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You really think Cuomo gives a flying !@#$ about the Bills stadium?

He cares about what all top end NY politicians care about, NYC. If they carry the city they get (re)elected. Buffalo is a pimple on the ass of nowhere by comparison.


If you want to try and do something constructive, target local politicians who DO need to get reelected by the people in the Buffalo area.

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You really think Cuomo gives a flying !@#$ about the Bills stadium?

He cares about what all top end NY politicians care about, NYC. If they carry the city they get (re)elected. Buffalo is a pimple on the ass of nowhere by comparison.


If you want to try and do something constructive, target local politicians who DO need to get reelected by the people in the Buffalo area.


I respectfully disagree. The local politicians get it... the money for this project, however, is coming from the State.


Absolutely need to go after the governor about this. Cuomo is playing with fire here with a 90 something year old owner and an expiring lease in one of the smallest NFL markets. Delay is not acceptable in these circumstances.


I respectfully disagree. The local politicians get it... the money for this project, however, is coming from the State.

Absolutely need to go after the governor about this. Cuomo is playing with fire here with a 90 something year old owner and an expiring lease in one of the smallest NFL markets. Delay is not acceptable in these circumstances.

If the money needs to come from the state, then what is Cuomos incentive for putting it into an old stadium in Buffalo that is used 10 times a year when his budget cuts are laying off teachers etc.? Even if every single person in Buffalo sent a message saying they would not vote for him if he did not pony up the cash (and they wouldn't, only a very small percentage of people care enough about the Bills to put effort into such a thing) I contend it still wouldn't amount to the votes spending the money elsewhere would buy him.


I would prefer the Bills to stay in Buffalo. But I tell you sincerely, if Cuomo puts millions of dollars into that stadium while at the same time making budget cuts that adversely affects the states schools and other important things, I will not vote for him in any capacity, state or federal.


Forget your troubles

Come on get happy

You better chase all you cares away

Shout hallelujah

Come on get happy

Get ready for the judgment day


Stay strong Bills' fans. I'm a firm believer in conspiracy theories and I do believe there is one in play right now. Let met tell you why. What's the best way to crush a fan base's spirit? Give them hope. Bills Nation's hope level was near an all time high this off-season with all the signings and re-signings only to see the product on the field not live up to the hype. Now empathy will set in making it much easier to move this team out of Buffalo. It's all a part of their plan and the Bills are involved.


It all makes sense. The Bills will not have a new lease. Ralph is near death. The Bills will operate under one year lease agreements for the next couple of years ensuring the new owners an easy escape route.


The only thing that can stop this is us. The fans. We need to continue to support this team through thick and thin. We can't bail. We need to keep this team economically viable. We must not allow our spirits to be crushed or it can mean the end of the Bills in Buffalo.


Oh F%#K IT!!! Toronto or L.A. Can have the damn team. I don't give a s#%t anymore. I've got my seasons and I'll continue to go but I think all my hope is lost. I'm slowly inching towards the edge of the cliff. It's only a matter of time before I swan dive off this motherf%%ker.






step away from the ledge......our beloved are going nowhere......


TBN is reporting that the lease negotiations between the Bills, Erie County and the State will miss an important deadline for obtaining G4 funding for this year. It is possible the Bills will sign a one year lease extension when the current lease is up in 2013. Brandon states this does not mean the team will not sign a long term deal.


I still believe the NFL wants to keep a team here because of its proximity to Toronto.


On the other hand part of me is saying Aww :censored: .




Anyone else getting the feeling the gov't is dragging it's feet to see if Wilson will die in the interim?


Oh F%#K IT!!! Toronto or L.A. Can have the damn team. I don't give a s#%t anymore. I've got my seasons and I'll continue to go but I think all my hope is lost. I'm slowly inching towards the edge of the cliff. It's only a matter of time before I swan dive off this motherf%%ker.

Why are you here? Seems to me that a Bills forum is an odd place for someone who doesn't care about the team, wants them to move, and is near suicide. Perhaps your last remaining moments on earth would be better spent amending your will, writing a poignant note or running a hot bath?


Or are you just throwing a tantrum?

Posted (edited)


Anyone else getting the feeling the gov't is dragging it's feet to see if Wilson will die in the interim?


I don't get that feeling. I really think that's what's going on here. Ralph health has been on the decline the past couple of years, and with the uncertainty of what will happen when he passes makes the county and state uneasy about signing anything long term.

Edited by CH3CH2OH

I don't get that feeling. I really think that's what's going on here. Ralph health has been on the decline the past couple of years, and with the uncertainty of what will happen when he passes makes the county and state uneasy about signing anything long term.

Well, it's either that or the state and county want something really iron clad - including an end to this Toronto nonsense to ensure the team doesnt walk away after they drop 200 million on the stadium. RW would balk at that because it lowers the sale value of the team.



Why are you here? Seems to me that a Bills forum is an odd place for someone who doesn't care about the team, wants them to move, and is near suicide. Perhaps your last remaining moments on earth would be better spent amending your will, writing a poignant note or running a hot bath?


Or are you just throwing a tantrum?


The guy is a season ticket holder sick of 20 years since a Super Bowl. That's why he's here.


There is a story listed at top of Two Bills Drive regarding the Bills lease. Mysteriously the live link is no longer there as it was pulled . However I read it. The long and short is this:

* Negotiations NEVER happened between Bills and Gov. Cuomo that were necessary prior to an October 16th meeting in NYC to get help from NFL G4 fund (up to $40 Million in help)

* 3 scheduled meetings that would have facilitated things were cancelled and now we cannot apply for G4 funding until next year-March 2013

* No improvements will begin on the stadium now until at the earliest- 2014

* They may have to do a one year lease from July 2013 to July 2014 to extend talks about a long term lease


How the hell did the ball get dropped here? This is IMPORTANT!

Why was it dropped?

Who dropped it? - Someone is benefitting, or strengthening their bargaining and negotiating position and I assume it is intentional.

Does anyone feel good about extending lease talks with a 94 year owner over an extended two year period when we all know that if he dies, the team can be sold and uprooted the same damn day with no lease in place?

The value of the franchise has to go up with no lease fees, penalties if broken..team can be moved scott free

Was this ALWAYS really the plan...to stall until Wilson is dead?

Do you trust Russ Brandon at all? He seems like the ultimate ultimate weasel.

Why was this story removed from the Buffalo News? Cover up?

Something is going on here and it doesnt look good at all.

This franchise in Buffalo is in a very DANGEROUS situation that could have been avoided

WTF i sgoing on here? We deserve answers as taxpayers/fans etc.


Be intersting to see if WGR covers it...They are in bed with Bills too..Seems like no one ever digs deep to get answers in Buffalo tv , print or radio journalism...Something is going on and needs to be exposed...


It's a giant conspiracy (just like everything surrounding the Bills).


The one year extension is agreed to: http://pro32.ap.org/content/bills-county-agree-1-year-lease-extension


And here's the lease article: http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120912/CITYANDREGION/120919747/1109



Just look at it this way, it's a really complex deal that is going to take some time to complete. No need to freak out, yet...

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