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Boston mayor goes after Mitt Romney at DNC


CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Boston Mayor Thomas Menino took on his former governor, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, in his speech to the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday.

"Mitt Romney may come from Boston, but his campaign's values aren't Boston values," Menino said. "Because in Boston, we know this country didn't become great by excluding folks and leaving each other on their own. In Boston you know what we call immigrants? Mom and Dad. You know what we call same sex couples? Our friends. Our brothers and sisters. And in Boston, we know government isn't the answer or the enemy. It's a partner."


Menino went on to call Romney "a decent guy" but accused him of "running away" from the state health care law that Romney championed as governor. Some of the provisions in that law went on to be included in President Barack Obama's federal health care law, which Romney has vowed to repeal if elected.


"I like Mitt Romney," Menino said. "But he's learned all the wrong lessons, and now he's doubling down on all the wrong plans."


Menino...this marble mouthed idiot? LOLOLOL



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When are you going to accept that many of the Republican policies suck and is NOT what all Americans want!



Since when did caring what Americans want matter? If that's the case Obama wouldn't have to use shady deals and kickbacks in a completely democrat controlled congress and senate to cram unpopular and unwantedlegislation down our throats.


I'm not even going to defend a blanket statement about all republican policies because I don't agree with them all.


But the fact of the matter remains that when the !@#$ is Obama going to claim ANY responsibility for this country, the economy, unemployment, the debt and his failed policies.


Clearly he is still in the mindset of just vote "present" that way no one can hold your record against you. Just blame everyone else to shirk all responsibility.


Yes we can!


Hope and change!

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I don't know if you saw the speech, but his delivery is absolutely !@#$ing gash. Put that same speech on Obama's TelePrompTer & it might well have been effective, but this guy bombed. When it comes to public speech reading this guy's a poor man's Obama in the same way that Johnny White is a poor man's Thurman Thomas.

Oops. I was confusing this guy with the gov of MA. This Menino guy was considerably better. Nothing special, but he actually sounded like a regular guy giving a speech rather than a contestant on America's Next Top TelePrompTer Speech Reader.

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Thanks for posting that. I missed his speech yesterday. I thought he did a great job considering less than 48 hours ago he was harassed by an airline that wouldn't let him sit in FIrst Class.


He rebounded really well.


Theres a plak.....it says "Paul Revere started a ride."


!@#$ing moron.

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Of course, its all about the "O"


but here's the rest of the lineup........................no upstaging Barack tonight.


8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.:

• Caroline Kennedy, Author and Attorney

• Rep. Xavier Becerra (Calif.)

• Former Mich. Gov. Jennifer Granholm

• Gov. Brian Schweitzer (Mont.)

• Former Fla. Gov. Charlie Crist, Jr.

• Rep. John Kerry (Mass.)


9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.:

• Video: Veterans

• Admiral John B. Nathman, United States Navy, Retired

• Angie Flores

• Dr. Jill Biden

• Vice President Joe Biden Video

• Vice President Joe Biden


10:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.:

• Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill.)

• President Barack Obama Video

• President Barack Obama

• Celebration

• Benediction, Timothy Dolan

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Of course, its all about the "O"


but here's the rest of the lineup........................no upstaging Barack tonight.


8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.:

• Caroline Kennedy, Author and Attorney

• Rep. Xavier Becerra (Calif.)

• Former Mich. Gov. Jennifer Granholm

• Gov. Brian Schweitzer (Mont.)

• Former Fla. Gov. Charlie Crist, Jr.

• Rep. John Kerry (Mass.)


9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.:

• Video: Veterans

• Admiral John B. Nathman, United States Navy, Retired

• Angie Flores

• Dr. Jill Biden

• Vice President Joe Biden Video

• Vice President Joe Biden


10:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.:

• Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill.)

• President Barack Obama Video

• President Barack Obama

• Celebration

• Benediction, Timothy Dolan





Kerry only plans on being there.

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