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there is a recipe in "the Silver Palate" cookbook that's hard to beat but it's a pain in the a$$. we threw a brunch this weekend with mimosa's and bloody mary's and were gonna make them but ran out of time (you actually cook, then cool the recipe). people seemed just fine with a mixture of mrs. t's spicy and regular mix garnished with celery and a dilly bean. no one publicly complained anyway.


well birddog, what the hell was the recipe from The Silver Palate? hahaha

well, the cookbook's at home... i think it contains tomatoe juice, worsteshire and horseradish (duh). it's linked to google as we couldn't find the book yesterday and i was able to find it. page 200 something on the link.

Posted (edited)

shaken bacon vodka, celery salt, horseradish, worcesterhire sauce, clamato juice, siracha, lemon juice over crushed ice with celery stalk and olives skewered with a U12 shrimp

Edited by Pete

well, the cookbook's at home... i think it contains tomatoe juice, worsteshire and horseradish (duh). it's linked to google as we couldn't find the book yesterday and i was able to find it. page 200 something on the link.


Rather than declare you an idiot I'll simply point out that it's spelled "Worcestershire".


It's a fair trade, since you've just shown me how to pronounce it.


Rather than declare you an idiot I'll simply point out that it's spelled "Worcestershire".


It's a fair trade, since you've just shown me how to pronounce it.

cool...i knew it was wrong but was too lazy to look it up. you guys knew what i meant though. the silver palate is a great cookbook for more than bloody mary's. i haven't made anything from it but have eaten plenty of tasty stuff from it.


Anything with pickle juice?

I say tomato, you say rettata?-)

I don't put juice in them but for the last couple years I've been using a large dill spear instead of a celery stalk and it's a significant improvement imo.


lots of partial recipes in here...im assuming many are just putting in what they add to the vodka/tomato juice?


im thinking:

- Vodka (lots)

- v8 tomato juice

- hot peppers, celery stalk, wort. sauce, tobasco, horseradish all get blended/pureed together and then added to tomato juice

- garnish with gourmet green olives and pickle spears

= success?


lots of partial recipes in here...im assuming many are just putting in what they add to the vodka/tomato juice?


im thinking:

- Vodka (lots)

- v8 tomato juice

- hot peppers, celery stalk, wort. sauce, tobasco, horseradish all get blended/pureed together and then added to tomato juice

- garnish with gourmet green olives and pickle spears

= success?

the recipe i mentioned and eventually found, calls for ice, then vodka, then the spices and lastly v8 or tomato juice added to a large glass and stirred, not blended. the bloody mary soup recipe is a whole nother, pain in the a$$, animal. and dilly beans, which are pickled green beans were a big hit at our brunch as an addition. pickled okra works as well.

Posted (edited)

I used to make my own mix, but I found so many good prepared bloody mixes that I stopped. It's not worth the effort. These are two of my favorites...


Zing Zang - It's kind of hard to find around Western New York, but it's so good. I think Consumer's carried it at one point.


Master of Mixes five pepper extra spicy - Can definitely be found at Consumer's.


Mrs T's is too thick and bland for my taste.


Also, I highly recommend finishing with a little celery salt, a celery stalk, olives and a smoke pepperoni stick of some type. Slim Jim will do in a pinch. I doubt the pepperoni is customary, but its how my father drinks them and is delicious.


***edit - blue cheese stuffed olives.

Edited by Thisistheyear

lots of partial recipes in here...im assuming many are just putting in what they add to the vodka/tomato juice?


im thinking:

- Vodka (lots)

- v8 tomato juice

- hot peppers, celery stalk, wort. sauce, tobasco, horseradish all get blended/pureed together and then added to tomato juice

- garnish with gourmet green olives and pickle spears

= success?


yes I shall add ice to this mix, just thought that was a given with any mixed drink....and as far as mixing rather than blending, well I will need to blend because I am going to be putting in whole hot peppers and celery stalks....but when mixed in with tomato juice and vodka it wont be "chunky"


siracha, horseradish, worcesterhire sauce(anchovy and tamarind based), and clamato juice is a ladies drink?


i LOVE sriracha and think theres a definate time and place for it, but I cant see putting it in my Bloody's..very distinct taste, ill have to defer to tobasco and actual blended hot peppers....and im not a fan of clamato....but I agree its not a ladies drink


i LOVE sriracha and think theres a definate time and place for it, but I cant see putting it in my Bloody's..very distinct taste, ill have to defer to tobasco and actual blended hot peppers....and im not a fan of clamato....but I agree its not a ladies drink

I buy sriracha by the case literally, and put it on everything- eggs, chocolate, ice cream...everything and anything

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