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Vacation Time!

Chef Jim

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ive got venison advice, dont eat that nasty ****...at least go shoot a cow and have some real meat you dirty hippy (to Kevin - not Chef Jim, I wouldnt dare tell him what he should do on his lame staycation)


Hey !@#$, I'm the !@#$ in this thread and there's only room for one !@#$.


Actually, it was a question for you, the great Chef Jim. So I guess I was looking for advice.


Thanks for the question but I don't answer no stinking cooking questions here without compensation. And beer is considered compensation.




Most intelligent post of the thread. Except mine of course.


Don't cook outside unless you have cleaned the brush out of the yard and have a defensible space. Its wildfire season and you're not too far from where the big Oakland Hills Fire was. If you're stuck in traffic on the way to the Caldecott Tunnel, look up on the hill. Notice there are no trees and all new houses. That's where it was. Can spot a few burn't trees left.


Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. I just spent $35k on my kitchen renovation, yeah I'll be cooking outside. :rolleyes:


Actually I am cooking outside one day but I'll be using the smoker so should be no worries on starting a fire with the BGE at 120


I just got back from a week on Cape Cod. Fantastic place to kick around on wide sandy beaches. The seafood there is fantastic! Fried clams (with the bellies) are beyond compare. Chef - you should take your lovely bride there on your next vacation. Wait... I didn't... :unsure: Oh No! :bag:


Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. Like I'm going to vacation with a bunch of chowderheads.


Seriously went there with some friends a couple of years ago and you're right the seafood was fantastic.

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Thanks for the question but I don't answer no stinking cooking questions here without compensation. And beer is considered compensation.


Well, if you ever come to the Two Bills Drive Annual Home Opener Tailgate (TBDAHOT), I'll buy you a beer and then you can answer if pickle juice would be a good marinade for venison.

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Well, if you ever come to the Two Bills Drive Annual Home Opener Tailgate (TBDAHOT), I'll buy you a beer and then you can answer if pickle juice would be a good marinade for venison.


Is this advice? I'm not sure. It sounds like advice but then again I just finished a 22 ouncer of Rampage IPA at 9% abv. You know first day of vacation and all


If it's not advice............I'm in!!!


So what counter top did you go with?


Not the one you suggested because your advice sucks. So we went with the Uba Tuba granite. It's our favorite and so fun to say.


i heard he got a laminate countertop. In fact, here's a picture....






Ya, post a pic of that $35,000 kitchen upgrade. I want to see what a chef cooks in at home.


Ii would if I knew how. All I can do is link to my FB pic of it.



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I hate to be rude, but that's 35K? Ever hear of Lowe's?


Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice and yeah I've !@#$ing heard of Lowes. And because I've heard of Lowe's we went with Home Depot. If I posted the before picture it might make some sense to you but then again seeing it's you, probably not.

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Is this advice? I'm not sure. It sounds like advice but then again I just finished a 22 ouncer of Rampage IPA at 9% abv. You know first day of vacation and all


If it's not advice............I'm in!!!


Nah, it's not advice, it's a promise. A beer in exchange for info on using pickle juice as a marinade. Do you like Bud or Coors?

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you can see the before pics if you just jump around his facebook page, the whole house album is there, including the house address...I will commence stalking this week....and I have no idea how much renovations/kitchen **** costs...but it seems Jim has done quite a bit of work...knocked out walls/cabinets, completely gutted old kitchen and put in new everything...still dont know how much that SHOULD cost though...I think the new kitchen looks awesome, so does my wife, pretty sure she orgasmed


I want to see pictures of the patio when its re-done Jim


when did you buy the house?

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Little touchy are we?


Touchy? No. Broke? !@#$ yeah.


you can see the before pics if you just jump around his facebook page, the whole house album is there, including the house address...I will commence stalking this week....and I have no idea how much renovations/kitchen **** costs...but it seems Jim has done quite a bit of work...knocked out walls/cabinets, completely gutted old kitchen and put in new everything...still dont know how much that SHOULD cost though...I think the new kitchen looks awesome, so does my wife, pretty sure she orgasmed


I want to see pictures of the patio when its re-done Jim


when did you buy the house?


I have a way of making other guy's wives orgasm. Chicks dig a guy who can cook.

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good, now answer my question ya dick


Oh sorry. Yes she said mine may be smaller but I sure know how to use it. That was your question wasn't it??


Well if you just installed a new kitchen have you broken it in with a little fun with your wife on the counter? :D


Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. I mean come on dude, I roll out fresh pasta dough on those counters.


Cool, did you do the work yourself



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