....I'm still trying to get past that image. I had seen that picture, I had no idea of the context.


OC, I saw it and figured it had to be a joke. I went to Obama's website and found it there. I'm thinking this guy is thinking he can become our dictator.

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OC, I saw it and figured it had to be a joke. I went to Obama's website and found it there. I'm thinking this guy is thinking he can become our dictator.


Just like Bush thought...



Ridiculous assertion. I wouldn't put it past some of his cultists, and have no doubt a few people (perhaps Barney Frank and Harry Reid, who've sponsored such bills before) will argue the 22nd should be repealed to give The Messiah a third term.


But as authoritarian and arrogant as Obama is, I HIGHLY doubt he has pretensions to being an actual dictator.

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