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what`s next adjustments needed

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I got to say that was a complete disaster of a game, Maybe one of the worst iv`e ever seen from our beloved Bills. The Bills looked like they were still in preseason mode.


If there is a silver lining in this loss is that the season is just getting started, But Chan and Wanny need to make some adjustments.

Here is some things i think we need to do to.


#1- Put Barnett back in at MLB, Morrison at the weakside and rotate Bradham and Moats on the Strong side.

K Shep is garbage. He is to slow, can`t cover, and the biggest thing i noticed bout him is that he can`t get the Defense lined up properly. The mlb is the most important position on a defense, They are the QB`s of the defense. he`s in charge of audibles and getting the secondary lined up. I think he doesn`t have the experience needed to QB this Defense. Barnett is a veteran he`s seen everything on the field thousands of times over. He has the skill set needed to QB this Defense.. Plus he`s still a very good player coming off a pro bowl type season. Chan and Buddy need to learn how to cut there loses. WE NEED SOME EXPERIENCE AT LINEBACKER!!


#2- Put McKelvin back on the Outside. Play McGee and Williams in the SLOTS.

McKelvin is not a slot corner at all. He`s better on the outside where he can use his athletic abilities better. Last yr he played pretty well on the outside. His problem was defending the deep ball, and his awareness on jump balls need to be better. With our pass rush he will be better outside.

By moving McGee inside it allows him to play in a position that he has excelled in during his career he`s a great nickel corner.

This move also makes Aaron Williams better. This kid looks more like a safety to me. He is to big and he doesn`t have that agility or speed that Big corners need to play outside. Williams believe or not will be better guarding TE`s and RB`s out the backfield. MOVE HIM TO SAFETY AND SLOT CORNER NOW!


#3- BETTER COACHING- WANNY AND CHAN need to step it up show some passion be accountable. I seen a vanilla based Defense against the Jets. Wanny let your D lineman have some fun out there throw some stunts and Blitz`s at these god awful QB`s. Everyone knows if u get Sanchez uncomfortable early in the gm. He starts to fold like a pair of 2`s. Use some more press coverages to knock these wr`s of there timing patterns. This is simple, Please stop running that vanilla based cover2 bend but don`t break defense man. Your starting to look like Dicky J..

Chan C`mon man u got a stud in Spiller watch some tape of Marshall Faulk and use this kid just like him. Spiller is a Faulk clone. Give him the Damm Ball!. Stop running all these fancy 5 wr sets. lets see some more traditional proform,I-form and and 2 te sets.I promise u the play action pass will start to open things up for our wr`s.



I want to see some three wr sets with these guys. Why? because they have SPEED AND SIZE. Yea these 2 kids are young and hungry. Let them learn. At this point we have no other choice. No one respects our wr`s anymore. All Defenses do is sit on these short routes all day. These 2 players will put D`s on there heels. U have to respect speed. I know TJ and Easley have flaws but they have talent give them a chance...


Well these are some of my ideas, Bills fans what are yours?

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Use McIntrye more. He's a bowling ball and I want to see him catch a few check downs.


Do something with the receivers where they are better. Make a more simple offense where there's more deep to intermediate routes and everybody's stretched out. Also, teach our receivers to come back to the ball and make adjustments; they wait for the ball to come to them instead of going and getting it. This lead to the Revis pick. Not sure about the pick six though, Nelson was helpless there.


I think the fact that the receivers don't come back to the ball leads to Fitz throwing the ball high, like he's trying not to under-throw it because he knows the receiver won't come back for the ball, making him overcompensate and throw high.


And lastly, make Fitz comfortable. He looks like he's forcing the ball and making dumb throws. I don't blame him when the receivers aren't getting open due to dumb routes and there's no check down option. It looked like everybody was clumped together and Jets defenders were surrounding them leading to no windows to throw too.

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i agree with the spread the wr`s out more. it always seems like there running routes right next to each other.

I also agree with running the ball more. that helps us in 3 ways keeps Fitzy from throwing picks and it sets up play action also gives our D some more rest.

Edited by DontCrossDaMoats
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Use McIntrye more. He's a bowling ball and I want to see him catch a few check downs.


Do something with the receivers where they are better. Make a more simple offense where there's more deep to intermediate routes and everybody's stretched out. Also, teach our receivers to come back to the ball and make adjustments; they wait for the ball to come to them instead of going and getting it.


Come on Fitz throw a intermediate and long pass? That's not his game at all. Coming back to the ball is something they teach in Pop Warner. Can these scrubs be that bad they wouldn't instinctively do that?

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Run game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dear god, can we attempt to control the clock. Maybe, attempt to give the defense a rest?!?!?!?!?!?


Last time we played the Jest in NY, we controlled the clock to the tune of 36+ minutes. Why/how we got away from that is a mystery. But it mostly had to do with getting down too much early and having to play catchup as a result.



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I got to say that was a complete disaster of a game, Maybe one of the worst iv`e ever seen from our beloved Bills. The Bills looked like they were still in preseason mode.


If there is a silver lining in this loss is that the season is just getting started, But Chan and Wanny need to make some adjustments.

Here is some things i think we need to do to.


I'm sorry man, but you are way off with your suggestions.


#1 Sheppard is fine, and getting better every game. He's solid against the run. In pass coverage, he's not being asked to cover man to man, just to keep the play in front of him. Sure, Barnett is the better overall player, but you want to have your best guys out there. Sheppard is one of your best guys and he plays MLB and doesn't seem to have the lateral speed to play OLB. Same with Morrison. So you keep Barnett outside. On passing downs, you'll see Barnett move to the inside strong side and Scott to the inside weak side.


Moats will probably lose his job to Bradham once the coaching staff fully trusts Bradham. Moats is best used as a pass rusher and Bradham should pan out to be the better overall player. Barring injuries, by the end of the year, and probably pretty soon, you'll see Barnett- Sheppard - Bradham.


#2 McKelvin's problem is playing the ball. He's better when he has help over the top. As a nickel corner, it's more likely he'll have safety help over the top, so I'd leave him there. Athletically, he can play outside and inside equally as well. I'd rather have him play the slot guy who is more likely going to stay in front of him. Of course he can still miss tackles like he did yesterday, but despite his limitations he's better than anyone else you'd put at nickel.


I don't remember McGee excelling at nickel, tho I'm sure he could. Williams has played rather inconsistently during his short career so I can't really say where he's a better fit. I wish Brooks hadn't got hurt because he seemed to have the potential to earn a starting spot. Before I go shifting all the corners around, I'd like to see a few more games in this new defense, and some better safety play. I think all of these guys will be fine once they settle in.


#3 The Bills were playing cover 4 mostly- and perhaps if they were playing cover 2 , you'd see more bump and run and less of a cushion.


They ran the ball well, but the line is not good enough to play ground and pound for 60 minutes. The simplest coaching adjustment is to stop asking Fitz to run a complex horizontal timing offense. Obviously, when it's working, you get results like early last year. But I don't think the personell is there. Too many weak spots on the offense. A good QB can make up for the WRs and vice versa, but the Bills don't have either. I still think the Bills should run a spread, but without as many timing routes. Run out of the spread and throw screens and swing passes. Then take your shots deep off of play action.


#4 I agree about Graham and Easley. Get them in the game. Jones is a tremendous blocker. Throw a bubble screen to Graham behind Jones and Chandler and TJ could be off to the races.

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You can play press out of any scheme. the DBs and Safeties were playing deep zones. That's cover 4 as in 4 deep zones.


Cover 2 only the safeties are playing deep. So press coverage is usually reserved for man to man defense or cover 2 when the corners are playing short zones.

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DB's gotta start reading the QB and getting in front of the receiver. They look like traffic cones out there. Base the offense on the running game and not FitzPatrick. He can't throw, and his receivers can't get separation. Bad combination except in garbage time.

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When you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got....


New ownership, new leadership--do it now--stop fiddling with the deck chairs while the Titanic sinks; make the needed moves, or stand back while the team goes 6 - 10...again, and again, and again....

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