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To be honest, we needed this to happen....


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The team and whole city expected to just show up 2day and the win was automatically ours. I hate to have seen what would happen had Pittsburgh been at full strenght and had something to play for.


This team, as well as the fans have gotten awful cocky and arrogant over the past 6 weeks, talking about destiny, and fate and teams had better watch out if Buffalo makes it into the party called the NFL playoffs. I think I got a sick feeling in my stomoch about this game when I started seeing about this "Billieve" t-shirt crap.


Fact is, we have gotten better over the course of the year and made huges strides, but we have not shown that we can play with the big boys and compete. We lost 3 out of 4 within the division against the Jets and Patriots, got beat by yhr Steelers second teamers in a meaningless game for them, and also lost against the Ravens and Jags who were our primary competition for the wild card.


I think this loss shows the team that it cannot rely on "fate", and if they don't come ready to play each week in the NFL then they will get it handed to them. It think the fact that the Rams won and we missed the playoffs becuz of us will keep the focus on the fact that EVERY game in meaningful, and you have to be ready to play every week (i.e Pittsburgh), every series (Jets for game winning fg) and every down (3 4th down conversions against the Jags).


Anyhow, while depressing as it is now, I see this as a possible stepping stone, much like the Cleveland playoff game back in 1989 that can most definately lead to bigger and better things. I am proud of the turnaround the last half of the season, but was very dissappointed in the way the team was not ready to wage war this week. I think it will lead to a very long off-season of what if's for the players and make them come back hungrier for next year.


Go Bills. And let's quite bashing Drew and Rina as the sole reason for this loss. No one on that team was ready to play. Dropped passes, staying in bounds with less than a minute in the half, missed field goals, missed tackles, 8 minute drives in the 4th quarter. This was a TEAM loss all the way around. I look forward to a very HUNGRY football team next year.

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