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No. We're attacked by poor people who are pissed off an looking for someone to blame. People with nothing to lose who've been manipulated by "holy" men to do their bidding. These men don't act in the name of Allah and plenty of upstanding Muslims have denounced their actions. No matter how you want to spin it, attempting to portray this as an attack by the religion of Islam is not only erroneous, it's counter productive.


You offer no solutions, just more hate. That's that Christian spirit we're always hearing so much about, isn't it?



Again, read a book.


Not your best.

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Posted (edited)


Considering they think the spanish inquisition hot news,

You have a lot of nerve bitching about "their news" when american media nearly across the board trumpeted the phony WMD story enabling bush's war of choice IN 2003. Hundreds of thousands of civilians died on a war fought on Mideast soil. Not saying there aren't problems within Islam and in their media.... there sure as hell are. But before going into your black and white "we're right, they're wrong" routine, you better look in your own backyard captain America.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack

A tiny minority? Would you like to be a woman in Saudi arabia where they put woman in prison for driving a car? That's a government policy not a few nut jobs. But you defend it in your endless Quest to raise above the mob and be all knowing. Pick a better horse to back.


Nice try at moving the goalposts. One minute you're blaming the whole religion for women being shot for going outdoors and then, when challenged on that, you move on to blaming Islam for Saudi government policy. Perhaps you'd like to point out the passage in the Quran where it states that women shalt not drive cars.


Just for the record, this is what it looked like for a man who made a film that made the Obama Administration uncomfortable:





Here’s the key bit: “Just after midnight Saturday morning, authorities descended on the Cerritos home of the man believed to be the filmmaker behind the anti-Muslim movie that has sparked protests and rioting in the Muslim world.”

When taking office, the President does not swear to create jobs. He does not swear to “grow the economy.” He does not swear to institute “fairness.” The only oath the President takes is this one:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

By sending — literally — brownshirted enforcers to engage in — literally — a midnight knock at the door of a man for the non-crime of embarrassing the President of the United States and his administration, President Obama violated that oath. You can try to pretty this up (It’s just about possible probation violations! .... Sure it is.), or make excuses or draw distinctions, but that’s what’s happened. It is a betrayal of his duties as President, and a disgrace.


He won’t resign, of course. First, the President has the appreciation of free speech that one would expect from a Chicago Machine politician, which is to say, none.

Second, he’s not getting any pressure. Indeed, the very press that went crazy over Ari Fleischer’s misrepresented remarks seems far less interested in the actions of an administration that I repeat, literally sent brown-shirted enforcers to launch a midnight knock on a filmmaker’s door.


But Obama’s behavior — and that of his enablers in the press — has laid down a marker for those who are paying attention. By these actions he is, I repeat, unfit to hold office. I hope and expect that the voters will agree in November.







The video was made by the Elephant Man?

Posted (edited)

The White House and Press Create a Fairy Tale Version of History


By Clarice Feldman


When I was a kid, a popular TV show (and earlier a radio one) was You Are There, the theme of which was bringing the viewer into re-enacted historic events to better learn about them.

Watching the Middle East doings this week with any degree of care, news consumers can see quite clearly how mendacious officials, media and our enemies have created a false storyline about the uprisings in Cairo and Libya which, among other things have resulted in the murder of an Ambassador Chris Stevens and three of his aides, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods and the loss of very important security information in Libya . (See this link is to the UK's Daily Mail because the US press coverage has come nowhere near as detailed or accurate as this. The attacks didn't even make it to the front page of the New York Times.)


Myth No 1: This Administration has strengthened our alliances and improved national security.


Obama jettisoned Egypt's Hosni Mubarak and gave aid to the Libyan rebels who deposed Moammar Gaddafi, acts entirely of his own doing, done without Congressional consent or bipartisan agreement. Mubarak, for all his faults, could be relied upon to keep out Embassy from being overrun and Gaddafi had been cooperating with us since the invasion of Iraq.


Obama okayed the killing of Osama bin Laden, but was so eager to get the credit for it that he crowed about it immediately and often, before we had an opportunity to act on the intelligence information about existing Al Qaeda operations around the world.

And he was certain these acts had strengthened our national security:

Here are Obama's words in his Sept. 8, 2012 address [emphasis supplied]:

"Instead of pulling back from the world,
we've strengthened our alliances
while improving our security here at home. As Americans, we refuse to live in fear. Today, a new tower rises above the New York skyline. And our country is stronger, safer and
more respected in the world.


Myth No. 2: The Administration and media lied that the attacks were occasioned by a film attacking Islam.


The responses to these lies draw into question Obama's claim on September 8 that freedom " will always be central to who we are as a nation." Freedom of speech here is now in some practical, if not legal, jeopardy.

Michael Ledeen, like me, believes the attacks timed to occur on September 11, were not inspired by outrage at a film with attacked Islam, a YouTube low budget number available on line since sometime in 2011 which practically no one has seen.


No serious person believes that an obscure movie shown to less than a dozen people many months ago was the "cause" of the simultaneous assaults in Cairo and Benghazi. Or that the assaults were unrelated, let alone spontaneous. Or that there was no state actor involved in the operation.


Still US officials responding to this preposterous excuse, rushed to punish and dissuade Americans from exercising their constitutional right to free speech to question Islam. Attorney General Holder initiated an investigation into the production of the film. Worse, Chairman of the U.S. Military's Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey (heard last week insisting we'd be blamed if Israel attacked Iran) took it upon himself, preposterously, to try to dissuade the a Christian minister from continuing to support the film.


Myth No. 3: Obama might not know what he's doing but his staff does

The evidence that Obama is out of his depth on foreign affairs and national security matters has always been before us. Tom Maguire writes:

Ed Morrissey noted the shock felt by
at the notion that Obama was pitching Egypt under the bus.

And the press corps at the
hung a huge "No Sale" sign on the idea that Egypt's status as an ally was really in play.

But none of that happened in Times World, where reporters are eagerly awaiting the next Romney statement so they can gaffe-check it.

OBAMA UNPLUGGED: Surely Obama doesn't just talk first and reflect afterwards when he is on the diplomatic stage? Of course he does, and stop calling me 'Shirley'.

Back in 2007 Obama was just making it up when he
to meet Iran's leaders without pre-conditions (Matt Yglesias
the virtues of this creative "foreign policy by gaffe" approach.

In 2008 Obama was free-associating when
he favored an undivided Jerusalem. That one, his advisors couldn't rationalize.

So yes, the Magic Mouth theory is always in play with this guy. Obama has grown up thinking he can BS his way past anything. And hey, that belief has carried him a long way. And with the media in his pocket, it may continue to carry him.






Edited by B-Man




Again, read a book.

Is that the only answer you have? Apparently you feel the KKK was all about religion? No race factor ar all? Save me the time of reading a book and give us your version,


Nice try at moving the goalposts. One minute you're blaming the whole religion for women being shot for going outdoors and then, when challenged on that, you move on to blaming Islam for Saudi government policy. Perhaps you'd like to point out the passage in the Quran where it states that women shalt not drive cars.




The video was made by the Elephant Man?

So you think Islam plays no role in Saudi government policy? Yes or No.

Posted (edited)

Just for the record, this is what it looked like for a man who made a film that made the Obama Administration uncomfortable:




The only thing scarier than this photo and this action is that there are people in this country who think what the WH is doing is appropriate.


I look forward to the day we're led by a person who has a nutsack and not one who thinks the way to address those who hate us is to suck theirs.

Edited by LABillzFan

For those of you that blame the religion of Islam for the brutal killings by the savage radicals, I challenge you to provide verses in the Quran that back your claim.


To save you some time, I will point out the Islam haters' favorite plays in their playbook and dispel it.


1. MYTH: Christians and Jews are considered infidels. They must die. FACT: Infidels are atheists. Christians and Jews are known as "people of the book" and regarded as "fellow believers".


2. MYTH: Suicide bombers get 72 virgins. FACT: Suicide is known as one of the greatest sins and utterly detrimental to one's spiritual journey. As a matter of fact there's a verse in the Quran that states, Save a life, save all of humanity--Take a life, kill all of humanity.


3. MYTH: Women in Islam are below man. FACT: The Quran states both that men and women are equal,but also, as in 4:34, that "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard." Although the Quran does say this, the superiority of men is interpreted in terms of strength by the context.


I'll give you this though, men routinely abuse their rights over women in the Middle East, but it's not because of what the Quran states. It's more of a cultural thing than a religious thing.


4. MYTH: Islamic Jihad means holy war. FACT: WRONG!!! Islamic Jihad is a struggle from within to be a better person.


So, there you go. I just gave you more examples from the Quran in one small post they some of you have in this whole thread. Try topping that.


This could all get even more interesting pretty soon... Gotta love how the lamestream, and the administration are all blaming this on a film...


But what happens when "Zero Dark Thirty" is released? A film made about the death of Bin Laden, with the help, and encouragement of the WH...


Who can they blame for that one??



Is that the only answer you have? Apparently you feel the KKK was all about religion? No race factor ar all? Save me the time of reading a book and give us your version,



So you think Islam plays no role in Saudi government policy? Yes or No.


The Saudi's interpretation of Islam plays a role in Saudi government policy certainly. However, in how many Islamic countries are women banned from driving? Nowhere but Saudi Arabia. I don't think it makes a great deal of sense to try to somehow blame Islam for something that is the government policy of one out of the dozens of Islamic countries. If you want to argue that the Saudis are nuts then fine, you'll get no argument from me (for many reasons, not just this) but you're on dodgy ground if you try to extrapolate what goes on in Saudi Arabia to every muslim everywhere.


This could all get even more interesting pretty soon... Gotta love how the lamestream, and the administration are all blaming this on a film...


But what happens when "Zero Dark Thirty" is released? A film made about the death of Bin Laden, with the help, and encouragement of the WH...


Who can they blame for that one??



And I find this manufactured outrage funny. The "film maker" is Egyptian-born. The "film" was "released" in early July. Some Egyptian TV station aired portions of it on September 8th. :rolleyes:


Just for the record, this is what it looked like for a man who made a film that made the Obama Administration uncomfortable:





Here’s the key bit: “Just after midnight Saturday morning, authorities descended on the Cerritos home of the man believed to be the filmmaker behind the anti-Muslim movie that has sparked protests and rioting in the Muslim world.”

When taking office, the President does not swear to create jobs. He does not swear to “grow the economy.” He does not swear to institute “fairness.” The only oath the President takes is this one:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

By sending — literally — brownshirted enforcers to engage in — literally — a midnight knock at the door of a man for the non-crime of embarrassing the President of the United States and his administration, President Obama violated that oath. You can try to pretty this up (It’s just about possible probation violations! .... Sure it is.), or make excuses or draw distinctions, but that’s what’s happened. It is a betrayal of his duties as President, and a disgrace.


He won’t resign, of course. First, the President has the appreciation of free speech that one would expect from a Chicago Machine politician, which is to say, none.

Second, he’s not getting any pressure. Indeed, the very press that went crazy over Ari Fleischer’s misrepresented remarks seems far less interested in the actions of an administration that I repeat, literally sent brown-shirted enforcers to launch a midnight knock on a filmmaker’s door.


But Obama’s behavior — and that of his enablers in the press — has laid down a marker for those who are paying attention. By these actions he is, I repeat, unfit to hold office. I hope and expect that the voters will agree in November.







That's actually what it looks like for a convicted felon who may have violated his parole in very public fashion.

Posted (edited)

For those of you that blame the religion of Islam for the brutal killings by the savage radicals, I challenge you to provide verses in the Quran that back your claim.


To save you some time, I will point out the Islam haters' favorite plays in their playbook and dispel it.


1. MYTH: Christians and Jews are considered infidels. They must die. FACT: Infidels are atheists. Christians and Jews are known as "people of the book" and regarded as "fellow believers".


2. MYTH: Suicide bombers get 72 virgins. FACT: Suicide is known as one of the greatest sins and utterly detrimental to one's spiritual journey. As a matter of fact there's a verse in the Quran that states, Save a life, save all of humanity--Take a life, kill all of humanity.


3. MYTH: Women in Islam are below man. FACT: The Quran states both that men and women are equal,but also, as in 4:34, that "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard." Although the Quran does say this, the superiority of men is interpreted in terms of strength by the context.


I'll give you this though, men routinely abuse their rights over women in the Middle East, but it's not because of what the Quran states. It's more of a cultural thing than a religious thing.


4. MYTH: Islamic Jihad means holy war. FACT: WRONG!!! Islamic Jihad is a struggle from within to be a better person.


So, there you go. I just gave you more examples from the Quran in one small post they some of you have in this whole thread. Try topping that.


NJ, What's to be done with the infidels in a Muslim state? If I chose to live in a middle eastern country under Sharia law do I need to give someone my Jizya? Why do so many Muslims seem to support violence? Does a large segment of the Muslim population believe that Jihad is a struggle against other people? When answering me, don't quote the Quran. Answer the questions as asked please. In other words, what is happening in reality?

Edited by 3rdnlng

That's actually what it looks like for a convicted felon who may have violated his parole in very public fashion.


If you believe that's why the police were there.........you are an idiot.


You can try to pretty this up (It’s just about possible probation violations! .... Sure it is.), or make excuses or draw distinctions, but that’s what’s happened




NJ, What's to be done with the infidels in a Muslim state? If I chose to live in a middle eastern country under Sharia law do I need to give someone my Jizya? Why do so many Muslims seem to support violence? Does a large segment of the Muslim population believe that Jihad is a struggle against other people? When answering me, don't quote the Quran. Answer the questions as asked please. In other words, what is happening in reality?


Infidels: nothing

Jizya: Don't know much about that. That's a government thing. Not religious. Muslims are only required to give to the poor if they have the means.

Violence: Same can be said about Americans.

Jihad: The same ones that abuse the religion and misinterpret it for their own political gain.

I have to quote the Quran. You're blaming the religion instead of the people.


Infidels: nothing

Jizya: Don't know much about that. That's a government thing. Not religious. Muslims are only required to give to the poor if they have the means.

Violence: Same can be said about Americans.

Jihad: The same ones that abuse the religion and misinterpret it for their own political gain.

I have to quote the Quran. You're blaming the religion instead of the people.


then quote it.... Give us verse and context so we can take notes...

Posted (edited)



then quote it.... Give us verse and context so we can take notes...


I'm no imam. I can't quote the Quran word for word. I guess I shouldn't have used the term "quote", but everything I said is from the teachings of Islam. You get the jist of it, right? 3rd wants me to avoid the teachings of the Quran and go by what's happening in that part of the world and I simply can't. Those radicals misrepresent the religion.


Let me elaborate on the misconstrued notion that Muslims must kill infidels when they see them. That's not what the Quran said. Violence is only permitted in Islam for defense purposes only.


We'll continue this discussion later. Game time!! Go Bills!!!!

Edited by NoJustice

For those of you that blame the religion of Islam for the brutal killings by the savage radicals, I challenge you to provide verses in the Quran that back your claim.


To save you some time, I will point out the Islam haters' favorite plays in their playbook and dispel it.


1. MYTH: Christians and Jews are considered infidels. They must die. FACT: Infidels are atheists. Christians and Jews are known as "people of the book" and regarded as "fellow believers".


2. MYTH: Suicide bombers get 72 virgins. FACT: Suicide is known as one of the greatest sins and utterly detrimental to one's spiritual journey. As a matter of fact there's a verse in the Quran that states, Save a life, save all of humanity--Take a life, kill all of humanity.


3. MYTH: Women in Islam are below man. FACT: The Quran states both that men and women are equal,but also, as in 4:34, that "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard." Although the Quran does say this, the superiority of men is interpreted in terms of strength by the context.


I'll give you this though, men routinely abuse their rights over women in the Middle East, but it's not because of what the Quran states. It's more of a cultural thing than a religious thing.


4. MYTH: Islamic Jihad means holy war. FACT: WRONG!!! Islamic Jihad is a struggle from within to be a better person.


So, there you go. I just gave you more examples from the Quran in one small post they some of you have in this whole thread. Try topping that.


I'll eschew Koran 9:5, since at this point "Slay the idolators" is cliche to the point of trite.


Koran 5:51. "You who believe, do not take the Jews and Christians as allies: they are allies only to each other. Anyone who takes them as an ally becomes one of them - God does not guide such wrongdoers."

Koran 4:104. "Do not be faint-hearted in pursuing the enemy."

Koran 3:75: "...because they [the Jews] say "We are under no obligation toward the gentiles". they tell a lie against God and they know it."

Koran 47:4. "When you meet the disbelievers, strike them in the neck, and once they are defeated bind any captives."

al-Bukhari hadith, # 3593: "The Day of Judgement will not come until the Muslims fight and kill the Jews."

Koran 68:8. "Do not yield to those who deny the truth."


I include the al Bukhari hadith, as I understand it's one of the group of hadiths considered second only to the Koran itself. I also omit the relevant fatwas that cast these as "secular" (in as much as Islam recognizes the principle) commands...


Most particularly, the fatwas that bin Laden referenced in his speeches and writings exhorting the violence, which is where I pulled all the above quotations from.


If you believe that's why the police were there.........you are an idiot.






He violated his parole and was taken in for questioning, which is nothing more than factual and perfectly legal. I don't believe anything.


This could all get even more interesting pretty soon... Gotta love how the lamestream, and the administration are all blaming this on a film...


But what happens when "Zero Dark Thirty" is released? A film made about the death of Bin Laden, with the help, and encouragement of the WH...


Who can they blame for that one??


That's actually kinda funny.


I'm no imam. I can't quote the Quran word for word. I guess I shouldn't have used the term "quote", but everything I said is from the teachings of Islam. You get the jist of it, right? 3rd wants me to avoid the teachings of the Quran and go by what's happening in that part of the world and I simply can't. Those radicals misrepresent the religion.


Let me elaborate on the misconstrued notion that Muslims must kill infidels when they see them. That's not what the Quran said. Violence is only permitted in Islam for defense purposes only.


We'll continue this discussion later. Game time!! Go Bills!!!!


NJ, I am not asking you to avoid the teachings of the Quran. I am saying that a goodly amount of Muslims are rioting with people getting killed. This is not an isolated thing. You quote the Quran as being against these things. Maybe so, maybe not. The fact remains that Muslims are rioting and killing. Hindus, Jews, Bhuddists, Christians, Pagans and Wichans are not. The only common denominator amongst the Indonesians, Libyans, Sudanese and Egyptians is religion. Convince me that it's for some other reason.


This could all get even more interesting pretty soon... Gotta love how the lamestream, and the administration are all blaming this on a film...


But what happens when "Zero Dark Thirty" is released? A film made about the death of Bin Laden, with the help, and encouragement of the WH...


Who can they blame for that one??


The current lie is unraveling.


I'll eschew Koran 9:5, since at this point "Slay the idolators" is cliche to the point of trite.


Koran 5:51. "You who believe, do not take the Jews and Christians as allies: they are allies only to each other. Anyone who takes them as an ally becomes one of them - God does not guide such wrongdoers."

Koran 4:104. "Do not be faint-hearted in pursuing the enemy."

Koran 3:75: "...because they [the Jews] say "We are under no obligation toward the gentiles". they tell a lie against God and they know it."

Koran 47:4. "When you meet the disbelievers, strike them in the neck, and once they are defeated bind any captives."

al-Bukhari hadith, # 3593: "The Day of Judgement will not come until the Muslims fight and kill the Jews."

Koran 68:8. "Do not yield to those who deny the truth."


I include the al Bukhari hadith, as I understand it's one of the group of hadiths considered second only to the Koran itself. I also omit the relevant fatwas that cast these as "secular" (in as much as Islam recognizes the principle) commands...


Most particularly, the fatwas that bin Laden referenced in his speeches and writings exhorting the violence, which is where I pulled all the above quotations from.




He violated his parole and was taken in for questioning, which is nothing more than factual and perfectly legal. I don't believe anything.




That's actually kinda funny.


I guess you can say the writers of the Quran got real lucky saying the Jews and Christians are allies, huh? After all these years, too.


I'm not going to pretend that there aren't some things in the Quran that are extreme, because there are. Same can be said about the Old Testament and the Talmud, right?

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