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Romney's ridiculous comments on 47% of Americans


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Romney is better than the joke that is in office.

Obama wants everyone's pay check to go to the government then he will give everyone a debit card to buy what he thinks you need and nothing more. That way he can make sure you eat only healthy food. No drinks other than water. Buy no drugs. Buy no alcohol. Only buy the clothes you need. Take every penny you have.

Buy the the most basic GMC government car you need. No extra's for working hard.


Obama care - if you are to sick you are put to death. When you hit 65 you are put to death. When you break his rules and the person turns you in, that person will get extra food.


The camp you have will be turned in to a retreat for very poor that will be given to them because they never had the chance to go on a vacation.


Do you have a tin foil hat?

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if i grew up to be anything like romney, i'd hate my parents. as it is, they were intelligent republicans. i don't think they'd recognize today's party.

Yeah, it would really suck to be anything like a successful rich guy with a heart...


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Yeah, it would really suck to be anything like a successful rich guy with a heart...


Thanks for posting that. I don't have Dish, but did hear Beck talking about that show when he was going to tell a half dozen stories about Romney the man. The only one he told was about him donating 7,000 pints of milk a week to a Vet hospital. He did it anonymously... for two years. There's more to that story that does reveal more about his character than anything I've ever heard about his opponent. That's the last story in your link.

Edited by Nanker
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Still in damage control mode over his "47 percent" remark captured by a hidden camera, Mitt Romney repeatedly insisted Wednesday that he is running to represent "100 percent" of America and that he has a record of being inclusive.


Too bad Myth but less than 50% want you to represent them.



oh here's a doozie


Addressing a large Hispanic audience, Romney tempered his rhetoric on the subject of immigration—insisting his policy will not be to "round up people and deport them."

"Our system isn't to deport people," Romney insisted.


BUT MYTH it should be to your job to round up people and deport them - when warrented.


"When I'm president, I will actually do what I promise. Dear Myth, that is a promise you can not keep. YOU alone do not have the power. You need FULL cooperation of Congress.


Romney declined to say specifically how he would handle the "DREAMers" or whether he would keep the waiver approved by Obama in place permanently. But he insisted repeatedly he would not "round up people" and deport them.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Thanks for posting that. I don't have Dish, but did hear Beck talking about that show when he was going to tell a half dozen stories about Romney the man. The only one he told was about him donating 7,000 pints of milk a week to a Vet hospital. He did it anonymously... for two years. There's more to that story that does reveal more about his character than anything I've ever heard about his opponent. That's the last story in your link.

anonymously? yet beck knows about it and is telling the world? this is exactly my take on myth (thanks bf4e). everything he does is calculated and rehearsed...with a few important, notable exceptions like 47%.
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anonymously? yet beck knows about it and is telling the world? this is exactly my take on myth (thanks bf4e). everything he does is calculated and rehearsed...with a few important, notable exceptions like 47%.



Calculated, like Joe Biden's very public donations to charity of $300 last year.

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really? you think pushing the aca enhanced his chances of winning this time around? i very much doubt romney would champion a cause this controversial even if he strongly believed it was the right thing to do.

I very much hope that Romney would have had better sense than to cram that abortion of a bill down our throats at the worst possible time for no other reason than to leave some type of legacy. How you can consider passing the ACA as some benevolent move where Obama sacrificed his political viability for the betterment of all mankind is simply baffling to me.

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really? you think pushing the aca enhanced his chances of winning this time around? i very much doubt romney would champion a cause this controversial even if he strongly believed it was the right thing to do.

What is he pushing in Obamcare? Is he pushing the $716B in Medicare cuts? No. He's pushing the (few) good things like allowing kids to stay on their parents' plan until age 26, covering pre-existing conditions and preventative care. And that was done so that people will think Obamacare is a good thing, re-elect him, and then find out that he's sent the country down the path of destruction when it's too late to do anything about it.

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I very much hope that Romney would have had better sense than to cram that abortion of a bill down our throats at the worst possible time for no other reason than to leave some type of legacy. How you can consider passing the ACA as some benevolent move where Obama sacrificed his political viability for the betterment of all mankind is simply baffling to me.

i'm not talking about the merits or faults of the bill itself. talking about political bravery, conscience and principle. and your post directly refutes doc's assertions.


Calculated, like Joe Biden's very public donations to charity of $300 last year.

it might be salient to your point that biden has a net worth at a fairly advanced age of about 300k from what i've read. you're comparing apples to oranges.

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i'm not talking about the merits or faults of the bill itself. talking about political bravery, conscience and principle. and your post directly refutes doc's assertions.

My post has no bearing on any of Doc's opinions.


I'm not discussing the merit of the ACA either, and I certainly don't see any political bravery in passing the ACA. Love it or hate it, the ACA has injected incredible amounts of economic uncertainty into the equation and should not have been passed during a period of depression. I see no other motive for ACA than a shallow man looking only to preserve his own name.

Edited by Jauronimo
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i'm not talking about the merits or faults of the bill itself. talking about political bravery, conscience and principle. and your post directly refutes doc's assertions.

How do you figure?

it might be salient to your point that biden has a net worth at a fairly advanced age of about 300k from what i've read. you're comparing apples to oranges.

You really believe that? Really?

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