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Obama warns Egypt: Are you ally or enemy?


President Barack Obama says he will decide whether Egypt is an ally or an enemy of the United States in part according to the way the fledgling government in Cairo responds to the violent assault on the American Embassy there, which happened on Monday.


"Certainly in this situation what we're going to expect is that they are responsive to our insistence that our embassy is protected, our personnel is protected," Obama said. "And if they take actions that indicate they're not taking responsibilities, as all other countries do where we have embassies, I think that's going to be a real big problem."


But hey, I know how you guys LOVE to go in guns a blazin


YEEE HAAAA - George W Bush style


Did he apologize for making this threat yet?

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But if they are an ally, somebody else made that happen...



I wouldn't consider them an ally either, considering they basically let the embassy get sacked.


They aren't really an ally...they are nothing...it remains to be seen what they are...Morsi needs to figure out if he's going to be an Islamic Leader or the President of a New Egypt in the modern world....and if the latter how to do that politically.

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If Republicans have any sense they'll focus on Obama skipping six consecutive Daily National Security Briefings before the disaster in Libya happened leaving Obama completely unaware of what was transpiring as four American embassy workers were murdered.


Derelection of duty charges, or something like that, against Obama come to mind.

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If Republicans have any sense they'll focus on Obama skipping six consecutive Daily National Security Briefings before the disaster in Libya happened leaving Obama completely unaware of what was transpiring as four American embassy workers were murdered.


Derelection of duty charges, or something like that, against Obama come to mind.


Cut the guy some slack. There's more to being President than daily Intel briefings. He's got urgent government business to attend to in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, and Iowa that requires constant travel on board Air Force One.


Then there's the fundraisers to help prevent Willard from laying off all those Government Employes including himself and Biden


Shindigs with Beyonce and Jay-Z and an appearance on Letterman. The man has a busy enough schedule as it is, he can hardly squeeze in a couple of rounds on the links

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A Statement of the Obvious

Jay Nordlinger


Which is useful, every once in a while: a statement of the obvious.


If Mitt Romney had said Egypt was not an ally of the United States, this would be trumpeted everywhere as proof of the candidate’s unfitness for the presidency.


(True, the American-Egyptian alliance is questionable, but it is an alliance, for now . . .)


In his convention speech, Barack Obama said, “My opponent and his running mate are new to foreign policy.” He paused a long time before he said “new” — as if trying to think of a right and polite word — and then said it in a cutesy, self-satisfied way.


Memo to prez: We know you’re reading off a teleprompter! You shouldn’t pretend to be searching for the right word!








Edited by B-Man
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If Republicans have any sense they'll focus on Obama skipping six consecutive Daily National Security Briefings before the disaster in Libya happened leaving Obama completely unaware of what was transpiring as four American embassy workers were murdered.


Derelection of duty charges, or something like that, against Obama come to mind.


You have a derelection of facts. He didn't miss any briefings because there weren't any scheduled. He gets the written briefing every day which he reads, and was the same process Bill Clinton used. Some people are actually capable enough to understand what they read without need for explaination. The daily briefings didn't become actual daily meetings until GWBush took office, because he didn't want to have to read them. That's a fact.

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You have a derelection of facts. He didn't miss any briefings because there weren't any scheduled. He gets the written briefing every day which he reads, and was the same process Bill Clinton used. Some people are actually capable enough to understand what they read without need for explaination. The daily briefings didn't become actual daily meetings until GWBush took office, because he didn't want to have to read them. That's a fact.


As interpreted by Dana Millbank...that fair and balanced reporter.


Give it up, Joey.

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You have a derelection of facts. He didn't miss any briefings because there weren't any scheduled. He gets the written briefing every day which he reads, and was the same process Bill Clinton used. Some people are actually capable enough to understand what they read without need for explaination. The daily briefings didn't become actual daily meetings until GWBush took office, because he didn't want to have to read them. That's a fact.


I think that the Teleprompter President not having daily personal CIA briefings is a major problem.

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You have a derelection of facts. He didn't miss any briefings because there weren't any scheduled. He gets the written briefing every day which he reads, and was the same process Bill Clinton used. Some people are actually capable enough to understand what they read without need for explaination. The daily briefings didn't become actual daily meetings until GWBush took office, because he didn't want to have to read them. That's a fact.


Because the chosen one does not need input from anyone.

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They aren't really an ally...they are nothing...it remains to be seen what they are...Morsi needs to figure out if he's going to be an Islamic Leader or the President of a New Egypt in the modern world....and if the latter how to do that politically.


I always felt we've known no greater ally or closer friend than Egypt. Given that they punch outside their weight class.

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Let me guess - This is Obama's fault?



CAIRO (AP) — Angry demonstrations against an anti-Islam film spread to their widest extent yet around the Middle East and other Muslim countries Friday. Protesters smashed into the German Embassy in the Sudanese capital and set part of it on fire and climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, waving an Islamist banner.

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Let me guess - This is Obama's fault?



CAIRO (AP) — Angry demonstrations against an anti-Islam film spread to their widest extent yet around the Middle East and other Muslim countries Friday. Protesters smashed into the German Embassy in the Sudanese capital and set part of it on fire and climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Tunis, waving an Islamist banner.

No, it's Bush's fault. The "failed policies" and all. <_<

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