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OK, my last post got deleted

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Ok, Maybe my last post was out of hand, but this ENTIRE game can come down to that L-O-S-E-R.


All season his basckers used his kicking % to back him up... well guess what? He never got to kick past 40 yards because the coaches KNEW he couldn't handle the long kicks.


Then waht does he do? HE MISSES A CHIP SHOT.


20% of us here could have made that kick.


Listen, I know we lost by more than a FG... i get it, ok?


The point is - MOMENTUM.


He KILLED the momentum missing that kick.


THEN, to add insult to injury, he kicks on of THE WORST onside kicks in the history of football..


Lindell, get the !@#$ out of buffalo, you LOSER.


Yep. And take Loser Drew with him.

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