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Homophobic Black Christians

Gary M

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As I've said before, the problem Obama has is not Romney. The problem he has is that many non-liberal-kool-aid drinkers who thought he could be leader are finding out he's just another guy who got a promotion he didn't deserve to do a job he can't do because he is only interested in padding his resume.


They see a failure of a man and know their lives ARE crappier than they were four years ago. No work. Reduced income. Houses worth less. Middle East that hates us. And whiny 30-year-old college students begging for free birth control. That is the face of the Obama campaign.


And while they may not vote for Romney, they won't show up for Obama...and THAT is a bigger problem for Obama than anything else. I don't care what the polls say. I don't care what the MSM writes. None of it matters. The independents who went for Obama see failure and won't be back again.

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My point was that the article doesn't call them intolerant, rigid, or far right extremists.

Shoud it and why exactly? If I'm as ignorant as you think I am, please explain it to me.


What extremes are mentioned in the article against gays?

Homophobia is just that - a prejudice. You can never please all of the people all of the time. Thats a God given truth.


Oh and speaking of intolerant - Shouldn't the proper title be "Homophobic African American Christians"?

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Shoud it and why exactly? If I'm as ignorant as you think I am, please explain it to me.


What extremes are mentioned in the article against gays?



None, compare that to how they write about the Boy Scouts and the Catholics stance on homosexuals.

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