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Had a great day at the game. Usual trashtalking from Jets fans. If you're not looking for trouble in that stadium, you won't find it.


Same here. Any ribbing was good natured...nothing violent or disrespectful. Had a pick up football game in the lot with some Jets fans and some Bills fans before the game. No problems at all. I was wearing a Bills jersey...no issues.


Ok dude... Let's drop this convo about my car and if it helps to end it sooner let's say I was looking for a fight and I have anger issues and so on and so on ok? cool?




Sure I dont mind I just dont know how to send an attachment on here... Lemme give it a try...


I tried. It said the file is too big to upload...


Hey no problem. When you go into enemy territory you got to expect stuff like that to happen. To be honest your lucky you didn't get your tires slashed. If the Jets lost that is what probably would of happened.


You wanna talk smack? I can take that. I eat those comments for breakfast. But when you start damaging something that I work 5 days of hard labor to pay for, then we have a f----ng problem get it? Not all of us are as cool calm and collected as you! So to answer you yes, I will go to jail for someone damaging my car on purpose!

Hope you consider what's higher...your insurance deductable or bail? As for working "5 days of hard labor," many employers look down on an arrest record, no matter how worthy the cause!

I've seen so much bad behavior from fans at opposing stadiums, I can't point to any particular group as being worse than any other. I've seen Bills fans in OP being total jerks. I guess the most respectful group I've ever seen was in Seattle. I never heard one comment the whole time I was there. In fact, the fans around us were about as cool as can be.


Actually I didn't get any real grief from Jets fans yesterday, other than an occaisional "Yo, Buffalo!" And I was wearing a Bills jersey. I walked from lot K over by the Timex building all the way to the NYCBB tailgate at the Izod Center. I think they all felt sorry for me.



Might have something to do with you being 7 feet tall and 400 lbs. Just sayin... :flirt:


I am sorry you got corked, I'm just happy you and your Ex weren't harmed.


What gets me is all the Bozo's throwing footballs around, you know they damage cars.


I admit, wwhen I go to the Ralph, I am nothing short of a complete D-bag to the oppositions fans. The only exception to this if it's somebody with a little kid, even D-bags like me have to draw the line.


I've seen so much bad behavior from fans at opposing stadiums, I can't point to any particular group as being worse than any other. I've seen Bills fans in OP being total jerks. I guess the most respectful group I've ever seen was in Seattle. I never heard one comment the whole time I was there. In fact, the fans around us were about as cool as can be.




+1 on Seattle, great crowd, I'll be there for the Jets game in Nov.


I traveled to out of town games for years.. Never did I wear Bills gear (I hated to be verbally abused and pelted with trash).. Instead, I would buy a hat for whatever City I happened to be visiting and proceed to cheer for the Bills... This caused confusion amid the ranks of the enemy and in the event of a Bills victory, it help facilitate my escape from hostile parking lots..


Whenever the Jet played in Buffalo, there would be tons of fights because of all the UB students from NYC and Lon Guyland. Best punchI saw thrown was by a woman. Her boyfriend and a Jets fan are arguing in the row in front of her. Suddenly, she reaches over her boyfriend's shoulder and sucker punches him. Down he went. She must have been about 5'4" tall and maybe 100 lbs sopping wet. Luckily caught it in my binoculars in the end zone from our seats on the goal line. We didn't have any fight in our season ticket section.


worst fan violance ive witnessed was at the 92championship game in miami. after the bills defeated the dolphins a fins fan said something to a bills fan in the tunnel leaving the stands the bills fan laid the guy out on the concrete with one punch when the guy hit the floor his head split wide open laying in a pool of blood, guy might have died didnt stick around to see


Sorry, fan violence is never cool. Been to many games at many stadiums. You've got to expect some grief when you're in an opposing stadium. I always took it with good nature but when I've got kids with me its a different story. If it goes over the line, whatever your line is, call security. I did it to Bills fans who went across the line with a Pats fan in the 300 level last year.......Guy and his kid....drunk bills fan giving him sh.t.....continually..... I'm one row behind, ask him to stop, ask his friends to help me make him stop. They try...They knew it was out of line....text security.. problem solved.....Only problem is that guy and his kid (probably 8 yrs old) got up and left. What do you think their impression of Bills fans is? Anyway, going to the Cleveland game and tailgaiting with a bunch of Browns fans. Will wear my Bills stuff once I get inside. Learned my lesson. Easier to stuff my Bills stuff where it can't be seen till I get inside.

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