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In that emboldened portion I mean to merely refer to coming out of convention. It will be stupid ads that lie and debates where nobody answers the question and there aren't follow-ups. And all that will be for about 5% swing in about 5 states...and then we'll have a president.

And that bounce will last what, a week tops, maybe only through the weekend?


Starting out with the unshakable CA electoral votes gives the President a huge initial advantage, and that combined with the locked in NE may be enough for the President to win the election picking up a few states here and there. But barring a seriously major event occurring in October, there is no way the people that want 4 more years will be more energized than those that have had enough in November. The President's quest currently is to try to drive the energy level on the right down to the left's energy level. I truly don't see President Clinton's speech energizing the party faithful because at the end of the day, President Obama energizes people relative to President Clinton like President HW Bush energized people relative to President Reagan and as much as they might want to tell themselves they're voting for a 3rd Bubba term, they're still going to read the current guy's name on all the posters before they even get to the polling station.

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Clinton debunks Romney's entire campaign in 45 minutes.


Best line "we left him a total mess, he hasn't finished cleaning it up, so fire him and put us back in."


When is it Obamas mess then? Will he ever accept responsibility for his actions? He's in his 4th year and 2 full years he had absolute control to do anything he wanted a public caught up in obamamania and a media that protected him.


When the !@#$ is he going to accept responsibility that he and his policies suck.

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My opinion of Obama is very different than yours.


That said...Clinton (as opposed to Obama) energizes me in similar proportions to HW v. Reagan for the right. It's not the same for the other portions of the party which is at this point a coalition much more so than the Repubs have built. And IMO, despite the fact that I would vote Bill over Obama...I'm not touching what is going on w/ Romney/Ryan and neither are any other Bill fans.


In any event I'm not here to comment as I would in the "who will win the election thread" merely to say it was a great night for us "Libs" and I'm enjoying it. Loved the speech.


When is it Obamas mess then? Will he ever accept responsibility for his actions? He's in his 4th year and 2 full years he had absolute control to do anything he wanted a public caught up in obamamania and a media that protected him.


When the !@#$ is he going to accept responsibility that he and his policies suck.


In the words of another president "there you go again" .... hehe

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BTW if my favorite line: "the old economy isn't coming back"


There are philosophical differences between the leadership in both parties but both need to understand this point. To compete in the 21st century you need a plan for the 21st century and awareness of the rapidly rising state global competitiveness, the role public leadership plays in some of our key competitor nations, and how we need to position ourselves and what role our government (yes "government") has in this whole thing. To me, I see no evidence the anti-government policies of the GOP will lead us where we need to go. If you have a different view acknowledging all these things, that is well thought out...that's why I like coming here. If you are hate Obama and the Dems b/c of propaganda and mistruths about the recovery act, and the ACA (which admittedly I support much less that the recovery act), and the Dem platform...then you are in the words of our great scholar DC Tom...and idiot.

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Clinton laid out everything Obama has achieved and spelled out how the GOP is a) full of schitt, b) left this burning bag of dogschitt we call an economy for Obama to clean up, and c) Romney/Ryan are going to do a U-turn right back to Dubyah's world. Brilliant speech, masterfully delivered.




Well said PTR!

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And you're an idiot


I knew we could agree on something.


Clinton debunks Romney's entire campaign in 45 minutes.


Best line "we left him a total mess, he hasn't finished cleaning it up, so fire him and put us back in."


The thing that the Dems keep doing, any way they can, is to link Romney to Bush and say, "Do you really want more of that?" since the Romney campaign tap dances around Bush's legacy, it's damaging. Bush hurt the party tremendously. The RNC speakers kept saying "It doesn't matter how we got here" instead of pointing out the Dems contribution to "how we got here" and admitting failures in their own leadership.


Unsurprisingly, Clinton is the best speaker yet and will be the best of either convention. Didn't agree with him, but it's hard to beat an ex president. The Reps couldn't do roll their guy out--they gave Dubya the Carter treatment (left him on video) and I'm guessing HW isn't up for addressing a convention hall.


Short on specifics, long on effectiveness is my guess on how Clinton's speech will go down.

Edited by John Adams
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Clinton laid out everything Obama has achieved and spelled out how the GOP is a) full of schitt, b) left this burning bag of dogschitt we call an economy for Obama to clean up, and c) Romney/Ryan are going to do a U-turn right back to Dubyah's world. Brilliant speech, masterfully delivered.




It amazes me how the lie of who caused the financial crisis continues in a country and a time with almost unlimited access to information at the press of a button. The democrats have so pulled the wool over everybody's eyes that even the "radical conservative" Fox News doesn't bother to try call them out on this lie anymore. They've so won the debate that even the guy who put the program on steroids has the balls to blame the republicans for the financial disaster he created! I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I'm sorry, but maybe you didn't know this?...







I'm thinking that the Romney campaign will be having a whole lot of ads featuring Mr. Bill. I'm hoping that the repubs were just holding their fire till after the conventions. They could make an awesome ad right now using Clintons speech last night and the facts. If word ever got out on the true cause of the disaster and that he himself had a hand in it working with Acorn's landmark court case, Obama would literally have no shot to win the election.

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You libs might want to record that Clinton speech. That way, when your kids ask why you cheered on the collapse of the country you left to them you can show them the excuses that blew you away.


And I mean as little offense as possible by this, but it's a little pathetic for a man to get seduced by empty rhetoric like this.

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It amazes me how the lie of who caused the financial crisis continues in a country and a time with almost unlimited access to information at the press of a button. The democrats have so pulled the wool over everybody's eyes that even the "radical conservative" Fox News doesn't bother to try call them out on this lie anymore. They've so won the debate that even the guy who put the program on steroids has the balls to blame the republicans for the financial disaster he created! I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I'm sorry, but maybe you didn't know this?...







I'm thinking that the Romney campaign will be having a whole lot of ads featuring Mr. Bill. I'm hoping that the repubs were just holding their fire till after the conventions. They could make an awesome ad right now using Clintons speech last night and the facts. If word ever got out on the true cause of the disaster and that he himself had a hand in it working with Acorn's landmark court case, Obama would literally have no shot to win the election.

Yes there multiple causes, biggest IMO was rating agencies which had nothing to do with bush.

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Did Bill Clinton Save Obama?


By Jonathan Tobin


The anticipation for Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention was so great that it’s not clear what he could have done to exceed those high expectations. His 50-minute oration was classic Clinton, cajoling, seducing, lecturing and attacking. The Democrats in the hall loved every second of it even if television networks and many of their viewers may have switched off long before he finally concluded. Nor is there any doubt most of the media will also applaud it. But those who somehow expected Clinton to magically rescue Barack Obama’s re-election campaign with this one speech may ultimately be disappointed.


What Clinton did do was deliver a full-throated defense of President Obama’s failures and an equally strong dissection of his Republican opponents even if his detailed takedowns of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan may not survive fair fact checking. Though much of what he said was more spin than reality as well as being a laundry list of liberal talking points, these were effective arguments.


But what he did not and perhaps could not do was make a case for what a second Obama administration would do. Nor, despite his attempt to use the example of his own success in turning around an economy to show that Obama might do the same, did he bridge the gap between his own move to the center and his successor’s consistent lurch to the left. More than that, it’s not clear that Clinton’s looking into the camera and telling us he believed in what he said with “all his heart” will have the least effect on the electorate.

Edited by B-Man
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Boston mayor goes after Mitt Romney at DNC


CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Boston Mayor Thomas Menino took on his former governor, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, in his speech to the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday.

"Mitt Romney may come from Boston, but his campaign's values aren't Boston values," Menino said. "Because in Boston, we know this country didn't become great by excluding folks and leaving each other on their own. In Boston you know what we call immigrants? Mom and Dad. You know what we call same sex couples? Our friends. Our brothers and sisters. And in Boston, we know government isn't the answer or the enemy. It's a partner."


Menino went on to call Romney "a decent guy" but accused him of "running away" from the state health care law that Romney championed as governor. Some of the provisions in that law went on to be included in President Barack Obama's federal health care law, which Romney has vowed to repeal if elected.


"I like Mitt Romney," Menino said. "But he's learned all the wrong lessons, and now he's doubling down on all the wrong plans."

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Boston mayor goes after Mitt Romney at DNC


CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Boston Mayor Thomas Menino took on his former governor, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, in his speech to the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday.

"Mitt Romney may come from Boston, but his campaign's values aren't Boston values," Menino said. "Because in Boston, we know this country didn't become great by excluding folks and leaving each other on their own. In Boston you know what we call immigrants? Mom and Dad. You know what we call same sex couples? Our friends. Our brothers and sisters. And in Boston, we know government isn't the answer or the enemy. It's a partner."


Menino went on to call Romney "a decent guy" but accused him of "running away" from the state health care law that Romney championed as governor. Some of the provisions in that law went on to be included in President Barack Obama's federal health care law, which Romney has vowed to repeal if elected.


"I like Mitt Romney," Menino said. "But he's learned all the wrong lessons, and now he's doubling down on all the wrong plans."

I don't know if you saw the speech, but his delivery is absolutely !@#$ing gash. Put that same speech on Obama's TelePrompTer & it might well have been effective, but this guy bombed. When it comes to public speech reading this guy's a poor man's Obama in the same way that Johnny White is a poor man's Thurman Thomas.

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Over and over again the Democrats spout, to paraphrase De Tocqueville, clear-but-false ideas. The overarching one of the whole convention: Government is the only thing we all belong to. Such bogus appeals to unity and community as a justification for activist government drive me batty.


That’s what Elizabeth Warren’s speech was all about and countless other lesser luminaries as well. Here’s Bill Clinton’s soundbite of the night: “You see, we believe that ‘We’re all in this together’ is a far better philosophy than ‘You’re on your own.’”


According to this, and countless other formulations, the choice is binary. Large, ambitious, government action or dystopian anarchy. It’s as if the only thing keeping us from raping and pillaging defenseless widows is the government. This, to borrow one of Clinton’s favorite phrases, is a nakedly false choice.


Despite all of the b.s. we hear about the Randian captivity of the GOP, no Republican makes anything like that argument. What is it about liberals that makes them think all that stands between them and total Road Warrior–style anarchy is a bloated, inefficient, government in Washington?




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when the !@#$ is he going to accept responsibility that he and his policies suck

When are you going to accept that many of the Republican policies suck and is NOT what all Americans want!


I don't know if you saw the speech, but his delivery is absolutely !@#$ing gash

a gash? Any worse than a crazy old man talking to an empty chair and expecting a response

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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