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Lets go Nittany Lions

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As despicable as the Sandusky scandal was, you have to have a lot of respect for the players who decided to honor their commitment to the program and remain at PSU. Hard not to root for kids with that kind of character in the face of adversity. While I'm ashamed of the handling of the Sandusky molestations, I am proud of the kids who decided to stick it out. So I say,lets go Lions!

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The only people who haven't decried the injustice of the NCAA sanctions and that don't feel sorry for themselves seem to be those kids and the coaching staff. I applaud them for that. They are going to put up with a lot on the road this season. Just wait until they hit their Big 10 schedule.


That said, I will never root for Penn State football again. I once thought they were a model for the rest of college athletics.


Fool me once...



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As despicable as the Sandusky scandal was, you have to have a lot of respect for the players who decided to honor their commitment to the program and remain at PSU. Hard not to root for kids with that kind of character in the face of adversity. While I'm ashamed of the handling of the Sandusky molestations, I am proud of the kids who decided to stick it out. So I say,lets go Lions!

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As despicable as the Sandusky scandal was, you have to have a lot of respect for the players who decided to honor their commitment to the program and remain at PSU. Hard not to root for kids with that kind of character in the face of adversity. While I'm ashamed of the handling of the Sandusky molestations, I am proud of the kids who decided to stick it out. So I say,lets go Lions!


For me its too soon to separate any positive feelings I have about any student athletes who decided to honor their commitments even in the face of utter dishono by PSU from each other.


There simply is no penalty which strikes me as too large to punish PSU for what those in charge of this institution have both willfully done or at best when it comes to those in charge allowed to have happened.


Its quite sad that many student athletes and PSU supporters who had nothing to do with the horrendous acts are simply being harmed as PSU as an institution gets a punishment which it rightly deserves.


However, as saddened as I am by student-athletes and supporters who did no wrong getting harmed (and yes innocent parties from the folks who earned their nickels hawking gamebooks and souvenirs to the student-athletes and PSU rooters are being harmed in real and in some cases significant ways) this harm simply pales for me compared to the lost childhood and lives of the children the PSU infrastructure allowed to be sexually abused over years and years.


The PSU rooters, student-athletes and other innocent parties are victims in this case.


However, they are victims of Sandusky, Joe Pa, and the folks who were in charge of this situation.


I do not view them primarily (or much at all really) as victims of the NCAA, the new PSU folks who accepted these penalties or anyone else.


Even further, comparing the victimization of these people with the victimization of the kids raped by Sandusky (whose actions were at the very least allowed by those who had the responsibility not to allow them and really I think many are likely in fact guilty of criminal facilitation of Sandusky's sick actions) is not a good idea.


Its not a good idea because taking the road of compaing victimhood does not offer real solutions. It is particularly not a good idea for pro-PSU supporters because any comparison of the harm done to the not guilty of anything PSU supporters is really rendered small and meaningless when compared to the crimes against helpless children caused by Sandusky and facilitated by many in charge of PSU football.


My feelings of sorrow really do little good here, but I generally will reserve that sorrow first for for the abused kids and then devote it to the PSU rooters also victimized by the actions of Sandusky and the actions or inactions of Joe Pa, the PSU sports hiearchy, Sandusky's wife, etc.

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What exactly is ESPN/ABC gaining by putting every single Penn st game on national TV? There is zero reason for it.


Glad to see them lose again, if only to see those morons who continually defend Penn st suffer.

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No one's defending the institution. I'm upset that my tax dollars as a PA resident go to support an institution that allowed something like that to happen. But i AM proud of the kids who are showing the character to stick it out through an IMPOSSIBLE situation.

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No one's defending the institution. I'm upset that my tax dollars as a PA resident go to support an institution that allowed something like that to happen. But i AM proud of the kids who are showing the character to stick it out through an IMPOSSIBLE situation.


You're not defending the institution, but there are plenty of others who are defending joepa/pennst.

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Regardless of where you stand on this issue, you have to love the kids on the team, Bill O'Brien, and the fan base for sticking by this team. You have to love that Penn State has routinely been among the leaders in athletes graduation percentages. These kids are something special, and I am glad to be a part of it.


I spoke with one of the parents of a kid on the team the other day, and asked how he (the player) was doing. I wont name the player here, but it was clear he is hurting emotionally through all this. And its not because of the sanctions, or Joe Paterno's role in the scandal, its because of what Sue Paterno has had to go through. Think what you want about Joe Paterno, but Joe and Sue were like parents to these kids. Many are trying to show Sue Paterno the support she needs and deserves...and I think seeing what she is going through is taking a huge emotional toll on many members of the "Penn State family". Sue invested every bit of her entire life to make Penn State great and is watching it crumble down, and her now-deceased husband blamed (right or wrong). There is a very real human-emotional aspect to this that people often overlook. Despite what you may think Joe did...please keep SuePa in your prayers.


Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won't taste good. This team, as the teams of the past did, understands that.


We Are...

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This is still about the football team? And you wonder why suspending the program was needed?

People were responsible for this not Penn St. (an institution) They have all been removed. Those left behind are not guilty of anything, they are just there picking up the pieces. I don't care anything about PSU, I do care and feel terrible for the kids that had their lives ruined, and I do respect those that chose to stay and pick up the pieces.

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Regardless of where you stand on this issue, you have to love the kids on the team, Bill O'Brien, and the fan base for sticking by this team. You have to love that Penn State has routinely been among the leaders in athletes graduation percentages. These kids are something special, and I am glad to be a part of it.


I spoke with one of the parents of a kid on the team the other day, and asked how he (the player) was doing. I wont name the player here, but it was clear he is hurting emotionally through all this. And its not because of the sanctions, or Joe Paterno's role in the scandal, its because of what Sue Paterno has had to go through. Think what you want about Joe Paterno, but Joe and Sue were like parents to these kids. Many are trying to show Sue Paterno the support she needs and deserves...and I think seeing what she is going through is taking a huge emotional toll on many members of the "Penn State family". Sue invested every bit of her entire life to make Penn State great and is watching it crumble down, and her now-deceased husband blamed (right or wrong). There is a very real human-emotional aspect to this that people often overlook. Despite what you may think Joe did...please keep SuePa in your prayers.


Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won't taste good. This team, as the teams of the past did, understands that.


We Are...


I don't know man. Who honestly cares what Sue Paterno is going thru? She stood by a man for 50 years that covered up children being abused. If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem. As far as the kids from Penn State that decided to stick it out. Most of these kids that stayed because it was so late in the game they had no choice but to stay. You watch this offseason, you will have a ton of kids that have options leave that program. Penn State's time as being relevant in football is over. I would not be surprised in the near future that the Big 10 gets sick of them & kicks them out of the league. Penn State offers that league nothing right now except bad press & embarassment. The whole Penn St community should be ashamed.

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I don't know man. Who honestly cares what Sue Paterno is going thru? She stood by a man for 50 years that covered up children being abused. If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem. As far as the kids from Penn State that decided to stick it out. Most of these kids that stayed because it was so late in the game they had no choice but to stay. You watch this offseason, you will have a ton of kids that have options leave that program. Penn State's time as being relevant in football is over. I would not be surprised in the near future that the Big 10 gets sick of them & kicks them out of the league. Penn State offers that league nothing right now except bad press & embarassment. The whole Penn St community should be ashamed.


Get over yourself. What are you doing to be a part of the solution?


You may see some transfers this year, but it will mostly be guys who are not playing and think they should be. In fact that's part of the problem right now. Obrien is playing true freshman over JRs and SRs because they will be around for 4 years.


The players are still getting a world class education (for free!) and are playing in front of 100,000 fans every week on ESPN or ABC.


Oh and they have the 2nd best TE recruit in the country and the 3rd ranked QB recruit in the country as VERY FIRM commitments for next year. So they ain't just going away.

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Get over yourself. What are you doing to be a part of the solution?


You may see some transfers this year, but it will mostly be guys who are not playing and think they should be. In fact that's part of the problem right now. Obrien is playing true freshman over JRs and SRs because they will be around for 4 years.


The players are still getting a world class education (for free!) and are playing in front of 100,000 fans every week on ESPN or ABC.


Oh and they have the 2nd best TE recruit in the country and the 3rd ranked QB recruit in the country as VERY FIRM commitments for next year. So they ain't just going away.


And we're still talking about the football at Penn State. Bravo.

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Get over yourself. What are you doing to be a part of the solution?


You may see some transfers this year, but it will mostly be guys who are not playing and think they should be. In fact that's part of the problem right now. Obrien is playing true freshman over JRs and SRs because they will be around for 4 years.


The players are still getting a world class education (for free!) and are playing in front of 100,000 fans every week on ESPN or ABC.


Oh and they have the 2nd best TE recruit in the country and the 3rd ranked QB recruit in the country as VERY FIRM commitments for next year. So they ain't just going away.


Obrien is in way over his head. We will see how many fans show up if they continue to lose especially if they get beat by Navy this week. Penn St football was barely relevant before this all went down unless you consider going to & getting beat in such prestigious bowls as the Ticket City Bowl & the Outback Bowl. The kids have I believe until next summer to transfer without penalty. Any kid that is decent on that roster is going to look to high tale it out of Happy Valley this spring.

Edited by Gordio
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Obrien is in way over his head. We will see how many fans show up if they continue to lose especially if they get beat by Navy this week. Penn St football was barely relevant before this all went down unless you consider going to & getting beat in such prestigious bowls as the Ticket City Bowl & the Outback Bowl. The kids have I believe until next summer to transfer without penalty. Any kid that is decent on that roster is going to look to high tale it out of Happy Valley this spring.


We'll see. Quite frankly Paterno didn't leave a whole lot of talent on this team. In fact he should have retired 15 years ago. I do think obrien is the right guy. I really do. The fact that he has stayed out of this whole mess and had a top 10 recruiting class before the sanctions came down leads me to that conclusion. They outplayed virginia last weekend and deserved a win, but the kicker was awful. That's not obriens fault. They did play badly vs Ohio. But Ohio is a good team. I suspect they will go 11-0 this year (with a miserable schedule). They are this years Boise/TCU Mark it down.


Lots of time left. I suspect they will beat navy, indiana, northwestern and a couple others. 5-6 is a success to me. I'm proud of these guys and what they are doing for the community and they could go 1-10 and I would still support them.


Speaking of which. Since they expanded the stadium in 2001 they have never had less than 95000 fans at a game. That includes some pretty rough seasons between 2001 and 2004. The fans will show up. Even if only 80000 show up, its still enough to fill cowboys stadium and is more than michigan state, Arkansas, Missouri, and Virginia tech


And yes. I'm taking about football. On a football board. Spare me.

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