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Anyone else wondering why

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I saw it, I think, only on one series.


If the Bills brain trust had such confidence in DB's field generalship and play calling ability against a top notch defense, why not let Drew call the plays and audible out of bad plays? Especially at home?


I was shocked after the recent success that the Bills didn't go no huddle. Is this due to a lack of confidence in Drew, coaching ego (needing to call all the plays) or a concern about our ability to run the no-huddle and still control the clock?


Would like to hear your thoughts on this. To me, it points out an overall lack of confidence in putting the game in DB's hands.

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I saw it, I think, only on one series.


If the Bills brain trust had such confidence in DB's field generalship and play calling ability against a top notch defense, why not let Drew call the plays and audible out of bad plays?  Especially at home?


I was shocked after the recent success that the Bills didn't go no huddle.  Is this due to a lack of confidence in Drew, coaching ego (needing to call all the plays) or a concern about our ability to run the no-huddle and still control the clock?


Would like to hear your thoughts on this.  To me, it points out an overall lack of confidence in putting the game in DB's hands.



We can only hope it is a lack of confidence !

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In my opinion, the lack of no-huddle AND the unwillingness to stretch a backup secondary with a few deep balls early in the game really limited Bledsoe. It was almost as if a coaching braintrust that had slowly but surely loosened the reins on Bledsoe decided in the last game to take away two of the things that he's shown over the last six weeks that he can do very well. I'm not exonerating Bledsoe; he made some bad decisions and some poor throws. But to change the offense in the last game? Yes, I know, the Steelers are a better defensive team than most of the ones we've played this year, but they were playing with half a deck at most.

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I thought the Bills offensive game plan was quite curious to say the least. They almost seemed to choose an ultra conservative game plan figuring turnovers/mistakes would be the only way they lose to the Steelers backups. I was expecting some no-huddle. There were very few throws on first down as well.


Hard to figure out.

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