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Romney's ridiculous comments on 47% of Americans


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Outspent 8:1 of course Walker would win. Koch Brothers & Crossroads spent a lot of money we


Walker did lose the 3 of 5 State Senate seats that lost him the majority in the Senate.


And lastly the courts recently ruled in the favor of the public workers union.


Romney is a first class douche.

Better a douche than an incompetent narcissist who has already proven he can't do the job.

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Outspent 8:1 of course Walker would win. Koch Brothers & Crossroads spent a lot of money we



That's not what you were saying then. So it's a revelation that they would be outspent? Didn't Obama outspend Mccain?


Romney is a first class douche.


Pot meet kettle.

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This is from when the primaries were over. Nothing new.here I've heard Romney say most of this already. It's the truth.




The problem is what Romney is saying just isn't reality. Like I said, it's not a constant 47%. The people within that number change. People move the ladder.


And there is plenty of Romney supporters within that 47% as well. The southern Republican states have higher percentages of people that don't pay income taxes. You do the math. I guess those are all of the Democrats in those states huh??

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Nope I am a European/Canadian citizen.


Anymore questions Riddler?


WTF... The question is very relevant. Nothing like a phucking Canuck coming here telling people to pick themselves by their boot straps when they have the backing of their fellow countrymen to cover their ass if needed.


No more questions Your Honor... Your witness.

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WTF... The question is very relevant. Nothing like a phucking Canuck coming here telling people to pick themselves by their boot straps when they have the backing of their fellow countrymen to cover their ass if needed.


No more questions Your Honor... Your witness.


I didn't question the relevancy of the questions dipshit. I answered it.

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Comment from someone on Politico:


• 11 of the 15 “federal welfare” states, those that get back more than $1.00 for every $1.00 they send to the federal government, are Red States; U.S. Census Bureau and Congressional Budget Office

• 9 of the 10 states with the lowest percentages of college graduates are Red States; The Lumina Foundation for Education

• 12 of the 15 states with the highest high school drop-out states are Red States; National Center for Education Statistics, and the 7 states with the highest high school drop-out rates are Red States; National Education Association

• The 10 poorest states are Red States; Deseret News, Fox News

• The 12 states with the highest rates of credit card debt relative to income are Red States; Equifax

• 9 of the 10 states with the highest percentage of sex crime offenders per capita are Red States; Criminalpages.com

• 8 of the 10 states with the highest number of internet porn subscribers are Red States; CNBC

• 11 of the 15 states with the highest rates of illiteracy are Red States; National Center for Education Statistics

• 9 of the 10 states with the highest percentage of citizens without health insurance are Red States; Gallup Poll

• 9 of the 10 states with the highest percentage of citizens living in trailers are Red States; U.S. Census Bureau

• 9 of the 10 states with the greatest number of persons in criminal custody per 100,000 citizens are Red States; U.S. Census Bureau


Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0912/81312.html#ixzz26mnct681

Edited by fjl2nd
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Here's what you need to know regarding the beliefs of democrats (in light of Mitt Romney's comments)






67% of democrats do not believe government is doing enough., and the majority of Americans do not agree.


Mr. Romney's comments, despite the huffing and puffing from newsrooms along the eastern seaboard, will be seen for what they are.



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Here's what you need to know regarding the beliefs of democrats (in light of Mitt Romney's comments)






67% of democrats do not believe government is doing enough., and the majority of Americans do not agree.


Mr. Romney's comments, despite the huffing and puffing from newsrooms along the eastern seaboard, will be seen for what they are.




Wanting the government to do more is not the same as not paying income tax though. I personally believe Congress and the President should be doing more to get the economy going. But, that has nothing to do with what Romney is talking about.

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The problem is what Romney is saying just isn't reality. Like I said, it's not a constant 47%. The people within that number change. People move the ladder.

Uh. Apparently you didn't get the memo, but you guys aren't supposed to admit this. Left wing ideology is predicated upon the belief that income quintiles are static and people are in whichever they are because of whose crotch they got yanked out of. You're letting the cat out of the bag.

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Here is where the 47% comes from: http://taxvox.taxpolicycenter.org/2009/07/08/who-pays-no-income-tax/


Nearly 47 percent of single tax units will owe no tax, compared with about 40 percent of joint filers and over 70 percent of household heads. About 55 percent of the elderly and tax units with children will pay no tax. Two factors primarily explain the variation: differences in income and available tax preferences.


I guess Romney doesn't want the elderly's vote either. He's not worried about 55% of them...


Uh. Apparently you didn't get the memo, but you guys aren't supposed to admit this. Left wing ideology is predicated upon the belief that income quintiles are static and people are in whichever they are because of whose crotch they got yanked out of. You're letting the cat out of the bag.


I don't think that's true and I certainly don't believe that.

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Wanting the government to do more is not the same as not paying income tax though. I personally believe Congress and the President should be doing more to get the economy going. But, that has nothing to do with what Romney is talking about.

The problem is you guys can't give any specific plan and explain how it works without the ??? for step 2.

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Uh. Apparently you didn't get the memo, but you guys aren't supposed to admit this. Left wing ideology is predicated upon the belief that income quintiles are static and people are in whichever they are because of whose crotch they got yanked out of. You're letting the cat out of the bag.


thanks for clearing that one up whoo

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The problem is you guys can't give any specific plan and explain how it works without the ??? for step 2.


Pretty sure I've made my views fairly clearly on here on wanting more government spending on jobs programs, infrastructure, education, and putting teachers/state/local workers back to work.


Tough proposition to get through Congress, but I do think some of it can be done.


I know we obviously disagree on this, but it would be my plan, at least a starting point.

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I got your back on this one but from now on it's on you to keep your boys on point.


I can't be all places at once. Keep 'em honest Rob


Pretty sure I've made my views fairly clearly on here on wanting more government spending on jobs programs, infrastructure, education, and putting teachers/state/local workers back to work.



Bro we don't need a modern infrastructure or more educated work force to dominate next century and teachers/local workers are not real jobs. Green energy is a hoax too btw...just Obama hitting up his donors. We simply need the free market, uninhibited by taxes of any kind. Pick up a book.

Edited by TheNewBills
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