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Fire David Lee!!!

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David Lee was brought in and touted as a QB mechanics guru who would help Fitz's accuracy and consistency. Well, we've seen the result of his tutelage. Fitz has been more inaccurate and inconsistent than we have ever seen. He seems to lack confidence completely sometimes when he is throwing.


It is clear to me at this point that Fitz is never going to be an elite quarterback. I don't even think there is potential to get into the 2nd tier of guys like Flacco or Ryan. He is in his thirties. It is not the time to be messing with his throwing motion and mechanics. If he has to go out there and mentally focus on mechanics, then we have ourselves a problem. Am I saying he should stop developing? No. However, stick with the throwing motion that he is comfortable with and get the most out of him as you can. This offseason, be certain to exhaust all options to pick up a young potentially elite QB. As a matter of fact make sure you do it! Even if it means giving things up. Begin developing him under Fitz for one year (barring Fitz is good enough to even stick around).


In the mean time, fire David Lee! He really isn't helping anything. I want to see some heads roll for this quarterback play.


Depending on how good the defense actually is, I think the Bills might have a shot at being decent even with Fitz as more of a game manager. We cannot depend on Fitz throwing 3 TDs and 300 yards for wins. Play to our strengths for now and get a freaking elite QB no matter what this offseason!

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David Lee was brought in and touted as a QB mechanics guru who would help Fitz's accuracy and consistency. Well, we've seen the result of his tutelage. Fitz has been more inaccurate and inconsistent than we have ever seen. He seems to lack confidence completely sometimes when he is throwing.


It is clear to me at this point that Fitz is never going to be an elite quarterback. I don't even think there is potential to get into the 2nd tier of guys like Flacco or Ryan. He is in his thirties. It is not the time to be messing with his throwing motion and mechanics. If he has to go out there and mentally focus on mechanics, then we have ourselves a problem. Am I saying he should stop developing? No. However, stick with the throwing motion that he is comfortable with and get the most out of him as you can. This offseason, be certain to exhaust all options to pick up a young potentially elite QB. As a matter of fact make sure you do it! Even if it means giving things up. Begin developing him under Fitz for one year (barring Fitz is good enough to even stick around).


In the mean time, fire David Lee! He really isn't helping anything. I want to see some heads roll for this quarterback play.


Depending on how good the defense actually is, I think the Bills might have a shot at being decent even with Fitz as more of a game manager. We cannot depend on Fitz throwing 3 TDs and 300 yards for wins. Play to our strengths for now and get a freaking elite QB no matter what this offseason!


Fritz's first "pass" attempt to Chandler say's it all about his so called mechanics, accuracy and most of all his "smarts". How many more times will we see that krap again this year from the Harvard genius?

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Who's going to coach the new QB then? If you fire him because of Fitz, that wouldn't be considered the greatest move.

We've got a whole year to figure that out. If you get an potentially elite QB, good QB coaches will want to join your team to develop him.


One of David Lee's biggest claimed successes is Chad Pennington late in his career. I may be mistaken but I do not recall him making any big strides late. Can him!


Fritz's first "pass" attempt to Chandler say's it all about his so called mechanics, accuracy and most of all his "smarts". How many more times will we see that krap again this year from the Harvard genius?

After that Chandler pass, I thought we were in for a long long day. Thank God for Spiller and the D. Fitz did make a couple nice throws here and there. But had some really horrible ones that were unexplainable. O wait, I just figured out how to explain them. David Lee messing with his mechanics haha.

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Its too late for him to be fired and have any real impact on the season. Its just up to Gailey to rebuild his confidence. I think we can win with him as long as the game plan is good.

I think he should be fired for this reason. If he is kept on board then they will continue to be on top of Fitz and how he has to change his mechanics. They need to fire Lee or Chan at least has to go to the QBs and David Lee and say, "Stop working on his damn mechanics!" If Lee is on board, to me it is stating that what he is teaching Fitz is still valid and Fitz should still be working on fixing his mechanics while in-game. This is what needs to go. Tell Fitz to throw comfortably and naturally so he can focus on all the other things a QB needs to focus on.

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David Lee was brought in and touted as a QB mechanics guru who would help Fitz's accuracy and consistency. Well, we've seen the result of his tutelage. Fitz has been more inaccurate and inconsistent than we have ever seen. He seems to lack confidence completely sometimes when he is throwing.


It is clear to me at this point that Fitz is never going to be an elite quarterback. I don't even think there is potential to get into the 2nd tier of guys like Flacco or Ryan. He is in his thirties. It is not the time to be messing with his throwing motion and mechanics. If he has to go out there and mentally focus on mechanics, then we have ourselves a problem. Am I saying he should stop developing? No. However, stick with the throwing motion that he is comfortable with and get the most out of him as you can. This offseason, be certain to exhaust all options to pick up a young potentially elite QB. As a matter of fact make sure you do it! Even if it means giving things up. Begin developing him under Fitz for one year (barring Fitz is good enough to even stick around).


In the mean time, fire David Lee! He really isn't helping anything. I want to see some heads roll for this quarterback play.


Depending on how good the defense actually is, I think the Bills might have a shot at being decent even with Fitz as more of a game manager. We cannot depend on Fitz throwing 3 TDs and 300 yards for wins. Play to our strengths for now and get a freaking elite QB no matter what this offseason!


I think his QB rating was like a 120.0 or something. I think you're basing your entire post on the one missed throw to Chandler, but oh well...misery needs company.


Oh yeah, he scrambled for 30yds or so and picked up some first downs.

Edited by stony
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It takes time for a journeyman QB like Fitz to change his mechanics, stuff like this doesn't happen overnight, not even with rookie QB. Example, Tim Tebow!


Give the man this season and see how Fitz is playing by the end.



Patience Padawan's.... :D


I don't mind that as long as they put in a back up plan that is better than tavaris and thigpen in case Fitz gets injured or has a bad enough losing streak to where it is time to pull the plug. I still feel he is a stop gap player more than a franchise guy, especially after last week

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It takes time for a journeyman QB like Fitz to change his mechanics, stuff like this doesn't happen overnight, not even with rookie QB. Example, Tim Tebow!


Give the man this season and see how Fitz is playing by the end.



Patience Padawan's.... :D


I'm not in favor of sacrificing a year to a 30 year old quarterback so MAYBE he will improve a little bit. I hope it does iumprove him soon but even before any changes to his mechanics he lit it up for like 7 weeks in a row when we went 5-2 ealry last year.


No, I just didn't want to come to twobillsdrive and see a bunch of bipolar fans throwing their arms up like everything is solved, like you seemingly are. Fitz did not play well and if he plays like he has this year it is a significant problem. Am I thrilled about the win? Yes. But this is a problem. And just to balance out the other fans having a manic episode (just like there was a depressive episode last week) because of one win, I wanted to point out that there is still significant problems with this team.


I think his QB rating was like a 120.0 or something. I think you're basing your entire post on the one missed throw to Chandler, but oh well...misery needs company.


Oh yeah, he scrambled for 30yds or so and picked up some first downs.

He made some nice plays with his feet and I am happy about that. He made a few nice throws. I don't care what his rating is. I watched the game and he had some really really horrible throws that were inexcusable. There were a few like the first Chandler one where guys were open and he missed them badly. You can't throw away 15-20 yard gains like that against good teams and win. Overall his passing was pretty poor.

Edited by Beerball
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Fritz's first "pass" attempt to Chandler say's it all about his so called mechanics, accuracy and most of all his "smarts". How many more times will we see that krap again this year from the Harvard genius?


I was thinking the same thing when that happened.... it was ridiculous that he couldn't hit Chandler on that play right on the first 3-and-out

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David Lee was brought in and touted as a QB mechanics guru who would help Fitz's accuracy and consistency. Well, we've seen the result of his tutelage. Fitz has been more inaccurate and inconsistent than we have ever seen. He seems to lack confidence completely sometimes when he is throwing.


I am unconvinced you are blaming the correct position coach, though I agree Fitz does look tight and tentative.

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I watched Fitz all day. (1) He cannot and does not throw deep. (2) He missed at least 5 open receivers. At least three easy 3rd dwn passes that would have kept drives going. His arm looks weary or hos head is in his ass. It doesn't matter what his completion percentage is or if the bills won or lost. He has to improve or this season is lost against every team that will figure out how to stop Spiller.

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I was thinking the same thing when that happened.... it was ridiculous that he couldn't hit Chandler on that play right on the first 3-and-out

I watched Fitz all day. (1) He cannot and does not throw deep. (2) He missed at least 5 open receivers. At least three easy 3rd dwn passes that would have kept drives going. His arm looks weary or hos head is in his ass. It doesn't matter what his completion percentage is or if the bills won or lost. He has to improve or this season is lost against every team that will figure out how to stop Spiller.

Thank you. We have some rational people who saw his performance for what it was.


I am unconvinced you are blaming the correct position coach, though I agree Fitz does look tight and tentative.

Just out of curiosity, who do you think I should be blaming?

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I agree with the OP to the extent that Lee has probably screwed up Fitz' confidence. However I don't think getting rid of Lee at this point makes any difference. Fwiw, the damage has already been done, Lee or no Lee.


To another posters point, let's just hope that as time goes on Fitz gets better. Hopefully at the halfway point after some more wins and real playoff talk approaches, Fitz somehow has the lights turned on.


I agree that it's rediculous that some here are arguing the OPs original point just because we won today. That still doesn't mean that Fitz played well. He managed the game. That's what we needed from him today and honestly that's what we should be getting out of him every Sunday. He's just not that good of a QB. If Chan minimizes his potential to screw up, the better we will be as a team.

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