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Big Ben isn't as big of a scumbag as you thought


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And I'd bet it's a 99% chance this will be scheduled if it might interfere with the season. It would be a big surprise if he missed a game. At worst for the steelers it's 1/7 odds.


Btw- when'd he get married and knock a girl up? Did he meet her while suspended for his multiple rape accusations?


Atleast we know this was on the up and up, as her body didn't shut it down! (ziiing! Please don't turn political here, it was a simple big Ben is pro rape joke - something the left and right can agree on).

Edited by NoSaint
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Only a moron would expect someone to miss the birth of their child for a game or any kind.

I agree with you but still marvel at this. Being a professional athlete you'd think he could plan a little better than this and have the due date be anywhere from February through August and not have to worry about this at all. Then again nobody has accused Big Ben of being a genius.

Exactly. Thread title is pretty misleading.

What can I say I went to the yahoo/bleacher report school of how to generate views :bag::nana:

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So as long as you are present for the birth of your child, you get a pass on your past rapes?


Yeah, I'm with you on this. He still had a bodyguard block the entrance to a college bar bathroom while he had sex with an unwilling girl.

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