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Connecticut Dem Jokes About Corruption



Bridgeport's Democratic mayor Bill Finch, a supporter of Connecticut congressman Chris Murphy's bid for the U.S. Senate against Republican Linda McMahon, jokes about corruption:

Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch is at it again. The Democrat who presided over a 2010 vote casting and counting scandal in the tight race for governor was caught on video Friday guaranteeing Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Christopher Murphy
a big result in the state’s largest city–even if it takes days to count.


Bridgeport provided a crucial and dubious margin of victory to Democratic and Working Families Governor Dannel P. Malloy in 2010 amidst unprecedented chaos at the city’s polling places. The 2010 Bridgeport assault on democracy included
photocopied ballots, altered hours at polling places, a mysterious bag of votes and Finch’s abuse of the city’s emergency notification system to increase turnout on Election Day.


Murphy, locked in a dead heat with Republican Linda McMahon, needs the grimy Bridgeport Guarantee. He got it from Finch on Friday while visiting small businesses in the poverty-wracked city. A laughing Finch boasts even if it takes a couples of days to get the results,”You can be guaranteed you’re going to get the vote.”


Two years after the 2010 fiasco, it remains no laughing matter to the rest of Connecticut.

Murphy and Finch served together in Connecticut’s state Senate for four years.






You know what would be awesome?


A political bumper sticker on an Amish buggy :lol:


Even better on the "low rider convertable" I saw a long time ago, it was a flatbed cart with a rocking chair


"I built that."


Jim Beam & Jack Daniels----Democrats?






Ouch! This is bad, very, very, very bad. It fits the very worst stereotypes that Republicans have of historic and legendary Democrat voter fraud, most especially in the ole' Democrat south.


From Fox16, "Ark. lawmaker pleads guilty to election charge":


Prosecutors said Hallum and his father, Kent, tasked Carter and Malone with obtaining absentee ballot applications for certain voters and assisting voters in filling out the ballots, "actually completing absentee ballots in some instances without regard to the voter's actual candidate choice."

The ballots were typically placed in unsealed envelopes before being mailed to local election officials.

"If a ballot contained a vote for Hudson Hallum's opponent, it was destroyed," prosecutors said in a bill of information filed with the court.


Prosecutors also accused the four of offering money and food to absentee voters in exchange for their support.

At one point, prosecutors said, Hallum told Carter: "We need to use that black limo and buy a couple cases of some cheap vodka and whiskey to get people to vote."


It sure is a good thing that many state legislatures (Pennsylvania being the latest) have passed new laws this year to stop the plague of absentee ballot fraud.


Wait. What?


The anti-voter ID people have a serious problems with the "moral high ground", and with "law and order". There's nothing immoral about making sure people don't cheat, especially when we have an entire thread full of examples of people being caught cheating. We need to KNOW that the game is not rigged, and that our laws do in fact produce order.


Their argument also requires us to believe that we don't live in our time, and that we live in 1965, just like all their arguments. It requires that somehow we can't do simple tasks like put people in a DB, ensure the integrity of that process, and make sure that it isn't hacked.


For all of these reasons, the anti-voter ID people will FAIL, no different than they failed to get Card-Check passed. A bad argument will die, it's just a matter of time. The only thing that can keep it going? Well-told lies, the charisma of the people telling those lies, and...how much money they have to pay lawyers.


Now, does anybody want to bet me that, in 2 years or so after voter ID is accepted practice...they demand that the voter ID DBs be taken away from the states, because "the Feds can do a better job, cheaper" :rolleyes: and/or the FEC be expanded to now be in charge of running all of those DBs(and hiring even more people we can never fire)? I'll even give you 3 to 1 odds.





"Civil rights groups have complained about what they say are subtle efforts of intimidation. They point to a billboard campaign in swing states such as Ohio warning voter fraud is a felony punishable by up to three and a half years in prison and a $10,000 fine."


Anybody else find this laughable?



Anybody else find this laughable?



I used to.......................not so much anymore.



I live in a country where reminding people the consequences of breaking the law is considered "oppressive"


God help us.



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